by MeterLong
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
MCP Docx Processing Service
Provides various operations for docx documents, including querying, adding, modifying, deleting, and font style settings
Implemented using the official MCP library
import os
import tempfile
import logging
import traceback
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import AsyncIterator, Dict, Any, Optional
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Pt, RGBColor, Inches, Cm
from import WD_STYLE_TYPE
from docx.oxml.ns import qn
from docx.oxml import OxmlElement
# Configure logging
format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "docx_mcp_server.log")),
logger = logging.getLogger("DocxMCPServer")
# Create a state file for restoring state when MCP service restarts
CURRENT_DOC_FILE = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "docx_mcp_current_doc.txt")
class DocxProcessor:
"""Class for processing Docx documents, implementing various document operations"""
def __init__(self):
self.documents = {} # Store opened documents
self.current_document = None
self.current_file_path = None
# Try to load current document from state file
def _load_current_document(self):
"""Load current document from state file"""
if not os.path.exists(CURRENT_DOC_FILE):
return False
with open(CURRENT_DOC_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
file_path =
if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path):
self.current_file_path = file_path
self.current_document = Document(file_path)
self.documents[file_path] = self.current_document
return True
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to load document at {file_path}: {e}")
# Delete invalid state file to prevent future loading attempts
os.remove(CURRENT_DOC_FILE)"Removed invalid state file pointing to {file_path}")
except Exception as e_remove:
logger.error(f"Failed to remove state file: {e_remove}")
# Delete invalid state file if path is empty or file doesn't exist
os.remove(CURRENT_DOC_FILE)"Removed invalid state file with non-existent document path")
except Exception as e_remove:
logger.error(f"Failed to remove state file: {e_remove}")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to load current document: {e}")
# Delete corrupted state file
os.remove(CURRENT_DOC_FILE)"Removed corrupted state file")
except Exception as e_remove:
logger.error(f"Failed to remove state file: {e_remove}")
return False
def _save_current_document(self):
"""Save current document path to state file"""
if not self.current_file_path:
return False
with open(CURRENT_DOC_FILE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
return True
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to save current document path: {e}")
return False
def save_state(self):
"""Save processor state"""
# Save current document
if self.current_document and self.current_file_path:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to save current document: {e}")
def load_state(self):
"""Load processor state"""
# ... Keep all original document processing methods ...
# Create global processor instance
processor = DocxProcessor()
async def server_lifespan(server: FastMCP) -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Manage server lifecycle"""
# Start server with clean state"DocxProcessor MCP server starting with clean state...")
# Do not attempt to load any previous state
yield {"processor": processor}
# Save state when server shuts down"DocxProcessor MCP server shutting down...")
if processor.current_document and processor.current_file_path:
else:"No document open, not saving state")
# Create MCP server
mcp = FastMCP(
instructions="Word document processing service, providing functions to create, edit, and query documents",
def create_document(ctx: Context, file_path: str) -> str:
Create a new Word document
- file_path: Document save path
processor.current_document = Document()
processor.current_file_path = file_path
processor.documents[file_path] = processor.current_document
# Save document
return f"Document created successfully: {file_path}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to create document: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def open_document(ctx: Context, file_path: str) -> str:
Open an existing Word document
- file_path: Path to the document to open
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
return f"File does not exist: {file_path}"
processor.current_document = Document(file_path)
processor.current_file_path = file_path
processor.documents[file_path] = processor.current_document
return f"Document opened successfully: {file_path}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to open document: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def save_document(ctx: Context) -> str:
Save the currently open Word document to the original file (update the original file)
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
if not processor.current_file_path:
return "Current document has not been saved before, please use save_as_document to specify a save path"
# Save to original file path
return f"Document saved successfully to original file: {processor.current_file_path}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to save document: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def add_paragraph(
ctx: Context,
text: str,
bold: bool = False,
italic: bool = False,
underline: bool = False,
font_size: Optional[int] = None,
font_name: Optional[str] = None,
color: Optional[str] = None,
alignment: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
Add paragraph text to document
- text: Paragraph text content
- bold: Whether to bold
- italic: Whether to italicize
- underline: Whether to underline
- font_size: Font size (points)
- font_name: Font name
- color: Text color (format: #FF0000)
- alignment: Alignment (left, center, right, justify)
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
# Add paragraph
paragraph = processor.current_document.add_paragraph(text)
# Apply additional formatting
if paragraph.runs:
run = paragraph.runs[0]
run.bold = bold
run.italic = italic
run.underline = underline
# Set font size
if font_size:
run.font.size = Pt(font_size)
# Set font name
if font_name: = font_name
# Set East Asian font
run._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), font_name)
# Set font color
if color and color.startswith('#') and len(color) == 7:
r = int(color[1:3], 16)
g = int(color[3:5], 16)
b = int(color[5:7], 16)
run.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(r, g, b)
# Set alignment
if alignment:
if alignment == "left":
paragraph.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.LEFT
elif alignment == "center":
elif alignment == "right":
paragraph.alignment = WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT
elif alignment == "justify":
return "Paragraph added"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to add paragraph: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def add_heading(ctx: Context, text: str, level: int) -> str:
Add heading to document
- text: Heading text
- level: Heading level (1-9)
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
processor.current_document.add_heading(text, level=level)
return f"Added level {level} heading"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to add heading: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def add_table(ctx: Context, rows: int, cols: int, data: Optional[list] = None) -> str:
Add table to document
- rows: Number of rows
- cols: Number of columns
- data: Table data, two-dimensional array
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
table = processor.current_document.add_table(rows=rows, cols=cols, style="Table Grid")
# Fill table data
if data:
for i, row_data in enumerate(data):
if i < rows:
row = table.rows[i]
for j, cell_text in enumerate(row_data):
if j < cols:
row.cells[j].text = str(cell_text)
return f"Added {rows}x{cols} table"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to add table: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def get_document_info(ctx: Context) -> str:
Get document information, including paragraph count, table count, styles, etc.
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
# Get basic document information
sections_count = len(doc.sections)
paragraphs_count = len(doc.paragraphs)
tables_count = len(doc.tables)
# Get style list
paragraph_styles = []
for style in doc.styles:
if style.type == WD_STYLE_TYPE.PARAGRAPH:
# Build information string
info = f"Document path: {processor.current_file_path}\n"
info += f"Section count: {sections_count}\n"
info += f"Paragraph count: {paragraphs_count}\n"
info += f"Table count: {tables_count}\n"
info += f"Available paragraph styles: {', '.join(paragraph_styles[:10])}..."
return info
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to get document information: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def search_text(ctx: Context, keyword: str) -> str:
Search for text in the document
- keyword: Keyword to search for
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
results = []
# Search in paragraphs
for i, paragraph in enumerate(doc.paragraphs):
if keyword in paragraph.text:
"type": "paragraph",
"index": i,
"text": paragraph.text
# Search in tables
for t_idx, table in enumerate(doc.tables):
for r_idx, row in enumerate(table.rows):
for c_idx, cell in enumerate(row.cells):
if keyword in cell.text:
"type": "table cell",
"table_index": t_idx,
"row": r_idx,
"column": c_idx,
"text": cell.text
if not results:
return f"Keyword '{keyword}' not found"
# Build response
response = f"Found {len(results)} occurrences of '{keyword}':\n\n"
for idx, result in enumerate(results):
response += f"{idx+1}. {result['type']} "
if result['type'] == "paragraph":
response += f"index {result['index']}: {result['text'][:100]}"
if len(result['text']) > 100:
response += "..."
response += "\n"
response += f"in table {result['table_index']} at cell ({result['row']},{result['column']}): {result['text'][:100]}"
if len(result['text']) > 100:
response += "..."
response += "\n"
return response
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to search text: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def search_and_replace(ctx: Context, keyword: str, replace_with: str, preview_only: bool = False) -> str:
Search and replace text in the document, providing detailed replacement information and preview options
- keyword: Keyword to search for
- replace_with: Text to replace with
- preview_only: Whether to only preview without actually replacing, default is False
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
results = []
# Search in paragraphs
for i, paragraph in enumerate(doc.paragraphs):
if keyword in paragraph.text:
# Save original text and replaced text
original_text = paragraph.text
replaced_text = original_text.replace(keyword, replace_with)
"type": "paragraph",
"index": i,
"original": original_text,
"replaced": replaced_text,
"count": original_text.count(keyword)
# If not in preview mode, perform replacement
if not preview_only:
paragraph.text = replaced_text
# Search in tables
for t_idx, table in enumerate(doc.tables):
for r_idx, row in enumerate(table.rows):
for c_idx, cell in enumerate(row.cells):
if keyword in cell.text:
# Save original text and replaced text
original_text = cell.text
replaced_text = original_text.replace(keyword, replace_with)
"type": "table cell",
"table_index": t_idx,
"row": r_idx,
"column": c_idx,
"original": original_text,
"replaced": replaced_text,
"count": original_text.count(keyword)
# If not in preview mode, perform replacement
if not preview_only:
# Replace all paragraphs in the cell with the replaced text
for para in cell.paragraphs:
if keyword in para.text:
para.text = para.text.replace(keyword, replace_with)
if not results:
return f"Keyword '{keyword}' not found"
# Calculate total replacements
total_replacements = sum(item["count"] for item in results)
# Build response
action_word = "Preview" if preview_only else "Replace"
response = f"{action_word} '{keyword}' with '{replace_with}', found {len(results)} locations, {total_replacements} occurrences:\n\n"
for idx, result in enumerate(results):
response += f"{idx+1}. In {result['type']} "
if result['type'] == "paragraph":
response += f"index {result['index']} {action_word.lower()}ing {result['count']} times:\n"
response += f"table {result['table_index']} at cell ({result['row']},{result['column']}) {action_word.lower()}ing {result['count']} times:\n"
# Display original and replaced text snippets (context)
max_display = 50
if len(result['original']) > max_display * 2:
# Find keyword position and display surrounding text
start_pos = result['original'].find(keyword)
start_pos = max(0, start_pos - max_display)
excerpt_original = "..." + result['original'][start_pos:start_pos + max_display * 2] + "..."
excerpt_replaced = "..." + result['replaced'][start_pos:start_pos + max_display * 2] + "..."
excerpt_original = result['original']
excerpt_replaced = result['replaced']
response += f" Original: {excerpt_original}\n"
response += f" Replaced: {excerpt_replaced}\n\n"
if preview_only:
response += "This is a preview of replacements. No actual changes were made. To execute replacements, set preview_only to False."
response += "Replacements completed successfully."
return response
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Search and replace failed: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def find_and_replace(ctx: Context, find_text: str, replace_text: str) -> str:
Find and replace text in the document
- find_text: Text to find
- replace_text: Text to replace with
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
replace_count = 0
# Find and replace in paragraphs
for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:
if find_text in paragraph.text:
paragraph.text = paragraph.text.replace(find_text, replace_text)
replace_count += paragraph.text.count(replace_text)
# Find and replace in tables
for table in doc.tables:
for row in table.rows:
for cell in row.cells:
for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
if find_text in paragraph.text:
paragraph.text = paragraph.text.replace(find_text, replace_text)
replace_count += paragraph.text.count(replace_text)
return f"Replaced '{find_text}' with '{replace_text}', {replace_count} occurrences"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Find and replace failed: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def merge_table_cells(
ctx: Context,
table_index: int,
start_row: int,
start_col: int,
end_row: int,
end_col: int
) -> str:
Merge table cells
- table_index: Table index
- start_row: Start row index
- start_col: Start column index
- end_row: End row index
- end_col: End column index
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
if not doc.tables:
return "No tables in document"
if table_index < 0 or table_index >= len(doc.tables):
return f"Table index out of range: {table_index}, document has {len(doc.tables)} tables"
table = doc.tables[table_index]
# Check if row and column indices are valid
if start_row < 0 or start_row >= len(table.rows):
return f"Start row index out of range: {start_row}, table has {len(table.rows)} rows"
if start_col < 0 or start_col >= len(table.columns):
return f"Start column index out of range: {start_col}, table has {len(table.columns)} columns"
if end_row < start_row or end_row >= len(table.rows):
return f"End row index invalid: {end_row}, should be between {start_row} and {len(table.rows)-1}"
if end_col < start_col or end_col >= len(table.columns):
return f"End column index invalid: {end_col}, should be between {start_col} and {len(table.columns)-1}"
# Get start and end cells
start_cell = table.cell(start_row, start_col)
end_cell = table.cell(end_row, end_col)
# Merge cells
return f"Merged cells in table {table_index} from ({start_row},{start_col}) to ({end_row},{end_col})"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to merge table cells: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def split_table(ctx: Context, table_index: int, row_index: int) -> str:
Split table into two tables at specified row
- table_index: Table index
- row_index: Split table after this row
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
if not doc.tables:
return "No tables in document"
if table_index < 0 or table_index >= len(doc.tables):
return f"Table index out of range: {table_index}, document has {len(doc.tables)} tables"
table = doc.tables[table_index]
if row_index < 0 or row_index >= len(table.rows) - 1:
return f"Row index invalid: {row_index}, should be between 0 and {len(table.rows)-2}"
# Use XML operations to split table
# Get table element
tbl = table._tbl
# Calculate split position
split_position = row_index + 1
# Create new table element
new_tbl = OxmlElement('w:tbl')
# Copy table properties
for child in tbl.xpath('./w:tblPr')[0].getchildren():
# Copy table grid settings
for child in tbl.xpath('./w:tblGrid')[0].getchildren():
# Move rows to new table
rows = tbl.xpath('./w:tr')
for i in range(split_position, len(rows)):
# Insert new table after original table
return f"Split table {table_index} after row {row_index}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to split table: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def add_table_row(ctx: Context, table_index: int, data: Optional[list] = None) -> str:
Add a row to table
- table_index: Table index
- data: Row data in list format
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
if not doc.tables:
return "No tables in document"
if table_index < 0 or table_index >= len(doc.tables):
return f"Table index out of range: {table_index}, document has {len(doc.tables)} tables"
table = doc.tables[table_index]
# Add new row
new_row = table.add_row()
# Fill row data
if data:
for i, cell_text in enumerate(data):
if i < len(new_row.cells):
new_row.cells[i].text = str(cell_text)
return f"Added new row to table {table_index}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to add table row: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def delete_table_row(ctx: Context, table_index: int, row_index: int) -> str:
Delete a row from table
- table_index: Table index
- row_index: Row index to delete
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
if not doc.tables:
return "No tables in document"
if table_index < 0 or table_index >= len(doc.tables):
return f"Table index out of range: {table_index}, document has {len(doc.tables)} tables"
table = doc.tables[table_index]
if row_index < 0 or row_index >= len(table.rows):
return f"Row index out of range: {row_index}, table has {len(table.rows)} rows"
# Use XML operations to delete row
row = table.rows[row_index]._tr
return f"Deleted row {row_index} from table {table_index}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to delete table row: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def edit_table_cell(ctx: Context, table_index: int, row_index: int, col_index: int, text: str) -> str:
Edit table cell content
- table_index: Table index
- row_index: Row index
- col_index: Column index
- text: Cell text
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
if not doc.tables:
return "No tables in document"
if table_index < 0 or table_index >= len(doc.tables):
return f"Table index out of range: {table_index}, document has {len(doc.tables)} tables"
table = doc.tables[table_index]
if row_index < 0 or row_index >= len(table.rows):
return f"Row index out of range: {row_index}, table has {len(table.rows)} rows"
if col_index < 0 or col_index >= len(table.columns):
return f"Column index out of range: {col_index}, table has {len(table.columns)} columns"
# Modify cell content
table.cell(row_index, col_index).text = text
return f"Cell ({row_index}, {col_index}) in table {table_index} has been modified"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to edit table cell: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def add_page_break(ctx: Context) -> str:
Add page break
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
return "Page break added"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to add page break: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def set_page_margins(
ctx: Context,
top: Optional[float] = None,
bottom: Optional[float] = None,
left: Optional[float] = None,
right: Optional[float] = None
) -> str:
Set page margins
- top: Top margin (cm)
- bottom: Bottom margin (cm)
- left: Left margin (cm)
- right: Right margin (cm)
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
# Get current section (default to use first section)
section = doc.sections[0]
# Set page margins
if top is not None:
section.top_margin = Cm(top)
if bottom is not None:
section.bottom_margin = Cm(bottom)
if left is not None:
section.left_margin = Cm(left)
if right is not None:
section.right_margin = Cm(right)
return "Page margins set"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to set page margins: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def delete_paragraph(ctx: Context, paragraph_index: int) -> str:
Delete specified paragraph from document
- paragraph_index: Paragraph index to delete
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
if paragraph_index < 0 or paragraph_index >= len(doc.paragraphs):
return f"Paragraph index out of range: {paragraph_index}, document has {len(doc.paragraphs)} paragraphs"
# python-docx does not provide a direct method to delete a paragraph, use XML operations
paragraph = doc.paragraphs[paragraph_index]
p = paragraph._element
# Delete paragraph object reference for garbage collection
paragraph._p = None
paragraph._element = None
return f"Paragraph {paragraph_index} deleted"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to delete paragraph: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def delete_text(ctx: Context, paragraph_index: int, start_pos: int, end_pos: int) -> str:
Delete specified text from paragraph
- paragraph_index: Paragraph index
- start_pos: Start position (0-based index)
- end_pos: End position (not included in the text)
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
if paragraph_index < 0 or paragraph_index >= len(doc.paragraphs):
return f"Paragraph index out of range: {paragraph_index}, document has {len(doc.paragraphs)} paragraphs"
paragraph = doc.paragraphs[paragraph_index]
text = paragraph.text
if start_pos < 0 or start_pos >= len(text):
return f"Start position out of range: {start_pos}, paragraph length is {len(text)}"
if end_pos <= start_pos or end_pos > len(text):
return f"End position invalid: {end_pos}, should be between {start_pos+1} and {len(text)}"
# Build new text (delete specified text)
new_text = text[:start_pos] + text[end_pos:]
paragraph.text = new_text
return f"Deleted text from position {start_pos} to {end_pos} in paragraph {paragraph_index}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to delete text: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def save_as_document(ctx: Context, new_file_path: str) -> str:
Save current document as a new file
- new_file_path: Path to save the new file
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
# Save as new file
# Update current file path
processor.current_file_path = new_file_path
processor.documents[new_file_path] = processor.current_document
return f"Document saved as: {new_file_path}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to save document: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def create_document_copy(ctx: Context, suffix: str = "-副本") -> str:
Create a copy of the current document in the directory of the original file
- suffix: Suffix to add to the original file name, default is "-副本"
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
if not processor.current_file_path:
return "Current document has not been saved, cannot create a copy"
# Parse original file path
file_dir = os.path.dirname(processor.current_file_path)
file_name = os.path.basename(processor.current_file_path)
file_name_without_ext, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
# Create new file name
new_file_name = f"{file_name_without_ext}{suffix}{file_ext}"
new_file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, new_file_name)
# Save as new file
return f"Document copy created: {new_file_path}"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to create document copy: {str(e)}"
return error_msg
def replace_section(ctx: Context, section_title: str, new_content: list, preserve_title: bool = True) -> str:
Find specified title in document and replace content under that title, keeping original position, format, and style
- section_title: Title text to find
- new_content: New content list, each element is a paragraph
- preserve_title: Whether to keep original title, default is True
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
# Find title position
title_index = -1
for i, paragraph in enumerate(doc.paragraphs):
if section_title in paragraph.text:
title_index = i
if title_index == -1:
return f"Title not found: '{section_title}'"
# Determine end position of that section (next same or higher level title)
end_index = len(doc.paragraphs)
title_style = doc.paragraphs[title_index].style
for i in range(title_index + 1, len(doc.paragraphs)):
# If next same level or higher level title found, set as end position
if doc.paragraphs[i]'Heading') and \
(doc.paragraphs[i] <= or doc.paragraphs[i].style == title_style):
end_index = i
# Save original paragraph style and format information
original_styles = []
for i in range(start_delete := (title_index + (1 if preserve_title else 0)), min(end_index, start_delete + len(new_content))):
if i < len(doc.paragraphs):
para = doc.paragraphs[i]
style_info = {
'alignment': para.alignment,
'runs': []
# Save each run format
for run in para.runs:
run_info = {
'bold': run.bold,
'italic': run.italic,
'underline': run.underline,
'font_size': run.font.size,
'color': run.font.color.rgb if run.font.color.rgb else None
# If original paragraph count is insufficient, use last paragraph style
if original_styles:
# If no original style, use default style
'style': None,
'alignment': None,
'runs': []
# If original style count is insufficient, use last style to fill
while len(original_styles) < len(new_content):
if original_styles:
'style': None,
'alignment': None,
'runs': []
# Record insert position
insert_position = start_delete
# Delete from end to avoid index change
for i in range(end_index - 1, start_delete - 1, -1):
p = doc.paragraphs[i]._element
# Add new content, apply original format
for i, content in enumerate(reversed(new_content)):
# Create new paragraph
p = doc.add_paragraph()
# Apply original paragraph style
style_info = original_styles[len(new_content) - i - 1]
if style_info['style']: = style_info['style']
if style_info['alignment'] is not None:
p.alignment = style_info['alignment']
# Add text and apply format
if style_info['runs'] and len(style_info['runs']) > 0:
# If multiple runs, try to keep format
# Simplified processing: Add entire content to a run, apply format from first run
run = p.add_run(content)
run_info = style_info['runs'][0]
run.bold = run_info['bold']
run.italic = run_info['italic']
run.underline = run_info['underline']
if run_info['font_size']:
run.font.size = run_info['font_size']
if run_info['font_name']: = run_info['font_name']
# Set Chinese font
run._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), run_info['font_name'])
if run_info['color']:
run.font.color.rgb = run_info['color']
# If no run information, add text directly
p.text = content
# Move new paragraph to correct position
doc._body._body.insert(insert_position, p._p)
# Delete original added paragraph (at end of document)
return f"Replaced content under title '{section_title}', keeping original format and style"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to replace content: {str(e)}"
traceback.print_exc() # Print detailed error information
return error_msg
def edit_section_by_keyword(ctx: Context, keyword: str, new_content: list, section_range: int = 3) -> str:
Find paragraphs containing specified keyword and replace them and their surrounding content, keeping original position, format, and style
- keyword: Keyword to find
- new_content: New content list, each element is a paragraph
- section_range: Surrounding paragraph range to replace, default is 3
if not processor.current_document:
return "No document is open"
doc = processor.current_document
# Find keyword position
keyword_indices = []
for i, paragraph in enumerate(doc.paragraphs):
if keyword in paragraph.text:
if not keyword_indices:
return f"Keyword not found: '{keyword}'"
# Use first match
keyword_index = keyword_indices[0]
# Determine paragraph range to replace
start_index = max(0, keyword_index - section_range)
end_index = min(len(doc.paragraphs), keyword_index + section_range + 1)
# Save original paragraph style and format information
original_styles = []
for i in range(start_index, min(end_index, start_index + len(new_content))):
if i < len(doc.paragraphs):
para = doc.paragraphs[i]
style_info = {
'alignment': para.alignment,
'runs': []
# Save each run format
for run in para.runs:
run_info = {
'bold': run.bold,
'italic': run.italic,
'underline': run.underline,
'font_size': run.font.size,
'color': run.font.color.rgb if run.font.color.rgb else None
# If original paragraph count is insufficient, use last paragraph style
if original_styles:
# If no original style, use default style
'style': None,
'alignment': None,
'runs': []
# If original style count is insufficient, use last style to fill
while len(original_styles) < len(new_content):
if original_styles:
'style': None,
'alignment': None,
'runs': []
# Record insert position
insert_position = start_index
# Delete from end to avoid index change
for i in range(end_index - 1, start_index - 1, -1):
p = doc.paragraphs[i]._element
# Add new content, apply original format
for i, content in enumerate(reversed(new_content)):
# Create new paragraph
p = doc.add_paragraph()
# Apply original paragraph style
style_info = original_styles[len(new_content) - i - 1]
if style_info['style']: = style_info['style']
if style_info['alignment'] is not None:
p.alignment = style_info['alignment']
# Add text and apply format
if style_info['runs'] and len(style_info['runs']) > 0:
# If multiple runs, try to keep format
# Simplified processing: Add entire content to a run, apply format from first run
run = p.add_run(content)
run_info = style_info['runs'][0]
run.bold = run_info['bold']
run.italic = run_info['italic']
run.underline = run_info['underline']
if run_info['font_size']:
run.font.size = run_info['font_size']
if run_info['font_name']: = run_info['font_name']
# Set Chinese font
run._element.rPr.rFonts.set(qn('w:eastAsia'), run_info['font_name'])
if run_info['color']:
run.font.color.rgb = run_info['color']
# If no run information, add text directly
p.text = content
# Move new paragraph to correct position
doc._body._body.insert(insert_position, p._p)
# Delete original added paragraph (at end of document)
return f"Replaced paragraphs containing keyword '{keyword}' and their surrounding content, keeping original format and style"
except Exception as e:
error_msg = f"Failed to replace content: {str(e)}"
traceback.print_exc() # Print detailed error information
return error_msg
# Add more tools...
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Always start with a clean state, don't try to load any previous document
if os.path.exists(CURRENT_DOC_FILE):
os.remove(CURRENT_DOC_FILE)"Removed existing state file for clean startup")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to remove existing state file: {e}")
# Run MCP server