Scrapybara MCP

import { z } from "zod"; export const CancellationNotificationSchema = z.object({ method: z.literal("notifications/cancelled"), params: z.object({ requestId: z.string(), }), }); export const StartInstanceSchema = z.object({}); export const GetInstancesSchema = z.object({}); export const StopInstanceSchema = z.object({ instance_id: z.string().describe("The ID of the instance to stop."), }); export const BashSchema = z.object({ instance_id: z .string() .describe("The ID of the instance to run the command on."), command: z.string().describe("The command to run in the instance shell."), }); export const ActSchema = z.object({ instance_id: z.string().describe("The ID of the instance to act on."), prompt: z.string().describe(`The prompt to act on. <EXAMPLES> - Go to, set batch filter to W25, and extract all company names. - Find the best way to contact Scrapybara. - Order a Big Mac from McDonald's on Doordash. </EXAMPLES> `), schema: z .any() .optional() .describe("Optional schema if you want to extract structured output."), });