
hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Allows interaction with MQTT clusters on EMQX Cloud or self-hosted clusters, enabling clients to list connected MQTT clients, retrieve client information, disconnect clients, and publish messages to MQTT topics


A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that provides EMQX MQTT broker interaction. Enabling MCP clients to interact with the MQTT clusters on EMQX Cloud or self-hosted clusters


MQTT Client Management

  • Client Listing: View all connected MQTT clients with flexible filtering options
  • Client Information: Retrieve detailed information about specific clients
  • Connection Control: Disconnect problematic or stale clients from the broker
  • Flexible Filtering: Filter clients by node, username, client ID, connection state, and more

MQTT Message Publishing

  • Topic-based Publishing: Send messages to any MQTT topics
  • QoS Control: Select Quality of Service level (0, 1, or 2) for reliable delivery
  • Message Retention: Option to persist messages for new subscribers
  • Custom Payloads: Support for any message content format



  • List MQTT clients connected to your EMQX Cluster
  • Inputs:
    • page (number, optional): Page number (default: 1)
    • limit (number, optional): Results per page (default: 100, max 10000)
    • node (string, optional): Filter by specific node name
    • clientid (string, optional): Filter by specific client ID
    • username (string, optional): Filter by specific username
    • ip_address (string, optional): Filter by client IP address
    • conn_state (string, optional): Filter by connection state
    • clean_start (boolean, optional): Filter by clean start flag
    • proto_ver (string, optional): Filter by protocol version
    • like_clientid (string, optional): Fuzzy search by client ID pattern
    • like_username (string, optional): Fuzzy search by username pattern
    • like_ip_address (string, optional): Fuzzy search by IP address pattern


  • Get detailed information about a specific MQTT client by client ID
  • Inputs:
    • clientid (string, required): The unique identifier of the client to retrieve


  • Disconnect a client from the MQTT broker by client ID
  • Inputs:
    • clientid (string, required): The unique identifier of the client to disconnect


  • Publish an MQTT Message to Your EMQX Cluster on EMQX Cloud or Self-Managed Deployment
  • Inputs:
    • topic (string, required): MQTT topic to publish to
    • payload (string, required): Message content to publish
    • qos (number, optional): Quality of Service level (0, 1, or 2) (default: 0)
    • retain (boolean, optional): Whether to retain the message (default: false)

Setup EMQX Cluster

Before using the EMQX MCP Server tools, you need to set up an EMQX cluster with properly configured API Key and client authentication. There are several options:

  1. EMQX Cloud Serverless Deployment:
  • The easiest way to get started with.
  • Obtain a free serverless deployment from EMQX Cloud
  • Sign up at EMQX Cloud Serverless
  1. EMQX Cloud Dedicated Deployment:
  • Provides dedicated resources for production workloads
  • Offers enhanced performance, reliability, and customization options
  • Supports various cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure)
  • Includes professional SLA and support
  • Create a deployment at EMQX Cloud Dedicated
  1. Self-hosted EMQX Platform:
  • Download and deploy EMQX Platform locally
  • Follow installation instructions at EMQX Platform

Running locally with the Claude Desktop App

Option 1: Installing via Smithery

To install emqx-mcp-server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @Benniu/emqx-mcp-server --client claude

Option 2: Docker

  1. Install Claude Desktop App if you haven't done so yet.
  2. Pull the image:
    docker pull benniuji/emqx-mcp-server
  3. Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json file:
    • On MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    { "mcpServers": { "EMQX_MCP_Server": { "command": "docker", "args": [ "run", "-i", "--rm", "-e", "EMQX_API_URL=https://your-emqx-cloud-instance.com:8443/api/v5", "-e", "EMQX_API_KEY=<YOUR-API-KEY>", "-e", "EMQX_API_SECRET=<YOUR-API-SECRET>", "benniuji/emqx-mcp-server" ] } } }

    Note: Update the env variables:EMQX_API_URL, EMQX_API_KEY, EMQX_API_SECRET

  4. Open or Restart Claude Desktop App
  5. Try asking Claude to do something with the MQTT broker (e.g. ask it to publish an MQTT message to a topic).

Option 3: Manual Installation

First, ensure you have the uv executable installed. If not, you can install it by following the instructions here.

  1. Install Claude Desktop App if you haven't done so yet.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json file:
    • On MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    { "mcpServers": { "EMQX_MCP_Server": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "path/to/repo/src/emqx_mcp_server", "run", "emqx-mcp-server" ], "env":{ "EMQX_API_URL":"https://your-emqx-cloud-instance.com:8443/api/v5", "EMQX_API_KEY":"<YOUR-API-KEY>", "EMQX_API_SECRET":"<YOUR-API-SECRET>" } } } }

    Note: Make sure to update path/to/repo/src/emqx_mcp_server to the actual path and modify the environment variables EMQX_API_URL, EMQX_API_KEY, and EMQX_API_SECRET to match your EMQX instance.

  4. Open or Restart Claude Desktop App
  5. Try asking Claude to do something with the MQTT broker (e.g. ask it to publish an MQTT message to a topic).

Example Prompts


Please list the clients connected to the MQTT broker.


Here are the clients currently connected to your MQTT broker: Connected Client: - Client ID: mqttx_2232bdb1 - Username: test - Protocol: MQTT v5 ... There is currently 1 client connected to your MQTT broker. Would you like more detailed information about this specific client or would you like to perform another action with your MQTT broker?


Yes, please provide the detail info of this client.


I'll retrieve the detailed information for this client for you. ... Here's the detailed information for client "mqttx_2232bdb1": **Basic Information:** - **Client ID:** mqttx_2232bdb1 - **Username:** test ... **Connection Details:** - **Connected:** Yes - **Created At:** 2025-03-02T05:29:51.103+00:00 ... Would you like to perform any actions with this client, such as publishing a message to a topic or disconnecting the client?


Please write a poem and send it to the topic '/poem' with QoS 1.


I'll create a poem and publish it to the topic '/poem' with QoS 1. Let me do that for you. ... I've successfully published the poem to the topic '/poem' with QoS 1. The message has been delivered with ID: 00062F55A1EFB1156ABC481240B30000. The poem I sent was: - Signals in the ether, - Invisible threads that bind, - Devices speak in whispers, - Across the digital divide. - Messages like leaves falling, - From cloud to waiting ground, - Connected yet untethered, - Where silence makes no sound. - Brokers of the modern age, - Routing dreams from here to there, - In this web of connections, - We find ourselves everywhere. - Like stars in constellation, - Each point of light has worth, - The language of machines, - Redefining our Earth. Is there anything else you'd like to do with your MQTT broker?


Please kick out the client mqttx_2232bdb1


I'll disconnect the client from the MQTT broker for you. ... The client has been successfully disconnected. The system returned: > Client mqttx_2232bdb1 has been disconnected The MQTT client with ID "mqttx_2232bdb1" is now disconnected from your broker. Is there anything else you would like to do with your MQTT broker?


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that provides EMQX MQTT broker interaction.

  1. Features
    1. MQTT Client Management
    2. MQTT Message Publishing
  2. Tools
    1. list_mqtt_clients
    2. get_mqtt_client
    3. kick_mqtt_client
    4. publish_mqtt_message
  3. Setup EMQX Cluster
    1. Running locally with the Claude Desktop App
      1. Option 1: Installing via Smithery
      2. Option 2: Docker
      3. Option 3: Manual Installation
    2. Example Prompts
      1. License