Notion MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Allows searching across a Notion workspace, retrieving/creating/updating pages, creating/querying/updating databases, and managing database entries with custom properties.

Notion MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol server for Notion integration, allowing Claude and other LLMs to interact with your Notion workspace.


  • Search Notion: Search across your entire Notion workspace
  • Get Page: Retrieve content from a specific Notion page
  • Create Page: Create new pages in your Notion workspace
  • Update Page: Update existing pages with new content or titles
  • Create Database: Create new databases with custom properties
  • Query Database: Query databases with filters and sorting
  • Update Database Entry: Update properties of database entries
  • Create Database Row: Add new rows to existing databases with custom properties


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies
    npm install
  3. Configure your Notion API key
    • Create an integration in the Notion Developers portal
    • Copy your API key
    • You can either:
      • Edit the .env file and replace your_notion_api_key_here with your actual API key, or
      • Pass it directly in the Claude for Desktop configuration (recommended, see below)
  4. Build the server
    npm run build
  5. Running the server
    npm start

Setting up with Claude for Desktop

  1. Install Claude for Desktop (if not already installed)
  2. Open your Claude for Desktop App configuration:
    • On macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • Create the file if it doesn't exist
  3. Add the Notion server to your configuration:
    { "mcpServers": { "notion": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/Users/shaheerahmad/Documents/notion-mcp-server/dist/index.js", "--notion-api-key=YOUR_ACTUAL_API_KEY_HERE" ] } } }
    • /Users/shaheerahmad/Documents/notion-mcp-server with the full path to your project directory
    • YOUR_ACTUAL_API_KEY_HERE with your actual Notion API key
  4. Restart Claude for Desktop

Using the Server

Once connected to Claude for Desktop, you can use the server by asking Claude questions like:

  • "Search for meeting notes in my Notion workspace"
  • "Get the content of my project planning page" (you'll need the page ID)
  • "Create a new page in Notion with a list of tasks"
  • "Update my Notion page with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97 with content 'Here is some new content to add to the page.'"
  • "Create a new database in my Notion page with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97"
  • "Query my Notion database with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97 for items with status 'Completed'"

Claude will automatically use the appropriate tools based on your request.

Tool Usage Examples

Search Notion

Search for "meeting notes" in my Notion workspace

Get Page Content

Get the content of my Notion page with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97

Create a New Page

Create a new page in Notion with title "Weekly Report" and content "This week we accomplished the following tasks..."

Update an Existing Page

Update my Notion page with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97 with content "Adding this new information to the page."

You can also update the title:

Update my Notion page with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97 with title "New Title" and content "New content to add."

Create a New Database

Create a new database in my Notion page with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97 with title "Task Tracker" and properties { "Task Name": { "title": {} }, "Status": { "select": { "options": [ { "name": "Not Started", "color": "red" }, { "name": "In Progress", "color": "yellow" }, { "name": "Completed", "color": "green" } ] } }, "Priority": { "select": { "options": [ { "name": "Low", "color": "blue" }, { "name": "Medium", "color": "yellow" }, { "name": "High", "color": "red" } ] } }, "Due Date": { "date": {} } }

Query a Database

Query my Notion database with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97 with filter { "property": "Status", "select": { "equals": "Completed" } }

You can also add sorting:

Query my Notion database with ID 1aaada269d1b8003adceda69cf7bcd97 with sort { "property": "Due Date", "direction": "ascending" }

Update Database Entry

Update properties of an existing database entry (page within a database).

{ "tool_name": "update-database-entry", "tool_params": { "pageId": "page_id_of_database_entry", "properties": { "Status": { "select": { "name": "Completed" } }, "Priority": { "select": { "name": "High" } }, "Due Date": { "date": { "start": "2023-12-31" } } } } }

The properties parameter should match the structure expected by the Notion API for the specific property types in your database. Different property types (text, select, date, etc.) require different formats.

Create Database Row

Add a new row to an existing database with custom properties.

{ "tool_name": "create-database-row", "tool_params": { "databaseId": "your_database_id_here", "properties": { "Name": { "title": [ { "text": { "content": "New Task" } } ] }, "Status": { "select": { "name": "Not Started" } }, "Priority": { "select": { "name": "Medium" } }, "Due Date": { "date": { "start": "2023-12-15" } }, "Notes": { "rich_text": [ { "text": { "content": "This is a new task created via the API" } } ] } } } }

The properties parameter must include all required properties for the database and follow the Notion API structure for each property type.


  • If tools aren't showing up, check the Claude for Desktop logs:
    tail -n 20 -f ~/Library/Logs/Claude/mcp*.log
  • Make sure your Notion API key is correctly set and that your integration has been granted access to the pages you want to interact with.
  • If you see "Unexpected token" errors in the logs, it's likely that console.log statements are interfering with the MCP protocol. This version of the server has been updated to avoid those issues.

Future Improvements

  • Add database query capabilities
  • Implement better content formatting
  • Add support for more block types
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that enables Claude and other LLMs to interact with Notion workspaces, providing capabilities like searching, retrieving, creating and updating pages, as well as managing databases.

  1. Features
    1. Setup
      1. Setting up with Claude for Desktop
        1. Using the Server
          1. Tool Usage Examples
        2. Troubleshooting
          1. Future Improvements