by Azreal42
- YetAnotherUnityMcp
- tests
"""Unit tests for resource parameter handling in"""
import json
import pytest
import logging
import asyncio
import sys
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context
from server.resource_context import ResourceContext
from server.connection_manager import UnityConnectionManager
from server.dynamic_tools import DynamicToolManager
from server.dynamic_tool_invoker import DynamicToolInvoker
# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger("test_resource_parameters")
# Test data
"tools": [
"name": "execute_code",
"description": "Executes C# code in Unity",
"inputSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"code": {
"type": "string",
"description": "C# code to execute"
"required": ["code"]
"resources": [
"name": "unity_info",
"description": "Get Unity information",
"uri": "unity://info"
"name": "logs",
"description": "Get Unity logs",
"uri": "unity://logs/{max_logs}"
"name": "object_properties",
"description": "Get GameObject properties",
"uri": "unity://gameobject/{id}/properties/{property_name}"
"name": "scene",
"description": "Get scene information with optional parameters",
"uri": "unity://scene/{scene_name}/{detail_level}"
# Create test fixtures
def mock_client():
"""Create a mock Unity client"""
client = AsyncMock()
client.get_schema = AsyncMock(return_value=TEST_SCHEMA)
client.send_command = AsyncMock(side_effect=lambda cmd, params: {
"command": cmd,
"params": params,
"result": "success"
client.connected = True
client.has_command = AsyncMock(return_value=True)
return client
def mock_fastmcp():
"""Create a mock FastMCP instance"""
mcp = MagicMock()
# Make resource decorator track registered resources
mcp.registered_resources = {}
def resource_decorator(url_pattern, description=""):
def decorator(func):
# Store the registered resource
resource_name = url_pattern.split('://')[-1].split('/')[0]
mcp.registered_resources[resource_name] = {
"url_pattern": url_pattern,
"description": description,
"func": func
return func
return decorator
mcp.resource = resource_decorator
# Make tool decorator track registered tools
mcp.registered_tools = {}
def tool_decorator(name, description=""):
def decorator(func):
# Store the registered tool
mcp.registered_tools[name] = {
"description": description,
"func": func
return func
return decorator
mcp.tool = tool_decorator
return mcp
def mock_context():
"""Create a mock Context object"""
ctx = MagicMock(spec=Context) = AsyncMock()
ctx.error = AsyncMock()
ctx.debug = AsyncMock()
return ctx
def dynamic_manager(mock_fastmcp, mock_client):
"""Create a DynamicToolManager with mocked dependencies"""
# Directly pass the client rather than patching get_client
connection_manager = UnityConnectionManager(mock_client)
manager = DynamicToolManager(mock_fastmcp, connection_manager)
return manager
# Tests for resource parameter handling
async def test_register_from_schema(dynamic_manager, mock_client):
"""Test registering dynamic tools and resources from schema"""
result = await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema()
# Verify schema was retrieved
# Verify registration succeeded
assert result is True
# Check that resources were registered
assert len(dynamic_manager.registered_resources) == 4
assert "unity_info" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources
assert "logs" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources
assert "object_properties" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources
assert "scene" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources
# Check that tools were registered
assert len(dynamic_manager.registered_tools) == 1
assert "execute_code" in dynamic_manager.registered_tools
async def test_no_parameter_resource(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context):
"""Test registering and calling a resource with no parameters"""
# Register schema
await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema()
# Test no-parameter resource (unity://info)
resource_name = "unity_info"
# Get the registered function
registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"]
# Call the function with the context
with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context):
result = await registered_func(mock_context)
# Verify the client was called correctly
mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", {
"resource_name": resource_name,
"parameters": {}
# Check result
assert result["command"] == "access_resource"
assert result["result"] == "success"
async def test_single_parameter_resource(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context):
"""Test registering and calling a resource with a single parameter"""
# Register schema
await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema()
# Test single-parameter resource (unity://logs/{max_logs})
resource_name = "logs"
# Get the registered function
registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"]
# Call the function with the context and parameter
max_logs = 10
with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context):
result = await registered_func(mock_context, max_logs)
# Verify the client was called correctly
mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", {
"resource_name": resource_name,
"parameters": {"max_logs": max_logs}
# Check result
assert result["command"] == "access_resource"
assert result["result"] == "success"
assert result["params"]["parameters"]["max_logs"] == max_logs
async def test_multi_parameter_resource(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context):
"""Test registering and calling a resource with multiple parameters"""
# Register schema
await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema()
# Test multi-parameter resource (unity://gameobject/{id}/properties/{property_name})
resource_name = "object_properties"
# Get the registered function
registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"]
# Call the function with the context and parameters
id_value = "cube01"
property_name = "position"
with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context):
result = await registered_func(mock_context, id_value, property_name)
# Verify the client was called correctly
mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", {
"resource_name": resource_name,
"parameters": {"id": id_value, "property_name": property_name}
# Check result
assert result["command"] == "access_resource"
assert result["result"] == "success"
assert result["params"]["parameters"]["id"] == id_value
assert result["params"]["parameters"]["property_name"] == property_name
async def test_invoke_dynamic_resource(mock_client):
"""Test invoking dynamic resources through the invoker"""
# Mock the connection manager
manager = AsyncMock()
manager.reconnect = AsyncMock(return_value=True)
manager.execute_with_reconnect = AsyncMock(side_effect=lambda func: func())
connection_manager = UnityConnectionManager(mock_client)
# Test different parameter counts
# No parameters
result = await DynamicToolInvoker(connection_manager).invoke_dynamic_resource("unity_info")
mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", {
"resource_name": "unity_info",
"parameters": {}
# Single parameter (parameters are normalized to camelCase)
result = await DynamicToolInvoker(connection_manager).invoke_dynamic_resource("logs", {"max_logs": 5})
mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", {
"resource_name": "logs",
"parameters": {"maxLogs": 5}
# Multiple parameters
result = await DynamicToolInvoker(connection_manager).invoke_dynamic_resource("object_properties", {
"id": "cube01",
"property_name": "position"
mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", {
"resource_name": "object_properties",
"parameters": {"id": "cube01", "propertyName": "position"}
async def test_resource_context_manager():
"""Test the ResourceContext context manager"""
# Create a context object
ctx = MagicMock()
# Verify context is initially None
assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is None
# Use context manager
with ResourceContext.with_context(ctx):
# Verify context is set
assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx
# Test nested context
ctx2 = MagicMock()
with ResourceContext.with_context(ctx2):
# Verify inner context
assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx2
# Verify outer context is restored
assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx
# Verify context is cleared after exiting
assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is None
# Test context with exception
with ResourceContext.with_context(ctx):
assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx
raise RuntimeError("Test exception")
except RuntimeError:
# Verify context is still cleared after exception
assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is None
async def test_parameter_mismatch_handling(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context):
"""Test handling of parameter mismatches between URI and actual parameters"""
# Register schema
await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema()
# Test multi-parameter resource
resource_name = "scene"
# Get the registered function
registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"]
# Call with all parameters
with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context):
result = await registered_func(mock_context, "main", "high")
# Verify correct call
mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", {
"resource_name": resource_name,
"parameters": {"scene_name": "main", "detail_level": "high"}
# Reset mock
# Try calling with missing parameters
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context):
result = await registered_func(mock_context, "main")
# Verify the client was not called
# Run tests if executed directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set Windows event loop policy if needed
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# Run the tests
pytest.main(["-xvs", __file__])