# MCP NMAP Server
A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that enables AI assistants to perform network scanning operations using NMAP. This server provides a standardized interface for AI models to interact with NMAP, making it possible to perform network analysis and security assessments through AI conversations.
## Prerequisites
- Windows operating system
- Node.js (v18 or higher)
- NMAP installed and accessible from Windows command line
- TypeScript for development
## Installation
Install the package globally using npm:
npm install -g mcp-nmap-server
Or install locally in your project:
npm install mcp-nmap-server
## Features
The server provides access to NMAP's core functionality through a simple interface. It supports quick scans, full port scans, version detection, and custom timing templates. The implementation uses NMAP's native command-line interface, ensuring reliability and consistency with standard NMAP operations.
## Configuration with Claude Desktop
To use this server with Claude Desktop on Windows, you'll need to configure it in the Claude configuration file located at:
Add the NMAP server to your configuration by adding it to the `mcpServers` section. Here's a complete example of a Claude Desktop configuration file:
"mcpServers": {
"nmap": {
"command": "node",
"args": [
"globalShortcut": "Ctrl+Q"
Replace `YOUR_USERNAME` with your Windows username and adjust the path to where you've installed the NMAP server.
## Usage with AI
Once configured, AI assistants like Claude can use the server through the `run_nmap_scan` function. The function accepts the following parameters:
target: string; // Host or network to scan
ports?: string; // Optional port specification (e.g., "80,443" or "1-1000")
scanType?: 'quick' | 'full' | 'version'; // Scan type (default: 'quick')
timing?: number; // NMAP timing template 0-5 (default: 3)
additionalFlags?: string; // Optional additional NMAP flags
Example conversation with Claude:
Human: Can you scan localhost for open ports?
Claude: I'll help you scan localhost using NMAP.
<runs nmap scan with parameters>
target: "localhost"
scanType: "quick"
timing: 3
## License
MIT License
## Support
For issues, suggestions, or contributions, please visit the GitHub repository.