MCP Web Research Server
by PhialsBasement
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Core dependencies for MCP server and protocol handling
import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js";
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";
import {
} from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
// Web scraping and content processing dependencies
import { chromium, Browser, Page } from 'playwright';
import TurndownService from "turndown";
import type { Node } from "turndown";
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as os from 'os';
// Add type declaration for window extensions
declare global {
interface Window {
chrome: {
runtime: Record<string, unknown>;
loadTimes: () => void;
csi: () => void;
app: Record<string, unknown>;
Notification: {
permission: NotificationPermission;
requestPermission?: (callback?: NotificationPermissionCallback) => Promise<NotificationPermission>;
// Initialize temp directory for screenshots
const SCREENSHOTS_DIR = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'mcp-screenshots-'));
// Initialize Turndown service for converting HTML to Markdown
// Configure with specific formatting preferences
const turndownService: TurndownService = new TurndownService({
headingStyle: 'atx', // Use # style headings
hr: '---', // Horizontal rule style
bulletListMarker: '-', // List item marker
codeBlockStyle: 'fenced', // Use ``` for code blocks
emDelimiter: '_', // Italics style
strongDelimiter: '**', // Bold style
linkStyle: 'inlined', // Use inline links
// Custom Turndown rules for better content extraction
// Remove script and style tags completely
turndownService.addRule('removeScripts', {
filter: ['script', 'style', 'noscript'],
replacement: () => ''
// Preserve link elements with their href attributes
turndownService.addRule('preserveLinks', {
filter: 'a',
replacement: (content: string, node: Node) => {
const element = node as HTMLAnchorElement;
const href = element.getAttribute('href');
return href ? `[${content}](${href})` : content;
// Preserve image elements with their src and alt attributes
turndownService.addRule('preserveImages', {
filter: 'img',
replacement: (content: string, node: Node) => {
const element = node as HTMLImageElement;
const alt = element.getAttribute('alt') || '';
const src = element.getAttribute('src');
return src ? `` : '';
// Core interfaces for research data management
interface ResearchResult {
url: string; // URL of the researched page
title: string; // Page title
content: string; // Extracted content in markdown
timestamp: string; // When the result was captured
screenshotPath?: string; // Path to screenshot file on disk
// Define structure for research session data
interface ResearchSession {
query: string; // Search query that initiated the session
results: ResearchResult[]; // Collection of research results
lastUpdated: string; // Timestamp of last update
// Screenshot management functions
async function saveScreenshot(screenshot: string, title: string): Promise<string> {
// Convert screenshot from base64 to buffer
const buffer = Buffer.from(screenshot, 'base64');
// Check size before saving
const MAX_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB
if (buffer.length > MAX_SIZE) {
throw new McpError(
`Screenshot too large: ${Math.round(buffer.length / (1024 * 1024))}MB exceeds ${MAX_SIZE / (1024 * 1024)}MB limit`
// Generate a safe filename
const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
const safeTitle = title.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_').toLowerCase();
const filename = `${safeTitle}-${timestamp}.png`;
const filepath = path.join(SCREENSHOTS_DIR, filename);
// Save the validated screenshot
await fs.promises.writeFile(filepath, buffer);
// Return the filepath to the saved screenshot
return filepath;
// Fix the cleanupScreenshots function
async function cleanupScreenshots(): Promise<void> {
try {
const files = await fs.promises.readdir(SCREENSHOTS_DIR);
await Promise.all( string) =>
fs.promises.unlink(path.join(SCREENSHOTS_DIR, file))
await fs.promises.rmdir(SCREENSHOTS_DIR);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error cleaning up screenshots:', error);
// Available tools for web research functionality
const TOOLS: Tool[] = [
name: "search_google",
description: "Performs a web search using Google, ideal for finding current information, news, websites, and general knowledge. Use this tool when you need to research topics, find recent information, or gather data from the web. Returns structured search results with titles, URLs, and snippets.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
query: { type: "string", description: "Search query" },
required: ["query"],
name: "visit_page",
description: "Navigates to a specific URL and extracts the page content in readable format, with option to capture a screenshot. Use this tool to deeply analyze specific web pages, read articles, examine documentation, or verify information directly from the source. Especially useful for in-depth research after identifying relevant pages via search.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
url: { type: "string", description: "URL to visit" },
takeScreenshot: { type: "boolean", description: "Whether to take a screenshot" },
required: ["url"],
name: "take_screenshot",
description: "Captures a visual image of the currently loaded webpage. Use this tool when you need to preserve visual information, analyze page layouts, or document the current state of a webpage. Perfect for situations where textual content alone doesn't convey the full context.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {}, // No parameters needed
name: "search_scholar",
description: "Searches Google Scholar for academic papers and scholarly articles. Use this tool when researching scientific topics, looking for peer-reviewed research, academic citations, or scholarly literature. Returns structured data including titles, authors, publication details, and citation counts. Ideal for academic research and evidence-based inquiries.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
query: { type: "string", description: "Academic search query" },
required: ["query"],
// Define available prompt types for type safety
type PromptName = "agentic-research";
// Define structure for research prompt arguments
interface AgenticResearchArgs {
topic: string; // Research topic provided by user
// Configure available prompts with their specifications
const PROMPTS = {
// Agentic research prompt configuration
"agentic-research": {
name: "agentic-research" as const, // Type-safe name
description: "Conduct iterative web research on a topic, exploring it thoroughly through multiple steps while maintaining a dialogue with the user",
arguments: [
name: "topic", // Topic argument specification
description: "The topic or question to research", // Description of the argument
required: true // Topic is mandatory
} as const; // Make object immutable
// Global state management for browser and research session
let browser: Browser | undefined; // Puppeteer browser instance
let page: Page | undefined; // Current active page
let currentSession: ResearchSession | undefined; // Current research session data
// Configuration constants for session management
const MAX_RESULTS_PER_SESSION = 100; // Maximum number of results to store per session
const MAX_RETRIES = 3; // Maximum retry attempts for operations
const RETRY_DELAY = 1000; // Delay between retries in milliseconds
// Generic retry mechanism for handling transient failures
async function withRetry<T>(
operation: () => Promise<T>, // Operation to retry
retries = MAX_RETRIES, // Number of retry attempts
delay = RETRY_DELAY // Delay between retries
): Promise<T> {
let lastError: Error;
// Attempt operation up to max retries
for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
try {
return await operation();
} catch (error) {
lastError = error as Error;
if (i < retries - 1) {
console.error(`Attempt ${i + 1} failed, retrying in ${delay}ms:`, error);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
throw lastError!; // Throw last error if all retries failed
// Add a new research result to the current session with data management
function addResult(result: ResearchResult): void {
// If no current session exists, initialize a new one
if (!currentSession) {
currentSession = {
query: "Research Session",
results: [],
lastUpdated: new Date().toISOString(),
// If the session has reached the maximum number of results, remove the oldest result
if (currentSession.results.length >= MAX_RESULTS_PER_SESSION) {
// Add the new result to the session and update the last updated timestamp
currentSession.lastUpdated = new Date().toISOString();
// Safe page navigation with error handling and bot detection
async function safePageNavigation(page: Page, url: string): Promise<void> {
try {
// Step 1: Set cookies to bypass consent banner
await page.context().addCookies([{
name: 'CONSENT',
value: 'YES+',
domain: '',
path: '/'
// Step 2: Initial navigation
const response = await page.goto(url, {
waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded',
timeout: 15000
// Step 3: Basic response validation
if (!response) {
throw new Error('Navigation failed: no response received');
// Check HTTP status code; if 400 or higher, throw an error
const status = response.status();
if (status >= 400) {
throw new Error(`HTTP ${status}: ${response.statusText()}`);
// Step 4: Wait for network to become idle or timeout
await Promise.race([
page.waitForLoadState('networkidle', { timeout: 5000 })
.catch(() => {/* ignore timeout */ }),
// Fallback timeout in case networkidle never occurs
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000))
// Step 5: Security and content validation
const validation = await page.evaluate(() => {
const botProtectionExists = [
'#challenge-running', // Cloudflare
'#cf-challenge-running', // Cloudflare
'#px-captcha', // PerimeterX
'#ddos-protection', // Various
'#waf-challenge-html' // Various WAFs
].some(selector => document.querySelector(selector));
// Check for suspicious page titles
const suspiciousTitle = [
'security check',
'ddos protection',
'please wait',
'just a moment',
'attention required'
].some(phrase => document.title.toLowerCase().includes(phrase));
// Count words in the page content
const bodyText = document.body.innerText || '';
const words = bodyText.trim().split(/\s+/).length;
// Return validation results
return {
wordCount: words,
botProtection: botProtectionExists,
title: document.title
// If bot protection is detected, throw an error
if (validation.botProtection) {
throw new Error('Bot protection detected');
// If the page title is suspicious, throw an error
if (validation.suspiciousTitle) {
throw new Error(`Suspicious page title detected: "${validation.title}"`);
// If the page contains insufficient content, throw an error
if (validation.wordCount < 1) {
throw new Error('Page contains insufficient content');
} catch (error) {
// If an error occurs during navigation, throw an error with the URL and the error message
throw new Error(`Navigation to ${url} failed: ${(error as Error).message}`);
// Take and optimize a screenshot
async function takeScreenshotWithSizeLimit(page: Page): Promise<string> {
const MAX_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
const MAX_DIMENSION = 1920;
const MIN_DIMENSION = 800;
// Set viewport size
await page.setViewportSize({
width: 1920,
height: 1080
// Take initial screenshot
let screenshot = await page.screenshot({
type: 'png',
fullPage: false
// Handle buffer conversion
let buffer = screenshot;
let attempts = 0;
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3;
// While screenshot is too large, reduce size
while (buffer.length > MAX_SIZE && attempts < MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
// Get current viewport size
const viewport = page.viewportSize();
if (!viewport) continue;
// Calculate new dimensions
const scaleFactor = Math.pow(0.75, attempts + 1);
let newWidth = Math.round(viewport.width * scaleFactor);
let newHeight = Math.round(viewport.height * scaleFactor);
// Ensure dimensions are within bounds
newWidth = Math.max(MIN_DIMENSION, Math.min(MAX_DIMENSION, newWidth));
newHeight = Math.max(MIN_DIMENSION, Math.min(MAX_DIMENSION, newHeight));
// Update viewport with new dimensions
await page.setViewportSize({
width: newWidth,
height: newHeight
// Take new screenshot
screenshot = await page.screenshot({
type: 'png',
fullPage: false
// Update buffer with new screenshot
buffer = screenshot;
// Increment retry attempts
// Final attempt with minimum settings
if (buffer.length > MAX_SIZE) {
await page.setViewportSize({
// Take final screenshot
screenshot = await page.screenshot({
type: 'png',
fullPage: false
// Update buffer with final screenshot
buffer = screenshot;
// Throw error if final screenshot is still too large
if (buffer.length > MAX_SIZE) {
throw new McpError(
`Failed to reduce screenshot to under 5MB even with minimum settings`
// Convert Buffer to base64 string before returning
return buffer.toString('base64');
// Initialize MCP server with basic configuration
const server: Server = new Server(
name: "webresearch", // Server name identifier
version: "0.1.6", // Server version number
capabilities: {
tools: {}, // Available tool configurations
resources: {}, // Resource handling capabilities
prompts: {} // Prompt processing capabilities
// Register handler for tool listing requests
server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({
tools: TOOLS // Return list of available research tools
// Register handler for resource listing requests
server.setRequestHandler(ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => {
// Return empty list if no active session
if (!currentSession) {
return { resources: [] };
// Compile list of available resources
const resources: Resource[] = [
// Add session summary resource
uri: "research://current/summary", // Resource identifier
name: "Current Research Session Summary",
description: "Summary of the current research session including queries and results",
mimeType: "application/json"
// Add screenshot resources if available
.map((r, i): Resource | undefined => r.screenshotPath ? {
uri: `research://screenshots/${i}`,
name: `Screenshot of ${r.title}`,
description: `Screenshot taken from ${r.url}`,
mimeType: "image/png"
} : undefined)
.filter((r): r is Resource => r !== undefined)
// Return compiled list of resources
return { resources };
// Register handler for resource content requests
server.setRequestHandler(ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request) => {
const uri = request.params.uri.toString();
// Handle session summary requests for research data
if (uri === "research://current/summary") {
if (!currentSession) {
throw new McpError(
"No active research session"
// Return compiled list of resources
return {
contents: [{
mimeType: "application/json",
text: JSON.stringify({
query: currentSession.query,
resultCount: currentSession.results.length,
lastUpdated: currentSession.lastUpdated,
results: => ({
title: r.title,
url: r.url,
timestamp: r.timestamp,
screenshotPath: r.screenshotPath
}, null, 2)
// Handle screenshot requests
if (uri.startsWith("research://screenshots/")) {
const index = parseInt(uri.split("/").pop() || "", 10);
// Verify session exists
if (!currentSession) {
throw new McpError(
"No active research session"
// Verify index is within bounds
if (isNaN(index) || index < 0 || index >= currentSession.results.length) {
throw new McpError(
`Screenshot index out of bounds: ${index}`
// Get result containing screenshot
const result = currentSession.results[index];
if (!result?.screenshotPath) {
throw new McpError(
`No screenshot available at index: ${index}`
try {
// Read the binary data and convert to base64
const screenshotData = await fs.promises.readFile(result.screenshotPath);
// Convert Buffer to base64 string before returning
const base64Data = screenshotData.toString('base64');
// Return compiled list of resources
return {
contents: [{
mimeType: "image/png",
blob: base64Data
} catch (error: unknown) {
// Handle error if screenshot cannot be read
const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred';
throw new McpError(
`Failed to read screenshot: ${errorMessage}`
// Handle unknown resource types
throw new McpError(
`Unknown resource: ${uri}`
// Initialize MCP server connection using stdio transport
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
server.connect(transport).catch((error) => {
console.error("Failed to start server:", error);
// Convert HTML content to clean, readable markdown format
async function extractContentAsMarkdown(
page: Page, // Puppeteer page to extract from
selector?: string // Optional CSS selector to target specific content
): Promise<string> {
// Step 1: Execute content extraction in browser context
const html = await page.evaluate((sel) => {
// Handle case where specific selector is provided
if (sel) {
const element = document.querySelector(sel);
// Return element content or empty string if not found
return element ? element.outerHTML : '';
// Step 2: Try standard content containers first
const contentSelectors = [
'main', // HTML5 semantic main content
'article', // HTML5 semantic article content
'[role="main"]', // ARIA main content role
'#content', // Common content ID
'.content', // Common content class
'.main', // Alternative main class
'.post', // Blog post content
'.article', // Article content container
// Try each selector in priority order
for (const contentSelector of contentSelectors) {
const element = document.querySelector(contentSelector);
if (element) {
return element.outerHTML; // Return first matching content
// Step 3: Fallback to cleaning full body content
const body = document.body;
// Define elements to remove for cleaner content
const elementsToRemove = [
// Navigation elements
'header', // Page header
'footer', // Page footer
'nav', // Navigation sections
'[role="navigation"]', // ARIA navigation elements
// Sidebars and complementary content
'aside', // Sidebar content
'.sidebar', // Sidebar by class
'[role="complementary"]', // ARIA complementary content
// Navigation-related elements
'.nav', // Navigation classes
'.menu', // Menu elements
// Page structure elements
'.header', // Header classes
'.footer', // Footer classes
// Advertising and notices
'.advertisement', // Advertisement containers
'.ads', // Ad containers
'.cookie-notice', // Cookie consent notices
// Remove each unwanted element from content
elementsToRemove.forEach(sel => {
body.querySelectorAll(sel).forEach(el => el.remove());
// Return cleaned body content
return body.outerHTML;
}, selector);
// Step 4: Handle empty content case
if (!html) {
return '';
try {
// Step 5: Convert HTML to Markdown
const markdown = turndownService.turndown(html);
// Step 6: Clean up and format markdown
return markdown
.replace(/\n{3,}/g, '\n\n') // Replace excessive newlines with double
.replace(/^- $/gm, '') // Remove empty list items
.replace(/^\s+$/gm, '') // Remove whitespace-only lines
.trim(); // Remove leading/trailing whitespace
} catch (error) {
// Log conversion errors and return original HTML as fallback
console.error('Error converting HTML to Markdown:', error);
return html;
// Validate URL format and ensure security constraints
function isValidUrl(urlString: string): boolean {
try {
// Attempt to parse URL string
const url = new URL(urlString);
// Only allow HTTP and HTTPS protocols for security
return url.protocol === 'http:' || url.protocol === 'https:';
} catch {
// Return false for any invalid URL format
return false;
// Define result type for tool operations
type ToolResult = {
content: (TextContent | ImageContent)[]; // Array of text or image content
isError?: boolean; // Optional error flag
// Tool request handler for executing research operations
server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request): Promise<ToolResult> => {
// Initialize browser for tool operations
const page = await ensureBrowser();
switch ( {
// Handle Google search operations
case "search_google": {
// Extract search query from request parameters
const { query } = request.params.arguments as { query: string };
try {
// Execute search with retry mechanism
const results = await withRetry(async () => {
// Step 1: Navigate to Google search page
await safePageNavigation(page, '');
// Step 2: Find and interact with search input
await withRetry(async () => {
// Wait for any search input element to appear
await Promise.race([
// Try multiple possible selectors for search input
page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]', { timeout: 5000 }),
page.waitForSelector('textarea[name="q"]', { timeout: 5000 }),
page.waitForSelector('input[type="text"]', { timeout: 5000 })
]).catch(() => {
throw new Error('Search input not found - no matching selectors');
// Find the actual search input element
const searchInput = await page.$('input[name="q"]') ||
await page.$('textarea[name="q"]') ||
await page.$('input[type="text"]');
// Verify search input was found
if (!searchInput) {
throw new Error('Search input element not found after waiting');
// Step 3: Enter search query
await{ clickCount: 3 }); // Select all existing text
await'Backspace'); // Clear selected text
await searchInput.type(query); // Type new query
}, 3, 2000); // Allow 3 retries with 2s delay
// Step 4: Submit search and wait for results
await withRetry(async () => {
await Promise.all(['Enter'),
page.waitForLoadState('networkidle', { timeout: 15000 }),
// Step 5: Extract search results
const searchResults = await withRetry(async () => {
const results = await page.evaluate(() => {
// Find all search result containers
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('div.g');
if (!elements || elements.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No search results found');
// Extract data from each result
return Array.from(elements).map((el) => {
// Find required elements within result container
const titleEl = el.querySelector('h3'); // Title element
const linkEl = el.querySelector('a'); // Link element
const snippetEl = el.querySelector('div.VwiC3b'); // Snippet element
// Skip results missing required elements
if (!titleEl || !linkEl || !snippetEl) {
return null;
// Return structured result data
return {
title: titleEl.textContent || '', // Result title
url: linkEl.getAttribute('href') || '', // Result URL
snippet: snippetEl.textContent || '', // Result description
}).filter(result => result !== null); // Remove invalid results
// Verify we found valid results
if (!results || results.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No valid search results found');
// Return compiled list of results
return results;
// Step 6: Store results in session
searchResults.forEach((result) => {
url: result.url,
title: result.title,
content: result.snippet,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
// Return compiled list of results
return searchResults;
// Step 7: Return formatted results
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: JSON.stringify(results, null, 2) // Pretty-print JSON results
} catch (error) {
// Handle and format search errors
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `Failed to perform search: ${(error as Error).message}`
isError: true
// Handle Google Scholar search operations
case "search_scholar": {
// Extract search query from request parameters
const { query } = request.params.arguments as { query: string };
try {
// Execute search with retry mechanism
const results = await withRetry(async () => {
// Step 1: Navigate to Google Scholar search page
await safePageNavigation(page, '');
// Step 2: Find and interact with search input
await withRetry(async () => {
// Wait for search input element to appear
await page.waitForSelector('input[name="q"]', { timeout: 5000 })
.catch(() => {
throw new Error('Scholar search input not found');
// Find the search input element
const searchInput = await page.$('input[name="q"]');
// Verify search input was found
if (!searchInput) {
throw new Error('Scholar search input element not found after waiting');
// Step 3: Enter search query
await{ clickCount: 3 }); // Select all existing text
await'Backspace'); // Clear selected text
await searchInput.type(query); // Type new query
}, 3, 2000); // Allow 3 retries with 2s delay
// Step 4: Submit search and wait for results
await withRetry(async () => {
await Promise.all(['Enter'),
page.waitForLoadState('networkidle', { timeout: 15000 }),
// Step 5: Extract scholar search results
const scholarResults = await withRetry(async () => {
const results = await page.evaluate(() => {
// Find all scholar result containers
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.gs_r.gs_or.gs_scl');
if (!elements || elements.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No scholar search results found');
// Extract data from each result
return Array.from(elements).map((el) => {
try {
// Find required elements within result container
const titleEl = el.querySelector('.gs_rt'); // Title element
const authorEl = el.querySelector('.gs_a'); // Authors, venue, year
const snippetEl = el.querySelector('.gs_rs'); // Snippet/abstract
const citedByEl = el.querySelector('.gs_fl a:nth-child(3)'); // Cited by element
// Extract title and URL
let title = '';
let url = '';
if (titleEl) {
const titleLink = titleEl.querySelector('a');
title = titleEl.textContent?.trim() || '';
url = titleLink?.getAttribute('href') || '';
// Extract author, venue, and year information
const authorInfo = authorEl?.textContent?.trim() || '';
// Extract snippet
const snippet = snippetEl?.textContent?.trim() || '';
// Extract citation count
let citationCount = '';
if (citedByEl && citedByEl.textContent?.includes('Cited by')) {
citationCount = citedByEl.textContent.trim();
// Skip results missing critical data
if (!title) {
return null;
// Return structured result data
return {
title, // Paper title
url, // Paper URL if available
authorInfo, // Authors, venue, year
snippet, // Abstract/snippet
citationCount, // Citation information
} catch (err) {
// Skip problematic results
return null;
}).filter(result => result !== null); // Remove invalid results
// Verify we found valid results
if (!results || results.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No valid scholar search results found');
// Return compiled list of results
return results;
// Step 6: Store results in session
scholarResults.forEach((result) => {
url: result.url || '',
title: result.title,
content: `${result.authorInfo}\n\n${result.snippet}\n\n${result.citationCount}`,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
// Return compiled list of results
return scholarResults;
// Step 7: Return formatted results
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: JSON.stringify(results, null, 2) // Pretty-print JSON results
} catch (error) {
// Handle and format search errors
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: `Failed to perform scholar search: ${(error as Error).message}`
isError: true
// Handle webpage visit and content extraction
case "visit_page": {
// Extract URL and screenshot flag from request
const { url, takeScreenshot } = request.params.arguments as {
url: string; // Target URL to visit
takeScreenshot?: boolean; // Optional screenshot flag
// Step 1: Validate URL format and security
if (!isValidUrl(url)) {
return {
content: [{
type: "text" as const,
text: `Invalid URL: ${url}. Only http and https protocols are supported.`
isError: true
try {
// Step 2: Visit page and extract content with retry mechanism
const result = await withRetry(async () => {
// Navigate to target URL safely
await safePageNavigation(page, url);
const title = await page.title();
// Step 3: Extract and process page content
const content = await withRetry(async () => {
// Convert page content to markdown
const extractedContent = await extractContentAsMarkdown(page);
// If no content is extracted, throw an error
if (!extractedContent) {
throw new Error('Failed to extract content');
// Return the extracted content
return extractedContent;
// Step 4: Create result object with page data
const pageResult: ResearchResult = {
url, // Original URL
title, // Page title
content, // Markdown content
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), // Capture time
// Step 5: Take screenshot if requested
let screenshotUri: string | undefined;
if (takeScreenshot) {
// Capture and process screenshot
const screenshot = await takeScreenshotWithSizeLimit(page);
pageResult.screenshotPath = await saveScreenshot(screenshot, title);
// Get the index for the resource URI
const resultIndex = currentSession ? currentSession.results.length : 0;
screenshotUri = `research://screenshots/${resultIndex}`;
// Notify clients about new screenshot resource
method: "notifications/resources/list_changed"
// Step 6: Store result in session
return { pageResult, screenshotUri };
// Step 7: Return formatted result with screenshot URI if taken
const response: ToolResult = {
content: [{
type: "text" as const,
text: JSON.stringify({
url: result.pageResult.url,
title: result.pageResult.title,
content: result.pageResult.content,
timestamp: result.pageResult.timestamp,
screenshot: result.screenshotUri ? `View screenshot via *MCP Resources* (Paperclip icon) @ URI: ${result.screenshotUri}` : undefined
}, null, 2)
return response;
} catch (error) {
// Handle and format page visit errors
return {
content: [{
type: "text" as const,
text: `Failed to visit page: ${(error as Error).message}`
isError: true
// Handle standalone screenshot requests
case "take_screenshot": {
try {
// Step 1: Capture screenshot with retry mechanism
const screenshot = await withRetry(async () => {
// Take and optimize screenshot with default size limits
return await takeScreenshotWithSizeLimit(page);
// Step 2: Initialize session if needed
if (!currentSession) {
currentSession = {
query: "Screenshot Session", // Session identifier
results: [], // Empty results array
lastUpdated: new Date().toISOString(), // Current timestamp
// Step 3: Get current page information
const pageUrl = await page.url(); // Current page URL
const pageTitle = await page.title(); // Current page title
// Step 4: Save screenshot to disk
const screenshotPath = await saveScreenshot(screenshot, pageTitle || 'untitled');
// Step 5: Create and store screenshot result
const resultIndex = currentSession ? currentSession.results.length : 0;
url: pageUrl,
title: pageTitle || "Untitled Page", // Fallback title if none available
content: "Screenshot taken", // Simple content description
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), // Capture time
screenshotPath // Path to screenshot file
// Step 6: Notify clients about new screenshot resource
method: "notifications/resources/list_changed"
// Step 7: Return success message with resource URI
const resourceUri = `research://screenshots/${resultIndex}`;
return {
content: [{
type: "text" as const,
text: `Screenshot taken successfully. You can view it via *MCP Resources* (Paperclip icon) @ URI: ${resourceUri}`
} catch (error) {
// Handle and format screenshot errors
return {
content: [{
type: "text" as const,
text: `Failed to take screenshot: ${(error as Error).message}`
isError: true
// Handle unknown tool requests
throw new McpError(
`Unknown tool: ${}`
// Register handler for prompt listing requests
server.setRequestHandler(ListPromptsRequestSchema, async () => {
// Return all available prompts
return { prompts: Object.values(PROMPTS) };
// Register handler for prompt retrieval and execution
server.setRequestHandler(GetPromptRequestSchema, async (request) => {
// Extract and validate prompt name
const promptName = as PromptName;
const prompt = PROMPTS[promptName];
// Handle unknown prompt requests
if (!prompt) {
throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Prompt not found: ${promptName}`);
// Handle agentic research prompt
if (promptName === "agentic-research") {
// Extract research topic from request arguments
const args = request.params.arguments as AgenticResearchArgs | undefined;
const topic = args?.topic || ""; // Use empty string if no topic provided
// Return research assistant prompt with instructions
return {
messages: [
// Initial assistant message establishing role
role: "assistant",
content: {
type: "text",
text: "I am ready to help you with your research. I will conduct thorough web research, explore topics deeply, and maintain a dialogue with you throughout the process."
// Detailed research instructions for the user
role: "user",
content: {
type: "text",
text: `I'd like to research this topic: <topic>${topic}</topic>
Please help me explore it deeply, like you're a thoughtful, highly-trained research assistant.
General instructions:
1. Start by proposing your research approach -- namely, formulate what initial query you will use to search the web. Propose a relatively broad search to understand the topic landscape. At the same time, make your queries optimized for returning high-quality results based on what you know about constructing Google search queries.
2. Next, get my input on whether you should proceed with that query or if you should refine it.
3. Once you have an approved query, perform the search.
4. Prioritize high quality, authoritative sources when they are available and relevant to the topic. Avoid low quality or spammy sources.
5. Retrieve information that is relevant to the topic at hand.
6. Iteratively refine your research direction based on what you find.
7. Keep me informed of what you find and let *me* guide the direction of the research interactively.
8. If you run into a dead end while researching, do a Google search for the topic and attempt to find a URL for a relevant page. Then, explore that page in depth.
9. Only conclude when my research goals are met.
10. **Always cite your sources**, providing URLs to the sources you used in a citation block at the end of your response.
You can use these tools:
- search_google: Search for information
- visit_page: Visit and extract content from web pages
Do *NOT* use the following tools:
- Anything related to knowledge graphs or memory, unless explicitly instructed to do so by the user.`
// Handle unsupported prompt types
throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, "Prompt implementation not found");
// In the ensureBrowser function, modify the initialization script:
async function ensureBrowser(): Promise<Page> {
if (!browser) {
browser = await chromium.launch({
headless: true,
args: [
`--window-size=${1366 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)},${768 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)}`,
const context = await browser.newContext({
userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
viewport: { width: 1366, height: 768 }, // Set fixed viewport instead of null
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
javaScriptEnabled: true,
await context.addInitScript(() => {
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {
get: () => undefined
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'permissions', {
get: () => ({
query: async () => ({ state: 'prompt' as PermissionState })
}); = {
runtime: {},
loadTimes: function(){},
csi: function(){},
app: {},
const originalToString = Error.prototype.toString;
Error.prototype.toString = function(this: Error) {
return\n.*puppeteer.*\n/g, '\n');
if (!window.Notification) {
const NotificationClass = function(title: string, options?: NotificationOptions) {
return {
} as unknown as typeof Notification;
Object.defineProperty(NotificationClass, 'permission', {
value: 'default' as NotificationPermission,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: true
NotificationClass.requestPermission = async () => 'default' as NotificationPermission;
NotificationClass.prototype = {} as Notification;
Object.defineProperty(window, 'Notification', {
value: NotificationClass,
writable: false,
configurable: false
Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'languages', {
get: () => ['en-US', 'en']
page = await context.newPage();
await page.route('**', async (route) => {
const request = route.request();
if (request.resourceType() === 'script') {
headers: {
'sec-ch-ua': '"Not_A Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="120", "Google Chrome";v="120"',
'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0',
'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"'
} else {
if (!page) {
const context = await browser.newContext();
page = await context.newPage();
return page;
// Cleanup function
async function cleanup(): Promise<void> {
try {
// Clean up screenshots first
await cleanupScreenshots();
// Then close the browser
if (browser) {
await browser.close();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error during cleanup:', error);
} finally {
browser = undefined;
page = undefined;
// Register cleanup handlers
process.on('exit', cleanup);
process.on('SIGTERM', cleanup);
process.on('SIGINT', cleanup);
process.on('SIGHUP', cleanup);