GitHub MCP Server
by DivyanshKushwaha
# GitHub MCP Server
## Overview
GitHub MCP Server is an API-based tool that interacts with GitHub using the [MCP (Modular Command Processor)]( framework. It provides various functionalities, including fetching user details, repository information, and authenticated user data using GitHub's REST API.
This project is built using Python and leverages `httpx` for asynchronous API calls. It also uses `dotenv` for secure handling of GitHub authentication tokens.
## Features
- Fetch GitHub user information by username.
- Retrieve details of a GitHub repository.
- Get authenticated user details using a GitHub personal access token.
- Utilizes `FastMCP` for modular command processing.
## Project Structure
│----claude_desktop_config.json (Create this file in C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\Claude\)
- ``: Core logic of the GitHub MCP Server.
- `.env`: Stores environment variables (e.g., GitHub Token).
- `claude_desktop_config.json`: Configuration for running the MCP Server.
- `requirements.txt`: Lists required dependencies.
- `explanation_video.mp4`: A video explaining the project.
## Setup Instructions
### Prerequisites
- Python >=3.10
- GitHub personal access token (for authenticated requests)
- `conda` or `venv` for virtual environment management
### Setup and Usage
1. **Clone the Repository**
git clone
cd GitHub-MCP-Server-Claude
2. **Create Python environment**
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
3. **Install Dependencies**
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. **Set Up Environment Variables (Create .env file)**
5. **Setup claude_desktop_config.json**
"mcpServers": {
"MCP_Server": {
"command": "my_env/Scripts/uv",
"args": [
- The command key specifies the path to the uv script located in the conda environment. This is used to run the server.
- The args key provides additional arguments for the uv script:
- "run": Indicates the action to run the server.
- my_env : python environment 'my_env'
- "D:/MCP_Project/": Specifies the path to the script, which contains the implementation of the MCP server.
6. **Launch the Claude Desktop Application**
- Open the Claude Desktop Application.
- It will use the MCP Server as configured in the claude_desktop_config.json file to fetch and process data.