MCP Databricks Server

from typing import Any, Dict def format_query_results(result: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Format query results into a readable string.""" # Check if result is empty or doesn't have the expected structure if not result or 'manifest' not in result or 'result' not in result: return "No results or invalid result format." # Extract column names from the manifest column_names = [] if 'manifest' in result and 'schema' in result['manifest'] and 'columns' in result['manifest']['schema']: columns = result['manifest']['schema']['columns'] column_names = [col['name'] for col in columns] if columns else [] # If no column names were found, return early if not column_names: return "No columns found in the result." # Extract rows from the result rows = [] if 'result' in result and 'data_array' in result['result']: rows = result['result']['data_array'] # If no rows were found, return just the column headers if not rows: # Format as a table output = [] # Add header output.append(" | ".join(column_names)) output.append("-" * (sum(len(name) + 3 for name in column_names) - 1)) output.append("No data rows found.") return "\n".join(output) # Format as a table output = [] # Add header output.append(" | ".join(column_names)) output.append("-" * (sum(len(name) + 3 for name in column_names) - 1)) # Add rows for row in rows: row_values = [] for value in row: if value is None: row_values.append("NULL") else: row_values.append(str(value)) output.append(" | ".join(row_values)) return "\n".join(output)