Git MCP Server

import { logger } from '../utils/logger.js'; import { PerformanceMonitor } from '../monitoring/performance.js'; /** * Cache entry with metadata */ interface CacheEntry<T> { value: T; timestamp: number; ttl: number; hits: number; lastAccess: number; } /** * Cache configuration */ interface CacheConfig { defaultTTL: number; // Default time-to-live in milliseconds maxSize: number; // Maximum number of entries cleanupInterval: number; // Cleanup interval in milliseconds } /** * Default cache configuration */ const DEFAULT_CONFIG: CacheConfig = { defaultTTL: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes maxSize: 1000, // 1000 entries cleanupInterval: 60 * 1000 // 1 minute }; /** * Generic cache implementation with performance monitoring */ export class Cache<T> { private entries: Map<string, CacheEntry<T>> = new Map(); private config: CacheConfig; private performanceMonitor: PerformanceMonitor; private readonly cacheType: string; constructor(cacheType: string, config: Partial<CacheConfig> = {}) { this.config = { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG, ...config }; this.cacheType = cacheType; this.performanceMonitor = PerformanceMonitor.getInstance(); this.startCleanup(); } /** * Set a cache entry */ set(key: string, value: T, ttl: number = this.config.defaultTTL): void { // Check cache size limit if (this.entries.size >= this.config.maxSize) { this.evictOldest(); } this.entries.set(key, { value, timestamp:, ttl, hits: 0, lastAccess: }); logger.debug( 'cache', `Set cache entry: ${key}`, undefined, { cacheType: this.cacheType } ); } /** * Get a cache entry */ get(key: string): T | undefined { const entry = this.entries.get(key); if (!entry) { this.performanceMonitor.recordCacheAccess(false, this.cacheType); return undefined; } // Check if entry is expired if (this.isExpired(entry)) { this.entries.delete(key); this.performanceMonitor.recordCacheAccess(false, this.cacheType); return undefined; } // Update entry metadata entry.hits++; entry.lastAccess =; this.performanceMonitor.recordCacheAccess(true, this.cacheType); logger.debug( 'cache', `Cache hit: ${key}`, undefined, { cacheType: this.cacheType, hits: entry.hits } ); return entry.value; } /** * Delete a cache entry */ delete(key: string): void { this.entries.delete(key); logger.debug( 'cache', `Deleted cache entry: ${key}`, undefined, { cacheType: this.cacheType } ); } /** * Clear all cache entries */ clear(): void { this.entries.clear(); 'cache', 'Cleared cache', undefined, { cacheType: this.cacheType } ); } /** * Get cache statistics */ getStats(): Record<string, any> { const now =; let totalHits = 0; let totalSize = 0; let oldestTimestamp = now; let newestTimestamp = 0; this.entries.forEach(entry => { totalHits += entry.hits; totalSize++; oldestTimestamp = Math.min(oldestTimestamp, entry.timestamp); newestTimestamp = Math.max(newestTimestamp, entry.timestamp); }); return { size: totalSize, maxSize: this.config.maxSize, totalHits, oldestEntry: oldestTimestamp === now ? null : oldestTimestamp, newestEntry: newestTimestamp === 0 ? null : newestTimestamp, hitRate: this.performanceMonitor.getCacheHitRate(this.cacheType) }; } /** * Check if a cache entry exists and is valid */ has(key: string): boolean { const entry = this.entries.get(key); if (!entry) return false; if (this.isExpired(entry)) { this.entries.delete(key); return false; } return true; } /** * Update cache configuration */ updateConfig(config: Partial<CacheConfig>): void { this.config = { ...this.config, ...config }; 'cache', 'Updated cache configuration', undefined, { cacheType: this.cacheType, config: this.config } ); } /** * Get current configuration */ getConfig(): CacheConfig { return { ...this.config }; } /** * Check if a cache entry is expired */ private isExpired(entry: CacheEntry<T>): boolean { return - entry.timestamp > entry.ttl; } /** * Evict the least recently used entry */ private evictOldest(): void { let oldestKey: string | undefined; let oldestAccess =; this.entries.forEach((entry, key) => { if (entry.lastAccess < oldestAccess) { oldestAccess = entry.lastAccess; oldestKey = key; } }); if (oldestKey) { this.entries.delete(oldestKey); logger.debug( 'cache', `Evicted oldest entry: ${oldestKey}`, undefined, { cacheType: this.cacheType } ); } } /** * Start periodic cache cleanup */ private startCleanup(): void { setInterval(() => { const now =; let expiredCount = 0; this.entries.forEach((entry, key) => { if (now - entry.timestamp > entry.ttl) { this.entries.delete(key); expiredCount++; } }); if (expiredCount > 0) { logger.debug( 'cache', `Cleaned up ${expiredCount} expired entries`, undefined, { cacheType: this.cacheType } ); } }, this.config.cleanupInterval); } } /** * Repository state cache */ export class RepositoryStateCache extends Cache<any> { constructor() { super('repository_state', { defaultTTL: 30 * 1000, // 30 seconds maxSize: 100 // 100 entries }); } } /** * Command result cache */ export class CommandResultCache extends Cache<any> { constructor() { super('command_result', { defaultTTL: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 minutes maxSize: 500 // 500 entries }); } /** * Generate cache key for a command */ static generateKey(command: string, workingDir?: string): string { return `${workingDir || ''}:${command}`; } }