Audio MCP Server

by GongRzhe
MIT License
  • Linux
  • Apple
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import base64 import io import json import os import sounddevice as sd import soundfile as sf import numpy as np import tempfile import wave import queue import threading from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP from dotenv import load_dotenv # Import new Google GenAI SDK for Gemini integration from google import genai from google.genai.types import ( LiveConnectConfig, GenerationConfig, Content, Part, SpeechConfig, VoiceConfig, PrebuiltVoiceConfig, Modality, HttpOptions # Add this import ) GENAI_AVAILABLE = True # Initialize FastMCP server mcp = FastMCP("audio-interface") load_dotenv() # Constants DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE = 44100 DEFAULT_CHANNELS = 1 DEFAULT_DURATION = 5 # seconds AUDIO_BUFFER_THRESHOLD = 5120 # Similar to TEN-Agent's threshold # Global variables for real-time conversation audio_queue = queue.Queue() conversation_active = False audio_stream = None session = None async def get_audio_devices(): """Get a list of all available audio devices.""" devices = sd.query_devices() input_devices = [d for d in devices if d['max_input_channels'] > 0] output_devices = [d for d in devices if d['max_output_channels'] > 0] return { "input_devices": input_devices, "output_devices": output_devices } @mcp.tool() async def list_audio_devices() -> str: """List all available audio input and output devices on the system.""" devices = await get_audio_devices() result = "Audio devices available on your system:\n\n" result += "INPUT DEVICES (MICROPHONES):\n" for i, device in enumerate(devices["input_devices"]): result += f"{i}: {device['name']} (Channels: {device['max_input_channels']})\n" result += "\nOUTPUT DEVICES (SPEAKERS):\n" for i, device in enumerate(devices["output_devices"]): result += f"{i}: {device['name']} (Channels: {device['max_output_channels']})\n" return result @mcp.tool() async def record_audio(duration: float = DEFAULT_DURATION, sample_rate: int = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE, channels: int = DEFAULT_CHANNELS, device_index: int = None) -> str: """Record audio from the microphone. Args: duration: Recording duration in seconds (default: 5) sample_rate: Sample rate in Hz (default: 44100) channels: Number of audio channels (default: 1) device_index: Specific input device index to use (default: system default) Returns: A message confirming the recording was captured """ try: # Check if the specified device exists and is an input device if device_index is not None: devices = await get_audio_devices() input_devices = devices["input_devices"] if device_index < 0 or device_index >= len(input_devices): return f"Error: Invalid device index {device_index}. Use list_audio_devices tool to see available devices." # Record audio recording = sd.rec( int(duration * sample_rate), samplerate=sample_rate, channels=channels, device=device_index ) # Wait for the recording to complete sd.wait() # Generate a temp file for storage fd, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.wav') try: with, 'wb') as wf: wf.setnchannels(channels) wf.setsampwidth(2) # 16-bit wf.setframerate(sample_rate) wf.writeframes((recording * 32767).astype(np.int16).tobytes()) # Encode the file for storage with open(temp_path, 'rb') as f: encoded_audio = base64.b64encode('utf-8') # Store the audio in a global variable for later playback global latest_recording latest_recording = { 'audio_data': encoded_audio, 'sample_rate': sample_rate, 'channels': channels } return f"Successfully recorded {duration} seconds of audio. Use play_latest_recording tool to play it back." finally: os.close(fd) os.unlink(temp_path) except Exception as e: return f"Error recording audio: {str(e)}" # Global variable to store the latest recording latest_recording = None @mcp.tool() async def play_latest_recording() -> str: """Play the latest recorded audio through the speakers.""" global latest_recording if latest_recording is None: return "No recording available. Use record_audio tool first." try: # Decode the audio data audio_data = base64.b64decode(latest_recording['audio_data']) sample_rate = latest_recording['sample_rate'] channels = latest_recording['channels'] # Create a temporary file fd, temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.wav') try: # Write the audio data to the temp file with open(temp_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(audio_data) # Read the audio file data, fs = # Play the audio, fs) sd.wait() # Wait until the audio is done playing return "Successfully played the latest recording." finally: os.close(fd) os.unlink(temp_path) except Exception as e: return f"Error playing audio: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def play_audio(text: str, voice: str = "default") -> str: """ Play audio from text using text-to-speech. Args: text: The text to convert to speech voice: The voice to use (default: "default") Returns: A message indicating if the audio was played successfully """ try: # Note: This is a simplified implementation that would need to be expanded # with an actual TTS service like gTTS, pyttsx3, or an external API # For now, we'll return a message indicating that TTS is not implemented return ( "Text-to-speech functionality requires additional setup. " "You would need to install a TTS library like gTTS or pyttsx3, " f"which would convert the text '{text}' to audio using voice '{voice}'. " "This would then be played through your speakers." ) except Exception as e: return f"Error playing audio: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def play_audio_file(file_path: str, device_index: int = None) -> str: """ Play an audio file through the speakers. Args: file_path: Path to the audio file device_index: Specific output device index to use (default: system default) Returns: A message indicating if the audio was played successfully """ try: # Check if the file exists if not os.path.exists(file_path): return f"Error: File not found at {file_path}" # Check if the specified device exists and is an output device if device_index is not None: devices = await get_audio_devices() output_devices = devices["output_devices"] if device_index < 0 or device_index >= len(output_devices): return f"Error: Invalid device index {device_index}. Use list_audio_devices tool to see available devices." # Read the audio file data, fs = # Play the audio, fs, device=device_index) sd.wait() # Wait until the audio is done playing return f"Successfully played audio file: {file_path}" except Exception as e: return f"Error playing audio file: {str(e)}" # Audio callback function for continuous recording def audio_callback(indata, frames, time, status): """This is called for each audio block.""" if status: print(f"Status: {status}") # Convert to bytes and add to queue audio_data = (indata * 32767).astype(np.int16).tobytes() # Only add to queue if conversation is active if conversation_active: audio_queue.put(audio_data) # Function to play audio received from Gemini async def play_audio_bytes(audio_data, sample_rate=24000): """Play audio bytes directly.""" try: # Convert the PCM audio data to numpy array audio_np = np.frombuffer(audio_data, dtype=np.int16) / 32767.0 # Play the audio, sample_rate) await asyncio.sleep(len(audio_np) / sample_rate) # Non-blocking wait except Exception as e: print(f"Error playing audio response: {e}") # Process audio queue and send to Gemini in chunks async def process_audio_queue(session): """Process audio from queue and send to Gemini in chunks.""" buffer = bytearray() while conversation_active: try: # Get audio data from queue with a timeout try: audio_chunk = audio_queue.get(timeout=0.1) buffer.extend(audio_chunk) except queue.Empty: await asyncio.sleep(0.01) continue # If buffer reaches threshold, send to Gemini if len(buffer) >= AUDIO_BUFFER_THRESHOLD: # Encode and send base64_audio = base64.b64encode(buffer).decode('utf-8') media_chunks = [{ "data": base64_audio, "mime_type": "audio/pcm" }] try: await session.send(media_chunks) print(f"Sent {len(buffer)} bytes of audio to Gemini") buffer = bytearray() # Clear buffer after sending except Exception as e: print(f"Error sending audio: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error in audio processing: {e}") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) @mcp.tool() async def gemini_realtime_conversation( duration: float = 60.0, sample_rate: int = 24000, channels: int = 1, device_index: int = None ) -> str: """ Start a real-time conversation with Gemini using your microphone and speakers. Args: duration: Maximum conversation duration in seconds (default: 60) sample_rate: Sample rate in Hz (default: 24000) channels: Number of audio channels (default: 1) device_index: Specific input device index to use (default: system default) Returns: A message indicating the conversation result """ global conversation_active, audio_stream, session if not GENAI_AVAILABLE: return ("Google GenAI package is not installed. " "Please install it with: pip install google-genai") try: # Get API key from environment api_key = os.environ.get("GOOGLE_API_KEY") if not api_key: return ("No API key provided. Please set the GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable.") # Initialize the Gemini client with the new API # Explicitly set API version to beta for access to experimental features client = genai.Client( api_key=api_key, http_options=HttpOptions(api_version="v1beta1") # Specify beta API version ) # Set up LiveConnect configuration with the new API structure config = LiveConnectConfig( response_modalities=[Modality.AUDIO], system_instruction=Content(parts=[Part(text="You are a helpful voice assistant who responds concisely.")]), speech_config=SpeechConfig( voice_config=VoiceConfig( prebuilt_voice_config=PrebuiltVoiceConfig(voice_name="alloy") ) ), generation_config=GenerationConfig( temperature=0.7, max_output_tokens=1024, ), ) # Set the conversation flag to active conversation_active = True # Start the audio stream for continuous recording audio_stream = sd.InputStream( samplerate=sample_rate, channels=channels, device=device_index, callback=audio_callback, blocksize=int(0.1 * sample_rate) # 100ms chunks ) # Start the stream audio_stream.start() # Use the correct model ID for Gemini 2.0 model_id = "gemini-2.0-flash-exp" # Update to the experimental model or another supported model # Connect to Gemini's LiveConnect API using the new client structure async with, config=config) as live_session: session = live_session print(f"Connected to Gemini LiveConnect API using model {model_id}") # Create a task to process audio queue audio_processor = asyncio.create_task(process_audio_queue(live_session)) # Timeout after specified duration start_time = asyncio.get_event_loop().time() # Send greeting to start the conversation await live_session.send(input="Hello Gemini", end_of_turn=True) # Process responses from Gemini try: while conversation_active and (asyncio.get_event_loop().time() - start_time < duration): # Receive messages from Gemini async for message in live_session.receive(): # Process server content (structure may vary slightly from old API) if hasattr(message, 'server_content') and message.server_content: # Check if response contains audio data if (hasattr(message.server_content, 'model_turn') and message.server_content.model_turn): model_turn = message.server_content.model_turn # Process each part in the model's turn for part in # Handle text parts if hasattr(part, 'text') and part.text: print(f"Gemini says: {part.text}") # Handle audio parts if hasattr(part, 'inline_data') and print("Received audio response, playing...") await play_audio_bytes(, sample_rate=sample_rate) # Check if turn is complete if hasattr(message.server_content, 'turn_complete') and message.server_content.turn_complete: print("Turn complete") # Handle setup complete elif hasattr(message, 'setup_complete') and message.setup_complete: print("Setup complete") # Check for timeout if asyncio.get_event_loop().time() - start_time >= duration: print("Conversation timeout reached") break except Exception as e: print(f"Error in response processing: {e}") pass # Clean up audio_processor.cancel() # Close the connection try: await live_session.close() except: pass # Return result return "Real-time conversation with Gemini completed." except Exception as e: return f"Error in Gemini real-time conversation: {str(e)}" finally: # Clean up resources conversation_active = False if audio_stream and audio_stream.stop() audio_stream.close() audio_stream = None session = None @mcp.tool() async def stop_gemini_conversation() -> str: """Stop the active Gemini real-time conversation.""" global conversation_active, audio_stream, session if not conversation_active: return "No active conversation to stop." try: # Set flag to stop conversation conversation_active = False # Stop audio stream if audio_stream and audio_stream.stop() audio_stream.close() # Close session if it exists if session: try: await session.close() except: pass return "Gemini conversation stopped successfully." except Exception as e: return f"Error stopping conversation: {str(e)}" if __name__ == "__main__": # Initialize and run the server'stdio')