
# Initialize git repository git init # Add all files git add . # Create initial commit git commit -m "Initial commit: Huntress MCP Server" # Instructions for the user Write-Host "Repository initialized!" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Next steps:" Write-Host "1. Create a new repository on GitHub" Write-Host "2. Run the following commands to push to your repository:" Write-Host " git remote add origin" Write-Host " git branch -M main" Write-Host " git push -u origin main" Write-Host "" Write-Host "3. Install dependencies:" Write-Host " npm install" Write-Host "" Write-Host "4. Create a .env file with your Huntress API credentials:" Write-Host " Copy-Item .env.example .env" Write-Host " # Then edit .env with your credentials" Write-Host "" Write-Host "5. Build the server:" Write-Host " npm run build"