mcp-youtube-sheetsRickyyy1116-securityAlicense-qualityProvides functionality to search YouTube videos and automatically save the results to Google Sheets.19JavaScriptMIT License
Notion MCPdanhilse-securityAlicense-qualityA simple Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that integrates with Notion's API to manage my personal todo list through Claude.117PythonMIT License
YouTube MCP ServeranaisbettsVerified-securityAlicense-qualityUses yt-dlp to download subtitles from YouTube and connects it to via Model Context Protocol.1868201JavaScriptMIT LicenseApple
Slack MCP ServermodelcontextprotocolAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP Server for the Slack API, enabling Claude to interact with Slack workspaces.86,09327,015JavaScriptMIT License