GitHub MCP Server Plus

import { z } from "zod"; import { githubRequest } from "../common/utils.js"; import { GitHubReferenceSchema } from "../common/types.js"; // Schema definitions export const CreateBranchOptionsSchema = z.object({ ref: z.string(), sha: z.string(), }); export const CreateBranchSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), branch: z.string().describe("Name for the new branch"), from_branch: z.string().optional().describe("Optional: source branch to create from (defaults to the repository's default branch)"), }); // Type exports export type CreateBranchOptions = z.infer<typeof CreateBranchOptionsSchema>; // Function implementations export async function getDefaultBranchSHA(owner: string, repo: string): Promise<string> { try { const response = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/heads/main` ); const data = GitHubReferenceSchema.parse(response); return data.object.sha; } catch (error) { const masterResponse = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/heads/master` ); if (!masterResponse) { throw new Error("Could not find default branch (tried 'main' and 'master')"); } const data = GitHubReferenceSchema.parse(masterResponse); return data.object.sha; } } export async function createBranch( owner: string, repo: string, options: CreateBranchOptions ): Promise<z.infer<typeof GitHubReferenceSchema>> { const fullRef = `refs/heads/${options.ref}`; const response = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs`, { method: "POST", body: { ref: fullRef, sha: options.sha, }, } ); return GitHubReferenceSchema.parse(response); } export async function getBranchSHA( owner: string, repo: string, branch: string ): Promise<string> { const response = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/heads/${branch}` ); const data = GitHubReferenceSchema.parse(response); return data.object.sha; } export async function createBranchFromRef( owner: string, repo: string, newBranch: string, fromBranch?: string ): Promise<z.infer<typeof GitHubReferenceSchema>> { let sha: string; if (fromBranch) { sha = await getBranchSHA(owner, repo, fromBranch); } else { sha = await getDefaultBranchSHA(owner, repo); } return createBranch(owner, repo, { ref: newBranch, sha, }); } export async function updateBranch( owner: string, repo: string, branch: string, sha: string ): Promise<z.infer<typeof GitHubReferenceSchema>> { const response = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/heads/${branch}`, { method: "PATCH", body: { sha, force: true, }, } ); return GitHubReferenceSchema.parse(response); }