Beyond MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides access to Farcaster social data via Neynar API, supporting profile retrieval, content search, thread analysis, user activity summaries, trending topics exploration, and wallet balance checking.

  • Planned future integration for accessing Telegram data (mentioned as 'will be added soon' but not currently implemented).

Beyond MCP Server

An extensible Model Context Protocol server that provides standardized access to social platform data and onchain data. Currently supports Farcaster (via Neynar API) with placeholder for Twitter integration. More platforms like Telegram including onchain data will be added soon.


  • MCP Compliant: Fully implements the Model Context Protocol specification
  • Multi-Platform: Designed to support multiple social media platforms
  • Extensible: Easy to add new platform providers
  • Well-Formatted: Optimized context formatting for LLM consumption
  • Flexible Transport: Supports both stdio and SSE/HTTP transports

Supported Platforms

  • Farcaster: Full implementation via Neynar API
  • Twitter: Placeholder (not implemented)

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository
git clone cd beyond-mcp-server
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Create a .env file from the template
cp .env.example .env # Edit .env with your API keys
  1. Configure your environment variables
    • Required: Set NEYNAR_API_KEY in your .env file
    • You can obtain a Neynar API key from
    • Without a valid API key, Farcaster functionality will not work
  2. Build and start the server
npm run build npm start # For stdio mode (default) # OR npm run start:http # For HTTP/SSE mode

Using with Claude for Desktop

  1. Build the server
npm run build
  1. Make sure your .env file is properly configured with your API keys
    • The server will look for .env in the following locations:
      • Current working directory
      • Project root directory
      • Parent directories (up to 3 levels)
    • You can also set environment variables directly in your system
  2. Add the server to your Claude Desktop configuration at:
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
{ "mcpServers": { "beyond-social": { "command": "/usr/local/bin/node", "args": [ "/full/path/to/beyond-mcp-server/dist/index.js", "--stdio" ] } } }
  1. Alternatively, you can pass the API key and other environment variables directly in the Claude Desktop configuration (recommended):
{ "mcpServers": { "beyond-social": { "command": "/usr/local/bin/node", "args": [ "/full/path/to/beyond-mcp-server/dist/index.js", "--stdio" ], "env": { "NEYNAR_API_KEY": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", "ENABLE_FARCASTER": "true", "ENABLE_TWITTER": "false" } } } }
  1. Restart Claude for Desktop

MCP Capabilities


  • social://{platform}/{query}/search - Search content on a platform
  • social://{platform}/user/{userId}/profile - Get user profile
  • social://{platform}/wallet/{walletAddress}/profile - Get user profile by wallet address (Farcaster only)
  • social://{platform}/user/{userId}/balance - Get user's wallet balance (Farcaster only)
    • Accepts either FID (numeric) or username
    • If username is provided, automatically converts to FID before fetching balance
  • social://{platform}/wallet/{walletAddress}/profile - Get user profile by wallet address
  • social://{platform}/user/{userId}/content - Get user content
  • social://{platform}/thread/{threadId} - Get conversation thread
  • social://{platform}/trending - Get trending topics
  • social://{platform}/trending-feed - Get trending feed content with multi-provider support (Farcaster only)
    • Supports providers: neynar (default), openrank, mbd
    • Parameters: timeWindow (1h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 7d, 30d), limit
  • social://{platform}/channels/search - Search for channels on a platform (Farcaster only)
    • Parameters: query, limit, cursor
    • Returns channel details including name, description, follower count, and metadata
  • social://{platform}/channels/bulk-search - Search for multiple channels in parallel (Farcaster only)
    • Parameters: queries (array), limit, cursor
    • Returns results for each query with channel details and pagination info


  • search-content - Search for content on a social platform
  • get-user-profile - Get a user's profile information
  • get-user-profile-by-wallet - Get user profile using wallet address (Farcaster only)
  • get-user-balance - Get user's wallet balance (Farcaster only)
    • Accepts either FID (numeric) or username
    • Automatically handles username to FID conversion
  • get-user-content - Get content from a specific user
  • get-thread - Get a conversation thread
  • get-trending-topics - Get current trending topics
  • getTrendingFeed - Get trending feed with multi-provider support (Farcaster only)
  • get-wallet-profile - Get profile based on wallet address
  • search-channels - Search for channels on a platform (Farcaster only)
    • Parameters: query, limit, cursor
    • Returns detailed channel information including follower count and metadata
  • search-bulk-channels - Search for multiple channels in parallel (Farcaster only)
    • Parameters: queries (array), limit, cursor
    • Returns results for each query with channel details and pagination info


  • analyze-thread - Analyze a social media thread
  • summarize-user-activity - Summarize a user's activity
  • explore-trending-topics - Explore trending topics on a platform
  • analyze-search-results - Analyze search results for a query
  • explore-trending-feed - Analyze trending feed content across different providers
  • get-wallet-profile - Get and analyze user profile by wallet address
  • check-user-balance - Analyze user's wallet balance and holdings
    • Works with both FID and username inputs
    • Handles automatic FID resolution for usernames
  • explore-channels - Analyze and explore channels on a platform
    • Provides insights about channel popularity and content
    • Helps discover relevant channels based on search criteria
  • explore-bulk-channels - Analyze and compare multiple channels in parallel
    • Efficiently searches and compares multiple channels
    • Provides insights about channel relationships and trends

Extending with New Providers

To add a new social platform provider:

  1. Create a new directory in src/providers/
  2. Implement the ContentProvider interface
  3. Register the provider in the registry


import { ContentProvider } from '../interfaces/provider'; export class MyPlatformProvider implements ContentProvider { public name = 'myplatform'; public platform = 'myplatform'; // Implement all required methods }


Running in Development Mode

npm run dev # stdio mode npm run dev:http # HTTP mode


npm test


npm run lint npm run lint:fix




Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[1.0.0] - 2025-Mar-10


  • Initial release
  • Farcaster integration via Neynar API
  • MCP compliant server implementation
  • Support for both stdio and HTTP modes

[1.0.1] - 2025-Mar-19


  • Added new tools and resource to fetch user profile with wallet address
  • Added new tests

[1.0.2] - 2025-Mar-21


  • Added functionality to retrieve wallet balances of Farcaster users via ID or username
  • Implemented multi-provider support for trending feed content
  • Enhanced updateUserProfile with additional user details
  • Added comprehensive tests to ensure reliability and performance

[1.0.3] - 2025-Mar-24


  • Add support to fetch Single and Bulk farcaster channel information
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

An extensible Model Context Protocol server that provides standardized access to social platform data (currently Farcaster) and blockchain data for AI models.

  1. Features
    1. Supported Platforms
      1. Getting Started
        1. Prerequisites
        2. Installation
      2. Using with Claude for Desktop
        1. MCP Capabilities
          1. Resources
          2. Tools
          3. Prompts
        2. Extending with New Providers
          1. Development
            1. Running in Development Mode
            2. Testing
            3. Linting
          2. License
            1. Contributing
              1. Changelog
                1. [1.0.0] - 2025-Mar-10
                2. [1.0.1] - 2025-Mar-19
                3. [1.0.2] - 2025-Mar-21
                4. [1.0.3] - 2025-Mar-24