Open Data Model Context Protocol

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""" Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) Data API Client This module provides interfaces to access various endpoints of the SBB Data API ( It includes tools and handlers for retrieving rail traffic information and other railway-related data through the SBB's public API endpoints. Features: - Rail traffic information retrieval - Configurable query parameters - Response parsing and type validation using Pydantic models Usage: The module can be run directly to start a server handling API requests, or its components can be imported and used individually. """ import logging from datetime import datetime from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence import httpx import mcp.types as types from mcp.server import stdio_server from pydantic import BaseModel, Field log = logging.getLogger(__name__) BASE_URL = "" # Registration Variables RESOURCES: List[Any] = [] # resources that will be registered by each endpoints RESOURCES_HANDLERS: dict[ str, Any ] = {} # resources handlers that will be registered by each endpoints TOOLS: List[types.Tool] = [] # tools that will be registered by each endpoints TOOLS_HANDLERS: dict[ str, Any ] = {} # tools handlers that will be registered by each endpoints ################### # Rail Traffic Information ################### # 1. define models for the input / output class TrafficInfoParams(BaseModel): select: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Fields to select in the response. Examples: 'title,description' for basic info, 'title,validitybegin,validityend' for timing info", ) where: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Filter conditions for traffic info. Examples: 'validitybegin >= NOW()', 'description LIKE \"*Zürich*\"'", ) group_by: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Group traffic info by specific fields. Example: 'author' to group by the author of the traffic info", ) order_by: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Sort traffic info. Example: 'validitybegin ASC' for chronological order, 'published DESC' for newest first", ) limit: int = Field( default=10, ge=1, le=100, description="Maximum number of traffic info entries to return (1-100)", ) offset: int = Field( default=0, ge=0, description="Number of traffic info entries to skip for pagination", ) refine: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Refine by specific facets. Example: 'author:SBB' to show only SBB notifications", ) exclude: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Exclude specific fields from response. Example: 'description_html' to exclude HTML formatting", ) lang: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Language code for responses (de, fr, it, en). Affects message content language", ) timezone: str = Field( default="UTC", description="Timezone for validity and publication times. Example: 'Europe/Zurich' for local Swiss time", ) include_links: bool = Field( default=False, description="Include related links in response" ) include_app_metas: bool = Field( default=False, description="Include application metadata" ) class TrafficInfoResult(BaseModel): title: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Title of the traffic info") link: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="URL to more details") description: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Plain text description" ) published: Optional[datetime] = Field( default=None, description="Publication timestamp" ) author: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Author of the traffic info" ) validitybegin: Optional[datetime] = Field( default=None, description="Start time of the disruption" ) validityend: Optional[datetime] = Field( default=None, description="End time of the disruption" ) description_html: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="HTML formatted description" ) class TrafficInfoResponse(BaseModel): total_count: int = Field(description="Total number of results available") results: List[TrafficInfoResult] = Field(description="List of traffic info items") # 2. define the function to fetch the data def fetch_rail_traffic_info(params: TrafficInfoParams) -> TrafficInfoResponse: """ Fetch rail traffic information based on the provided parameters. Args: params: TrafficInfoParams object containing all query parameters Returns: TrafficInfoResponse object containing the results """ # Implementation here ... endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/catalog/datasets/rail-traffic-information/records" response = httpx.get(endpoint, params=params.model_dump(exclude_none=True)) response.raise_for_status() return TrafficInfoResponse(**response.json()) # 3. register the function to run when the tool is called async def handle_rail_traffic_info( arguments: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[types.TextContent | types.ImageContent | types.EmbeddedResource]: try: traffic_info_response = fetch_rail_traffic_info(TrafficInfoParams(**arguments)) return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=str(traffic_info_response))] except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error fetching rail traffic info: {e}") raise # 4. register the tool TOOLS.append( types.Tool( name="rail-traffic-info", description="Fetch rail traffic information", inputSchema=TrafficInfoParams.model_json_schema(), ) ) TOOLS_HANDLERS["rail-traffic-info"] = handle_rail_traffic_info ################### # Railway Line Information ################### # 1. define models for the input / output class RailwayLineParams(BaseModel): select: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Fields to select in the response. Examples: 'linie,linienname' for basic info, 'bpk_anfang,bpk_ende' for station info", ) where: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Filter conditions. Examples: 'linie = 100', 'bpk_anfang LIKE \"*Zürich*\"'", ) group_by: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Group railway lines by specific fields. Example: 'bpk_anfang' to group by starting station", ) order_by: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Sort railway lines. Example: 'linie ASC' for line number order, 'km_ende DESC' for longest routes first", ) limit: int = Field( default=10, ge=1, le=100, description="Maximum number of railway line entries to return (1-100)", ) offset: int = Field( default=0, ge=0, description="Number of railway line entries to skip for pagination", ) class GeoPoint2D(BaseModel): lon: float = Field(description="Longitude coordinate") lat: float = Field(description="Latitude coordinate") class LineGeometry(BaseModel): coordinates: List[List[float]] = Field( description="List of coordinate pairs [lon, lat]" ) type: str = Field(description="Geometry type (usually 'LineString')") class LineFeature(BaseModel): type: str = Field(description="Feature type") geometry: LineGeometry = Field(description="Line geometry information") properties: dict = Field(description="Additional properties") class RailwayLineResult(BaseModel): linie: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, description="Line number") linienname: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Line name/description") bpk_anfang: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Starting station") bpk_ende: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="End station") km_anfang: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, description="Starting kilometer") km_ende: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, description="End kilometer") stationierung_anfang: Optional[int] = Field( default=None, description="Starting stationing" ) stationierung_ende: Optional[int] = Field( default=None, description="End stationing" ) tst: Optional[LineFeature] = Field( default=None, description="Geographic line feature" ) geo_point_2d: Optional[GeoPoint2D] = Field( default=None, description="Center point of the line" ) class RailwayLineResponse(BaseModel): total_count: int = Field(description="Total number of results available") results: List[RailwayLineResult] = Field(description="List of railway line items") # 2. define the function to fetch the data def fetch_railway_lines(params: RailwayLineParams) -> RailwayLineResponse: """ Fetch railway line information based on the provided parameters. Args: params: RailwayLineParams object containing all query parameters Returns: RailwayLineResponse object containing the results """ endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/catalog/datasets/linie/records" response = httpx.get(endpoint, params=params.model_dump(exclude_none=True)) response.raise_for_status() return RailwayLineResponse(**response.json()) # 3. register the function to run when the tool is called async def handle_railway_lines( arguments: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[types.TextContent | types.ImageContent | types.EmbeddedResource]: try: railway_lines_response = fetch_railway_lines(RailwayLineParams(**arguments)) return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=str(railway_lines_response))] except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error fetching railway lines: {e}") raise # 4. register the tool TOOLS.append( types.Tool( name="railway-lines", description="Fetch railway line information", inputSchema=RailwayLineParams.model_json_schema(), ) ) TOOLS_HANDLERS["railway-lines"] = handle_railway_lines ################### # Rolling Stock Information ################### # 1. define models for the input / output class RollingStockParams(BaseModel): select: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Fields to select in the response. Examples: 'fahrzeug_typ,objekt' for basic info, 'vmax_betrieblich_zugelassen,lange_uber_puffer_lup' for technical details", ) where: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Filter conditions. Examples: 'fahrzeug_typ = \"X\"', 'vmax_betrieblich_zugelassen > 100'", ) group_by: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Group rolling stock by specific fields. Example: 'fahrzeug_typ' to group by vehicle type", ) order_by: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Sort rolling stock. Example: 'baudatum_fahrzeug ASC' for oldest first, 'vmax_betrieblich_zugelassen DESC' for fastest first", ) limit: int = Field( default=10, ge=1, le=100, description="Maximum number of rolling stock entries to return (1-100)", ) offset: int = Field( default=0, ge=0, description="Number of rolling stock entries to skip for pagination", ) class RollingStockResult(BaseModel): fahrzeug_art_struktur: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Vehicle structure type" ) fahrzeug_typ: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Vehicle type") objekt: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Vehicle identifier") baudatum_fahrzeug: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Build date") eigengewicht_tara: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, description="Tare weight") lange_uber_puffer_lup: Optional[int] = Field( default=None, description="Length over buffers (mm)" ) vmax_betrieblich_zugelassen: Optional[int] = Field( default=None, description="Maximum operational speed" ) # Add other fields as needed, all as Optional since many can be null class RollingStockResponse(BaseModel): total_count: int = Field(description="Total number of results available") results: List[RollingStockResult] = Field(description="List of rolling stock items") # 2. define the function to fetch the data def fetch_rolling_stock(params: RollingStockParams) -> RollingStockResponse: """ Fetch rolling stock information based on the provided parameters. Args: params: RollingStockParams object containing all query parameters Returns: RollingStockResponse object containing the results """ endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/catalog/datasets/rollmaterial/records" response = httpx.get(endpoint, params=params.model_dump(exclude_none=True)) response.raise_for_status() return RollingStockResponse(**response.json()) # 3. register the function to run when the tool is called async def handle_rolling_stock( arguments: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> Sequence[types.TextContent | types.ImageContent | types.EmbeddedResource]: try: rolling_stock_response = fetch_rolling_stock(RollingStockParams(**arguments)) return [types.TextContent(type="text", text=str(rolling_stock_response))] except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error fetching rolling stock info: {e}") raise # 4. register the tool TOOLS.append( types.Tool( name="rolling-stock", description="Fetch rolling stock (vehicle) information", inputSchema=RollingStockParams.model_json_schema(), ) ) TOOLS_HANDLERS["rolling-stock"] = handle_rolling_stock ################### # Other Endpoint Name ################### ... async def main(): from odmcp.utils import create_mcp_server # create the server server = create_mcp_server( "", RESOURCES, RESOURCES_HANDLERS, TOOLS, TOOLS_HANDLERS ) # run the server async with stdio_server() as streams: await[0], streams[1], server.create_initialization_options()) if __name__ == "__main__": # # test the endpoints print( "Rail Traffic Info:", fetch_rail_traffic_info(TrafficInfoParams(select="title,description", limit=1)), ) print( "Railway Lines:", fetch_railway_lines(RailwayLineParams(select="linie,linienname", limit=1)), ) print( "Rolling Stock:", fetch_rolling_stock(RollingStockParams(select="fahrzeug_typ,objekt", limit=1)), )