Buttondown MCP Server

by The-Focus-AI
# Cursor Memories and Preferences This file stores important memories and preferences that should be remembered across sessions. It is automatically updated whenever the user says "remember" something. ## Structure Each memory or preference is stored with: - Date added - Category - Content - Context (if relevant) ## Memories ### Project-Specific - [No memories yet] ### User Preferences - Date: 2024-03-26 Category: Package Manager Content: Always use pnpm as the package manager Context: This is the preferred package manager for all Node.js projects ### Technical Decisions - Date: 2024-03-26 Category: API Development Content: When building an API, always directly hit the API and store the results in a directory, and then build the types based upon the results Context: This approach ensures type definitions are based on actual API responses rather than theoretical structures ### Workflow Patterns - [No patterns yet] ## How to Use When the user says "remember" something: 1. Add the new memory/preference to the appropriate section 2. Include the date it was added 3. Add any relevant context 4. Format it clearly for future reference ## Last Updated 2024-03-26