Solana MCP Server

by Grandbusta
# Solana MCP Server 🌱 A MCP server to interact with the Solana blockchain with your own private key. ## 📖 Table of Contents - [✨Features](#-features) - [⚙️Setup](#️-setup) - [Integration with Cursor](#integration-with-cursor) - [🛠️Available Tools](#️-available-tools) - [🔖License](#️-license) ## ✨ Features - Get latest slot - Get wallet address - Get wallet balance - Transfer SOL ## ⚙️ Setup 1. Clone the repository ```bash git clone ``` 2. Install dependencies ```bash npm install ``` 3. Build the project ```bash npm run build ``` 4. Create a keypair file Create a file named `keypair.json` anywhere you want and copy your private key into it. Check the example-keypair.json file for an example. NB: RPC endpoint is set to `` by default. If you want to use a different endpoint, you can set it in the `` file. ## Integration with Cursor To integrate with Cursor, follow these steps: 1. In the Cursor settings, go to MCP 2. Click "Add new MCP server" 3. Enter the following information: - Name: Solana MCP - Type: command - Command: ```/path/to/your/solana-mcp/ /path/to/your/keypair.json``` Example command: ```/Users/username/projects/solana-mcp/ /Users/username/Documents/keypair.json``` ## 🛠️ Available Tools ### 1. get-latest-slot Returns the latest slot number: ```bash 368202671 ``` ### 2. get-wallet-address Returns the wallet address: ```bash 5GTuMBag1M8tfe736kcV1vcAE734Zf1SRta8pmWf82TJ ``` ### 3. get-wallet-balance Returns the wallet balance in SOL, Lamports, and USD: ```bash { "lamportsBalance": "4179966000", "solanaBalnce": 4.179966, "usdBalance": "553.0513" } ``` ### 4. transfer Transfers SOL to a recipient address: ```bash { "blockTime": "1742316463", "meta": { "computeUnitsConsumed": "150", "err": null, "fee": "5000", "innerInstructions": [], "loadedAddresses": { "readonly": [], "writable": [] }, "logMessages": [ "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]", "Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success" ], "postBalances": [ "4179966000", "819999000", "1" ], "postTokenBalances": [], "preBalances": [ "4399970000", "600000000", "1" ], "preTokenBalances": [], "rewards": [], "status": { "Ok": null } }, "slot": "368211978", "transaction": { "message": { "accountKeys": [ "6qhddtBoEHqTc3VM35a3rb3aLUe6vDQfmLigo2G4r5s1", "5GTuMBag1M8tfe736kcV1vcAE734Zf1SRta8pmWf82TJ", "11111111111111111111111111111111" ], "addressTableLookups": [], "header": { "numReadonlySignedAccounts": 0, "numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts": 1, "numRequiredSignatures": 1 }, "instructions": [ { "accounts": [ 0, 1 ], "data": "3Bxs452Q9hdvHuwd", "programIdIndex": 2, "stackHeight": null } ], "recentBlockhash": "BLqtPS9BHPp9CRFTrVAsrxFMWC98VTUAQ3vi12bSquLo" }, "signatures": [ "3bLyqbPn26ofkaxSAVqadQnHqXu9hyoryixmKCn69nunKg2cSryDVAWnfCcYPcGtjSmXcMHfrzc3bw25zFTabXvs" ] }, "version": "0" } ``` ## 🧑‍💻 Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request. ## 🔖 License [WTFPL License](