MCP Browser Use Server
by JovaniPink
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Type
from browser_use.agent.views import AgentOutput
from browser_use.controller.registry.views import ActionModel
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, create_model
class CustomAgentStepInfo:
Holds metadata about a single step of the agent's execution.
:param step_number: Which step number we're currently on.
:param max_steps: Total maximum steps before we stop.
:param task: The primary task assigned to the agent.
:param add_infos: Additional contextual info or instructions.
:param memory: Cumulative memory or context from previous steps.
:param task_progress: Text describing progress toward the task goal.
step_number: int
max_steps: int
task: str
add_infos: str
memory: str
task_progress: str
class CustomAgentBrain(BaseModel):
Represents the agent's 'thinking' or ephemeral state during processing.
:param prev_action_evaluation: String evaluation of the last action performed (success/failure).
:param important_contents: Key points or memory extracted from the environment.
:param completed_contents: Completed portion of the task so far.
:param thought: Agent's internal reasoning or thought process text.
:param summary: Short summary of the agent's current state or progress.
prev_action_evaluation: str
important_contents: str
completed_contents: str
thought: str
summary: str
class CustomAgentOutput(AgentOutput):
Output model for the agent. Extended at runtime with custom actions
by 'type_with_custom_actions'.
model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
current_state: CustomAgentBrain
action: List[ActionModel]
def type_with_custom_actions(
custom_actions: Type[ActionModel],
) -> Type["CustomAgentOutput"]:
Create a new Pydantic model that inherits from CustomAgentOutput
but redefines the 'action' field to be a list of the given
custom action model.
:param custom_actions: The action model type from the controller registry.
:return: A new Pydantic model class based on CustomAgentOutput.
return create_model(
# Could rename to something more specific if needed
action=(List[custom_actions], Field(...)),