GreptimeDB MCP Server
by GreptimeTeam
import pytest
import sys
# Mock classes for MySQL connection
class MockCursor:
def __init__(self):
self.query = ""
self.rowcount = 2
def execute(self, query):
self.query = query
def fetchall(self):
if "SHOW TABLES" in self.query.upper():
return [("users",), ("orders",)]
elif "SELECT" in self.query.upper():
return [(1, "John"), (2, "Jane")]
return []
def description(self):
if "SHOW TABLES" in self.query.upper():
return [("table_name", None)]
elif "SELECT" in self.query.upper():
return [("id", None), ("name", None)]
return []
def close(self):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
class MockConnection:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def cursor(self):
return MockCursor()
def commit(self):
def close(self):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
class MockMySQLModule:
"""Mock for entire mysql.connector module"""
def connect(*args, **kwargs):
return MockConnection(*args, **kwargs)
class Error(Exception):
"""Mock MySQL error class"""
def pytest_configure(config):
Called at the start of the pytest session, before tests are collected.
This is where we apply our global patches before any imports happen.
# Create and store original modules if they exist
original_mysql = sys.modules.get("mysql.connector")
# Create mock MySQL module
sys.modules["mysql.connector"] = MockMySQLModule
# Store the original function for later import and patching
config._mysql_original = original_mysql
def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus):
"""Restore original modules after all tests are done"""
if hasattr(session.config, "_mysql_original") and session.config._mysql_original:
sys.modules["mysql.connector"] = session.config._mysql_original