
by RyanCardin15

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • The server provides tools for interacting with Git repositories in Azure DevOps, including listing repositories, branches, commits, creating pull requests, and more.

  • Node.js is listed as a prerequisite for running the server, but it's not what the server integrates with.

  • The MCP server is built with TypeScript, but it doesn't integrate with TypeScript as a service.

Azure DevOps MCP Integration

A powerful integration for Azure DevOps that provides seamless access to work items, repositories, projects, boards, and sprints through the Model Context Protocol (MCP) server.


This server provides a convenient API for interacting with Azure DevOps services, enabling AI assistants and other tools to manage work items, code repositories, boards, sprints, and more. Built with the Model Context Protocol, it provides a standardized interface for communicating with Azure DevOps.



The integration is organized into four main tool categories:

Work Item Tools

  • List work items using WIQL queries
  • Get work item details by ID
  • Search for work items
  • Get recently updated work items
  • Get your assigned work items
  • Create new work items
  • Update existing work items
  • Add comments to work items
  • Update work item state
  • Assign work items
  • Create links between work items
  • Bulk create/update work items

Boards & Sprints Tools

  • Get team boards
  • Get board columns
  • Get board items
  • Move cards on boards
  • Get sprints
  • Get the current sprint
  • Get sprint work items
  • Get sprint capacity
  • Get team members

Project Tools

  • List projects
  • Get project details
  • Create new projects
  • Get areas
  • Get iterations
  • Create areas
  • Create iterations
  • Get process templates
  • Get work item types
  • Get work item type fields

Git Tools

  • List repositories
  • Get repository details
  • Create repositories
  • List branches
  • Search code
  • Browse repositories
  • Get file content
  • Get commit history
  • List pull requests
  • Create pull requests
  • Get pull request details
  • Get pull request comments
  • Approve pull requests
  • Merge pull requests


Installing via Smithery

To install azuredevops-mcp for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @RyanCardin15/azuredevops-mcp --client claude


  • Node.js (v16 or later)
  • TypeScript (v4 or later)
  • An Azure DevOps account with a Personal Access Token (PAT)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone <repository-url> cd AzureDevOps
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Configure environment variables (create a .env file or set them directly):
  4. Build the project:
    npm run build
    If you encounter TypeScript errors but want to proceed anyway:
    npm run build:ignore-errors
  5. Start the server:
    npm run start


Personal Access Token (PAT)

You'll need to create a Personal Access Token with appropriate permissions:

  1. Go to your Azure DevOps organization
  2. Click on your profile icon in the top right
  3. Select "Personal access tokens"
  4. Click "New Token"
  5. Give it a name and select the appropriate scopes:
    • Work Items: Read & Write
    • Code: Read & Write
    • Project and Team: Read & Write
    • Build: Read
    • Release: Read

Environment Variables

The server can be configured using the following environment variables:

AZURE_DEVOPS_ORG_URLURL of your Azure DevOps organizationYes-
AZURE_DEVOPS_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKENYour personal access tokenYes-
AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECTDefault project to useYes-


Once the server is running, you can interact with it using the MCP protocol. The server exposes several tools for different Azure DevOps functionalities.

Available Tools

Note: By default, only a subset of tools are registered in the index.ts file to keep the initial implementation simple. See the Tool Registration section for information on how to register additional tools.

Example: List Work Items

{ "tool": "listWorkItems", "params": { "query": "SELECT [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.State] = 'Active' ORDER BY [System.CreatedDate] DESC" } }

Example: Create a Work Item

{ "tool": "createWorkItem", "params": { "workItemType": "User Story", "title": "Implement new feature", "description": "As a user, I want to be able to export reports to PDF.", "assignedTo": "" } }

Example: List Repositories

{ "tool": "listRepositories", "params": { "projectId": "MyProject" } }

Example: Create a Pull Request

{ "tool": "createPullRequest", "params": { "repositoryId": "repo-guid", "sourceRefName": "refs/heads/feature-branch", "targetRefName": "refs/heads/main", "title": "Add new feature", "description": "This PR adds the export to PDF feature" } }


The project is structured as follows:

  • src/
    • Interfaces/: Type definitions for parameters and responses
    • Services/: Service classes for interacting with Azure DevOps APIs
    • Tools/: Tool implementations that expose functionality to clients
    • index.ts: Main entry point that registers tools and starts the server
    • config.ts: Configuration handling

Service Layer

The service layer handles direct communication with the Azure DevOps API:

  • WorkItemService: Work item operations
  • BoardsSprintsService: Boards and sprints operations
  • ProjectService: Project management operations
  • GitService: Git repository operations

Tools Layer

The tools layer wraps the services and provides a consistent interface for the MCP protocol:

  • WorkItemTools: Tools for work item operations
  • BoardsSprintsTools: Tools for boards and sprints operations
  • ProjectTools: Tools for project management operations
  • GitTools: Tools for Git operations

Tool Registration

The MCP server requires tools to be explicitly registered in the index.ts file. By default, only a subset of all possible tools are registered to keep the initial implementation manageable.

To register more tools:

  1. Open the src/index.ts file
  2. Add new tool registrations following the pattern of existing tools
  3. Build and restart the server

A comprehensive guide to tool registration is available in the file in the repository.

Note: When registering tools, be careful to use the correct parameter types, especially for enum values. The type definitions in the Interfaces directory define the expected types for each parameter. Using the wrong type (e.g., using z.string() instead of z.enum() for enumerated values) will result in TypeScript errors during build.

Example of registering a new tool:

server.tool("searchCode", "Search for code in repositories", { searchText: z.string().describe("Text to search for"), repositoryId: z.string().optional().describe("ID of the repository") }, async (params, extra) => { const result = await gitTools.searchCode(params); return { content: result.content, rawData: result.rawData, isError: result.isError }; } );


Common Issues

Authentication Errors

  • Ensure your Personal Access Token is valid and has the required permissions
  • Check that the organization URL is correct

TypeScript Errors During Build

  • Use npm run build:ignore-errors to bypass TypeScript errors
  • Check for missing or incorrect type definitions

Runtime Errors

  • Verify that the Azure DevOps project specified exists and is accessible


Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Please ensure your code passes linting and includes appropriate tests.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

This server provides a convenient API for interacting with Azure DevOps services, enabling AI assistants and other tools to manage work items, code repositories, boards, sprints, and more. Built with the Model Context Protocol, it provides a standardized interface for communicating with Azure DevOps

  1. Overview
    1. Demo
      1. Features
        1. Work Item Tools
        2. Boards & Sprints Tools
        3. Project Tools
        4. Git Tools
      2. Installation
        1. Installing via Smithery
        2. Prerequisites
        3. Setup
      3. Configuration
        1. Personal Access Token (PAT)
        2. Environment Variables
      4. Usage
        1. Available Tools
        2. Example: List Work Items
        3. Example: Create a Work Item
        4. Example: List Repositories
        5. Example: Create a Pull Request
      5. Architecture
        1. Service Layer
        2. Tools Layer
      6. Tool Registration
        1. Troubleshooting
          1. Common Issues
        2. Contributing