Autumn MCP Server

by SirTenzin

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

Autumn MCP Server

This is an unofficial MCP server for Autumn. It provides an easy interface to access the Autumn pricing API to manage your customers.


  • Creating customers
  • Getting customers by ID
  • Getting a customers entitlements
  • Managing their invoices
  • Generate a billing portal link for them


API Reference

The MCP server has access to the OpenAPI.json specification for Autumn's API, which includes the following:

  • /attach
  • /entitled
  • /events
  • /customers
  • /customers/:id
  • /customers/:id/billing_portal


  • AI Builder Prompt (Lovable,, v0 etc...)

Installation and Usage

Installing automatically via Smithery

To install Autumn MCP Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @SirTenzin/autumn-mcp-server --client claude

It also works for: Cursor, Windsurf, Witsy, Enconvo, Goose and SpinAI.

Manual without Smithery

Its much easier to visit the above Smithery link and just copy the correct command, but if you are more daring, here's the manual steps:

  • Claude:
  1. git clone this repo
  2. Run bun install in the folder to install dependencies
  3. Copy the absolute path to "index.ts"
  4. Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json or equivalent to your AI app:
{ "mcpServers": { // ... "autumn": { "command": "bun", "args": [ "run", "{YOUR ABSOLUTE PATH TO index.ts}", "--apiKey=\"{YOUR API KEY}\"" ] } } }
  • Any other app:

If you want to run manually, you must have Bun installed to run this MCP server. Here's the command for other apps that support commands instead:

bun run {absolute path to index.ts} --apiKey="{your api key}"

You may use either your public or secret key, but some features may not be accessible using the public key.


security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

An unofficial MCP server that provides an interface to access the Autumn pricing API for managing customers, entitlements, invoices, and generating billing portal links.

  1. Tools
    1. Resources
      1. API Reference
    2. Prompts
      1. Installation and Usage
        1. Installing automatically via Smithery
        2. Manual without Smithery
        3. Showcase: