GitHub MCP Server Plus

import { z } from "zod"; import { promises as fs } from "fs"; import { githubRequest } from "../common/utils.js"; import { GitHubContentSchema, GitHubAuthorSchema, GitHubTreeSchema, GitHubCommitSchema, GitHubReferenceSchema, GitHubFileContentSchema, } from "../common/types.js"; // Schema definitions for file operations export const FileContentSchema = z.object({ path: z.string(), content: z.string(), }); export const FilePathSchema = z.object({ path: z.string(), filepath: z.string(), }); export const CreateOrUpdateFileSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), path: z.string().describe("Path where to create/update the file"), content: z.string().describe("Content of the file"), message: z.string().describe("Commit message"), branch: z.string().describe("Branch to create/update the file in"), sha: z.string().optional().describe("SHA of the file being replaced (required when updating existing files)"), }); export const GetFileContentsSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), path: z.string().describe("Path to the file or directory"), branch: z.string().optional().describe("Branch to get contents from"), }); export const PushFilesContentSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), branch: z.string().describe("Branch to push to (e.g., 'main' or 'master')"), files: z.array(FileContentSchema).describe("Array of files to push with their content"), message: z.string().describe("Commit message"), }); export const PushFilesFromPathSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), branch: z.string().describe("Branch to push to (e.g., 'main' or 'master')"), files: z.array(FilePathSchema).describe("Array of files to push from filesystem paths"), message: z.string().describe("Commit message"), }); export const GitHubCreateUpdateFileResponseSchema = z.object({ content: GitHubFileContentSchema.nullable(), commit: z.object({ sha: z.string(), node_id: z.string(), url: z.string(), html_url: z.string(), author: GitHubAuthorSchema, committer: GitHubAuthorSchema, message: z.string(), tree: z.object({ sha: z.string(), url: z.string(), }), parents: z.array( z.object({ sha: z.string(), url: z.string(), html_url: z.string(), }) ), }), }); // Type exports export type FileContent = z.infer<typeof FileContentSchema>; export type FilePath = z.infer<typeof FilePathSchema>; export type GitHubCreateUpdateFileResponse = z.infer<typeof GitHubCreateUpdateFileResponseSchema>; // Function implementations export async function getFileContents( owner: string, repo: string, path: string, branch?: string ) { let url = `${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}`; if (branch) { url += `?ref=${branch}`; } const response = await githubRequest(url); const data = GitHubContentSchema.parse(response); // If it's a file, decode the content if (!Array.isArray(data) && data.content) { data.content = Buffer.from(data.content, "base64").toString("utf8"); } return data; } export async function createOrUpdateFile( owner: string, repo: string, path: string, content: string, message: string, branch: string, sha?: string ) { const encodedContent = Buffer.from(content).toString("base64"); let currentSha = sha; if (!currentSha) { try { const existingFile = await getFileContents(owner, repo, path, branch); if (!Array.isArray(existingFile)) { currentSha = existingFile.sha; } } catch (error) { console.error("Note: File does not exist in branch, will create new file"); } } const url = `${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}`; const body = { message, content: encodedContent, branch, ...(currentSha ? { sha: currentSha } : {}), }; const response = await githubRequest(url, { method: "PUT", body, }); return GitHubCreateUpdateFileResponseSchema.parse(response); } async function createTree( owner: string, repo: string, files: FileContent[], baseTree?: string ) { const tree = => ({ path: file.path, mode: "100644" as const, type: "blob" as const, content: file.content, })); const response = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/trees`, { method: "POST", body: { tree, base_tree: baseTree, }, } ); return GitHubTreeSchema.parse(response); } async function createCommit( owner: string, repo: string, message: string, tree: string, parents: string[] ) { const response = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/commits`, { method: "POST", body: { message, tree, parents, }, } ); return GitHubCommitSchema.parse(response); } async function updateReference( owner: string, repo: string, ref: string, sha: string ) { const response = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/${ref}`, { method: "PATCH", body: { sha, force: true, }, } ); return GitHubReferenceSchema.parse(response); } export async function pushFilesContent( owner: string, repo: string, branch: string, files: FileContent[], message: string ) { const refResponse = await githubRequest( `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/heads/${branch}` ); const ref = GitHubReferenceSchema.parse(refResponse); const commitSha = ref.object.sha; const tree = await createTree(owner, repo, files, commitSha); const commit = await createCommit(owner, repo, message, tree.sha, [commitSha]); return await updateReference(owner, repo, `heads/${branch}`, commit.sha); } export async function pushFilesFromPath( owner: string, repo: string, branch: string, files: FilePath[], message: string ) { try { // First verify all files exist before attempting any operations await Promise.all( (file) => { try { await fs.access(file.filepath); } catch (err) { const error = err as Error; throw new Error(`File not accessible: ${file.filepath} - ${error.toString()}`); } }) ); // Convert FilePath objects to FileContent objects by reading the files const fileContents: FileContent[] = await Promise.all( (file) => { try { const content = await fs.readFile(file.filepath, 'utf8'); return { path: file.path, content, }; } catch (err) { const error = err as Error; throw new Error(`Failed to read file ${file.filepath}: ${error.toString()}`); } }) ); if (!fileContents.length) { throw new Error('No files were successfully read'); } // Use the existing pushFilesContent function with the read content return pushFilesContent(owner, repo, branch, fileContents, message); } catch (err) { const error = err as Error; throw new Error(`Failed to push files: ${error.toString()}`); } }