MCP Deep Web Research Server
by PedroDnT
import { ResearchSession as IResearchSession, ResearchPlan, ResearchStep, ResearchProgress, ResearchFindings, StepResult, SessionOptions, Evidence } from '../types/session.js';
import { ContentExtractor } from './content-extractor.js';
import { ContentAnalyzer } from './content-analyzer.js';
import { ExtractedContent } from '../types/content.js';
import { ContentAnalysis } from '../types/analysis.js';
import { chromium, Browser, BrowserContext } from 'playwright';
import { parse as parseUrl } from 'url';
export class ResearchSession implements IResearchSession {
public id: string;
public topic: string;
public status: 'planning' | 'in_progress' | 'analyzing' | 'synthesizing' | 'completed' | 'failed' | 'cancelled';
public plan: ResearchPlan;
public progress: ResearchProgress;
public findings: ResearchFindings;
public timestamp: {
created: string;
updated: string;
completed?: string;
private visitedUrls: Set<string>;
private contentExtractor: ContentExtractor;
private contentAnalyzer: ContentAnalyzer;
private options: Required<SessionOptions>;
private browser: Browser | null = null;
private context: BrowserContext | null = null;
private startTime: number;
private checkTimeout(): void {
const elapsed = - this.startTime;
if (elapsed >= this.options.timeout) {
throw new Error('Research session timeout');
constructor(topic: string, options: SessionOptions = {}) { = `research_${}_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`;
this.topic = topic;
this.status = 'planning';
this.visitedUrls = new Set<string>();
this.contentExtractor = new ContentExtractor();
this.contentAnalyzer = new ContentAnalyzer();
this.startTime =;
this.options = {
maxSteps: options.maxSteps || 10,
maxDepth: options.maxDepth || 2,
maxBranching: options.maxBranching || 3,
timeout: options.timeout || 55000, // Set below MCP timeout
minRelevanceScore: options.minRelevanceScore || 0.7,
maxParallelOperations: options.maxParallelOperations || 3
this.plan = this.createInitialPlan();
this.progress = this.initializeProgress();
this.findings = this.initializeFindings();
this.timestamp = {
created: new Date().toISOString(),
updated: new Date().toISOString()
private async initializeBrowser(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.browser) {
this.browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: true });
this.context = await this.browser.newContext({
userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
viewport: { width: 1280, height: 800 },
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
isMobile: false,
hasTouch: false
private isProcessableUrl(url: string): boolean {
try {
const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url);
const path = parsedUrl.pathname?.toLowerCase() || '';
// Skip PDFs and other non-HTML content
const skipExtensions = ['.pdf', '.doc', '.docx', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.ppt', '.pptx'];
if (skipExtensions.some(ext => path.endsWith(ext))) {
console.error(`Skipping non-HTML content: ${url}`);
return false;
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Invalid URL: ${url}`);
return false;
private async fetchContent(url: string): Promise<string> {
if (!this.isProcessableUrl(url)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot process URL: ${url}`);
await this.initializeBrowser();
if (!this.context) throw new Error('Browser context not initialized');
const page = await this.context.newPage();
try {
// Navigate to the URL with a reduced timeout
await page.goto(url, {
waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded',
timeout: 10000 // 10 seconds max for page load
// Get the HTML content immediately without waiting for additional content
const html = await page.content();
return html;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching content from ${url}:`, error);
throw error;
} finally {
await page.close();
public async processUrl(url: string, depth: number = 0): Promise<StepResult> {
console.log(`Processing URL: ${url} at depth ${depth}`);
if (this.visitedUrls.has(url)) {
console.log(`URL already visited: ${url}`);
return { searchResults: [] };
try {
console.log('Fetching content...');
const htmlContent = await this.fetchContent(url);
console.log('Content fetched, length:', htmlContent.length);
console.log('Extracting content...');
const content = await this.contentExtractor.extract(htmlContent, url);
console.log('Content extracted, title:', content.title);
console.log('Analyzing content...');
const analysis = await this.contentAnalyzer.analyze(content);
console.log('Analysis complete:', {
topics: analysis.topics.length,
keyPoints: analysis.keyPoints.length,
relevanceScore: analysis.relevanceScore
// Update progress
console.log('Processing findings...');
await this.processFindings(content, analysis, depth);
console.log('Findings processed');
const result = {
searchResults: [{
title: content.title,
snippet: content.content.substring(0, 200),
relevanceScore: analysis.relevanceScore
extractedContents: [content],
console.log('URL processing complete:', {
title: content.title,
contentLength: content.content.length,
relevanceScore: analysis.relevanceScore
return result;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing URL ${url}:`, error);
return { searchResults: [] };
private createInitialPlan(): ResearchPlan {
return {
steps: [],
estimatedTime: 0,
maxDepth: this.options.maxDepth,
maxBranching: this.options.maxBranching,
focusAreas: []
private initializeProgress(): ResearchProgress {
return {
completedSteps: 0,
totalSteps: 0,
visitedUrls: new Set<string>(),
processedContent: 0,
startTime: new Date().toISOString()
private initializeFindings(): ResearchFindings {
return {
mainTopics: [],
keyInsights: [],
sources: []
private async processFindings(content: ExtractedContent, analysis: ContentAnalysis, depth: number): Promise<void> {
console.log('Processing findings for:', content.url);
try {
// Extract code blocks and technical sections first
console.log('Extracting code blocks and technical sections...');
const codeBlocks = this.extractCodeBlocks(content.content);
const technicalSections = this.extractTechnicalSections(content.content);
console.log('Found:', {
codeBlocks: codeBlocks.length,
technicalSections: technicalSections.length
// Update main topics with higher weight for technical content
console.log('Updating topics...');
console.log('Before update - Topics:', this.findings.mainTopics.length);
this.updateTopics(analysis, technicalSections);
console.log('After update - Topics:', this.findings.mainTopics.length);
// Update key insights with code examples
console.log('Updating insights...');
console.log('Before update - Insights:', this.findings.keyInsights.length);
this.updateInsights(analysis, codeBlocks, technicalSections);
console.log('After update - Insights:', this.findings.keyInsights.length);
// Update sources with technical content score
console.log('Updating sources...');
console.log('Before update - Sources:', this.findings.sources.length);
this.updateSources(content, analysis, technicalSections.length > 0);
console.log('After update - Sources:', this.findings.sources.length);
// Process related URLs if within depth limit
if (depth < this.options.maxDepth) {
console.log(`Processing related URLs at depth ${depth}...`);
await this.processRelatedUrls(content, depth + 1);
} else {
console.log(`Max depth ${this.options.maxDepth} reached, skipping related URLs`);
console.log('Findings processing complete');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error processing findings:', error);
private extractCodeBlocks(content: string): string[] {
const blocks: string[] = [];
// Match both fenced code blocks and inline code
const codeRegex = /```[\s\S]*?```|`[^`]+`/g;
let match;
while ((match = codeRegex.exec(content)) !== null) {
return blocks;
private extractTechnicalSections(content: string): string[] {
const sections: string[] = [];
const technicalIndicators = [
// Split content into paragraphs
const paragraphs = content.split(/\n\n+/);
// Find paragraphs containing technical content
paragraphs.forEach(paragraph => {
const lowerParagraph = paragraph.toLowerCase();
if (
technicalIndicators.some(indicator => lowerParagraph.includes(indicator)) ||
paragraph.includes('```') ||
) {
return sections;
private updateTopics(analysis: ContentAnalysis, technicalSections: string[]): void {
console.log('Updating topics with analysis:', {
topicsCount: analysis.topics ? analysis.topics.length : 0,
technicalSectionsCount: technicalSections.length
if (!analysis.topics || analysis.topics.length === 0) {
console.log('No topics found in analysis');
analysis.topics.forEach(topic => {
console.log('Processing topic:', {
confidence: topic.confidence
const existingTopic = this.findings.mainTopics.find(t => ===;
const hasTechnicalContent = technicalSections.some(section =>
const adjustedConfidence = hasTechnicalContent ?
Math.min(1, topic.confidence * 1.3) :
console.log('Topic analysis:', {
originalConfidence: topic.confidence,
if (existingTopic) {
console.log('Updating existing topic:',;
existingTopic.importance = Math.max(existingTopic.importance, adjustedConfidence);
} else {
console.log('Adding new topic:',;
importance: adjustedConfidence,
relatedTopics: [],
evidence: []
// Sort topics by importance
this.findings.mainTopics.sort((a, b) => b.importance - a.importance);
console.log('Updated topics count:', this.findings.mainTopics.length);
private updateInsights(analysis: ContentAnalysis, codeBlocks: string[], technicalSections: string[]): void {
analysis.keyPoints.forEach(point => {
// Find related code examples
const relatedCode = codeBlocks.filter(code =>
this.isCodeRelatedToPoint(code, point.text)
// Find related technical sections
const relatedTechnical = technicalSections.filter(section =>
this.isSectionRelatedToPoint(section, point.text)
// Adjust confidence based on technical content
let adjustedConfidence = point.importance;
if (relatedCode.length > 0) adjustedConfidence *= 1.2;
if (relatedTechnical.length > 0) adjustedConfidence *= 1.1;
if (adjustedConfidence >= this.options.minRelevanceScore) {
// Convert code blocks and technical sections to Evidence objects
const evidence: Evidence[] = [ => ({
claim: "Code example supporting the insight",
sources: [code],
confidence: 0.9
})), => ({
claim: "Technical documentation supporting the insight",
sources: [section],
confidence: 0.8
text: point.text,
confidence: Math.min(1, adjustedConfidence),
supportingEvidence: evidence,
relatedTopics: point.topics
// Sort insights by confidence
this.findings.keyInsights.sort((a, b) => b.confidence - a.confidence);
private updateSources(content: ExtractedContent, analysis: ContentAnalysis, hasTechnicalContent: boolean): void {
const source = {
url: content.url,
title: content.title,
credibilityScore: hasTechnicalContent ?
Math.min(1, analysis.quality.credibilityScore * 1.2) :
contributedFindings: => point.text)
const existingSource = this.findings.sources.find(s => s.url === content.url);
if (!existingSource) {
private isCodeRelatedToPoint(code: string, point: string): boolean {
const codeTerms = new Set(code.toLowerCase().split(/\W+/));
const pointTerms = new Set(point.toLowerCase().split(/\W+/));
// Check for common terms
const intersection = [...pointTerms].filter(term => codeTerms.has(term));
return intersection.length >= 2; // At least 2 common terms
private isSectionRelatedToPoint(section: string, point: string): boolean {
const sectionLower = section.toLowerCase();
const pointLower = point.toLowerCase();
// Check for significant term overlap
const sectionTerms = new Set(sectionLower.split(/\W+/));
const pointTerms = new Set(pointLower.split(/\W+/));
const intersection = [...pointTerms].filter(term => sectionTerms.has(term));
return intersection.length >= 3 || // At least 3 common terms
sectionLower.includes(pointLower) || // Contains the entire point
pointLower.includes(sectionLower); // Point contains the section
private async processRelatedUrls(content: ExtractedContent, depth: number): Promise<void> {
// Extract URLs from content and process them
// This would be implemented to handle actual URL extraction and processing
private updateTimestamp(): void {
this.timestamp.updated = new Date().toISOString();
public async complete(): Promise<void> {
this.status = 'completed';
this.timestamp.completed = new Date().toISOString();
// Cleanup browser
if (this.context) {
await this.context.close();
this.context = null;
if (this.browser) {
await this.browser.close();
this.browser = null;