Coolify MCP Server

by StuMason
import { McpServer } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js'; import { Transport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/shared/transport.js'; import { CoolifyClient } from './coolify-client.js'; import debug from 'debug'; import { z } from 'zod'; import type { ServerInfo, ServerResources, ServerDomain, ValidationResponse, Project, CreateProjectRequest, UpdateProjectRequest, Environment, Deployment, Database, DatabaseUpdateRequest, Service, CreateServiceRequest, DeleteServiceOptions, } from '../types/coolify.js'; const log = debug('coolify:mcp'); // Define valid service types const serviceTypes = [ 'activepieces', 'appsmith', 'appwrite', 'authentik', 'babybuddy', 'budge', 'changedetection', 'chatwoot', 'classicpress-with-mariadb', 'classicpress-with-mysql', 'classicpress-without-database', 'cloudflared', 'code-server', 'dashboard', 'directus', 'directus-with-postgresql', 'docker-registry', 'docuseal', 'docuseal-with-postgres', 'dokuwiki', 'duplicati', 'emby', 'embystat', 'fider', 'filebrowser', 'firefly', 'formbricks', 'ghost', 'gitea', 'gitea-with-mariadb', 'gitea-with-mysql', 'gitea-with-postgresql', 'glance', 'glances', 'glitchtip', 'grafana', 'grafana-with-postgresql', 'grocy', 'heimdall', 'homepage', 'jellyfin', 'kuzzle', 'listmonk', 'logto', 'mediawiki', 'meilisearch', 'metabase', 'metube', 'minio', 'moodle', 'n8n', 'n8n-with-postgresql', 'next-image-transformation', 'nextcloud', 'nocodb', 'odoo', 'openblocks', 'pairdrop', 'penpot', 'phpmyadmin', 'pocketbase', 'posthog', 'reactive-resume', 'rocketchat', 'shlink', 'slash', 'snapdrop', 'statusnook', 'stirling-pdf', 'supabase', 'syncthing', 'tolgee', 'trigger', 'trigger-with-external-database', 'twenty', 'umami', 'unleash-with-postgresql', 'unleash-without-database', 'uptime-kuma', 'vaultwarden', 'vikunja', 'weblate', 'whoogle', 'wordpress-with-mariadb', 'wordpress-with-mysql', 'wordpress-without-database' ] as const; export class CoolifyMcpServer extends McpServer { private client: CoolifyClient; constructor(config: { baseUrl: string; accessToken: string }) { super({ name: 'coolify', version: '0.1.18' }); log('Initializing server with config: %o', config); this.client = new CoolifyClient(config); } async initialize(): Promise<void> { // Register capabilities first await this.server.registerCapabilities({ tools: {} }); // Then register all tools this.tool('list_servers', 'List all Coolify servers', {}, async () => { const servers = await this.client.listServers(); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(servers, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('get_server', 'Get details about a specific Coolify server', { uuid: z.string().describe('UUID of the server to get details for') }, async (args) => { const server = await this.client.getServer(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(server, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('get_server_resources', 'Get the current resources running on a specific Coolify server', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const resources = await this.client.getServerResources(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(resources, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('get_server_domains', 'Get domains for a specific Coolify server', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const domains = await this.client.getServerDomains(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(domains, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('validate_server', 'Validate a specific Coolify server', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const validation = await this.client.validateServer(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(validation, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('list_projects', 'List all Coolify projects', {}, async (_args, _extra) => { const projects = await this.client.listProjects(); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(projects, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('get_project', 'Get details about a specific Coolify project', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const project = await this.client.getProject(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(project, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('create_project', 'Create a new Coolify project', { name: z.string(), description: z.string().optional() }, async (args, _extra) => { const result = await this.client.createProject({ name:, description: args.description }); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('update_project', 'Update an existing Coolify project', { uuid: z.string(), name: z.string(), description: z.string().optional() }, async (args, _extra) => { const { uuid, ...updateData } = args; const result = await this.client.updateProject(uuid, updateData); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('delete_project', 'Delete a Coolify project', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const result = await this.client.deleteProject(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('get_project_environment', 'Get environment details for a Coolify project', { project_uuid: z.string(), environment_name_or_uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const environment = await this.client.getProjectEnvironment(args.project_uuid, args.environment_name_or_uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(environment, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('list_databases', 'List all Coolify databases', {}, async (_args, _extra) => { const databases = await this.client.listDatabases(); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(databases, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('get_database', 'Get details about a specific Coolify database', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const database = await this.client.getDatabase(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(database, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('update_database', 'Update a Coolify database', { uuid: z.string(), data: z.record(z.unknown()) }, async (args, _extra) => { const result = await this.client.updateDatabase(args.uuid,; return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); const deleteOptionsSchema = { deleteConfigurations: z.boolean().optional(), deleteVolumes: z.boolean().optional(), dockerCleanup: z.boolean().optional(), deleteConnectedNetworks: z.boolean().optional() }; this.tool('delete_database', 'Delete a Coolify database', { uuid: z.string(), options: z.object(deleteOptionsSchema).optional() }, async (args, _extra) => { const result = await this.client.deleteDatabase(args.uuid, args.options); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('deploy_application', 'Deploy a Coolify application', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const result = await this.client.deployApplication(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('list_services', 'List all Coolify services', {}, async (_args, _extra) => { const services = await this.client.listServices(); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(services, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('get_service', 'Get details about a specific Coolify service', { uuid: z.string() }, async (args, _extra) => { const service = await this.client.getService(args.uuid); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(service, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('create_service', 'Create a new Coolify service', { type: z.enum(serviceTypes), project_uuid: z.string(), server_uuid: z.string(), name: z.string().optional(), description: z.string().optional(), environment_name: z.string().optional(), environment_uuid: z.string().optional(), destination_uuid: z.string().optional(), instant_deploy: z.boolean().optional() }, async (args, _extra) => { const result = await this.client.createService(args); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); this.tool('delete_service', 'Delete a Coolify service', { uuid: z.string(), options: z.object(deleteOptionsSchema).optional() }, async (args, _extra) => { const result = await this.client.deleteService(args.uuid, args.options); return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) }] }; }); } async connect(transport: Transport): Promise<void> { log('Starting server...'); log('Validating connection...'); await this.client.validateConnection(); await this.initialize(); await super.connect(transport); log('Server started successfully'); } async list_servers(): Promise<ServerInfo[]> { return this.client.listServers(); } async get_server(uuid: string): Promise<ServerInfo> { return this.client.getServer(uuid); } async get_server_resources(uuid: string): Promise<ServerResources> { return this.client.getServerResources(uuid); } async get_server_domains(uuid: string): Promise<ServerDomain[]> { return this.client.getServerDomains(uuid); } async validate_server(uuid: string): Promise<ValidationResponse> { return this.client.validateServer(uuid); } async list_projects(): Promise<Project[]> { return this.client.listProjects(); } async get_project(uuid: string): Promise<Project> { return this.client.getProject(uuid); } async create_project(project: CreateProjectRequest): Promise<{ uuid: string }> { return this.client.createProject(project); } async update_project(uuid: string, project: UpdateProjectRequest): Promise<Project> { return this.client.updateProject(uuid, project); } async delete_project(uuid: string): Promise<{ message: string }> { return this.client.deleteProject(uuid); } async get_project_environment( projectUuid: string, environmentNameOrUuid: string, ): Promise<Environment> { return this.client.getProjectEnvironment(projectUuid, environmentNameOrUuid); } async deploy_application(params: { uuid: string }): Promise<Deployment> { return this.client.deployApplication(params.uuid); } async list_databases(): Promise<Database[]> { return this.client.listDatabases(); } async get_database(uuid: string): Promise<Database> { return this.client.getDatabase(uuid); } async update_database(uuid: string, data: DatabaseUpdateRequest): Promise<Database> { return this.client.updateDatabase(uuid, data); } async delete_database( uuid: string, options?: { deleteConfigurations?: boolean; deleteVolumes?: boolean; dockerCleanup?: boolean; deleteConnectedNetworks?: boolean; }, ): Promise<{ message: string }> { return this.client.deleteDatabase(uuid, options); } async list_services(): Promise<Service[]> { return this.client.listServices(); } async get_service(uuid: string): Promise<Service> { return this.client.getService(uuid); } async create_service(data: CreateServiceRequest): Promise<{ uuid: string; domains: string[] }> { return this.client.createService(data); } async delete_service(uuid: string, options?: DeleteServiceOptions): Promise<{ message: string }> { return this.client.deleteService(uuid, options); } }