
"""Unit tests for resource parameter handling in""" import json import pytest import logging import asyncio import sys from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context from server.resource_context import ResourceContext from server.connection_manager import UnityConnectionManager from server.dynamic_tools import DynamicToolManager from server.dynamic_tool_invoker import DynamicToolInvoker # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger("test_resource_parameters") # Test data TEST_SCHEMA = { "tools": [ { "name": "execute_code", "description": "Executes C# code in Unity", "inputSchema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "code": { "type": "string", "description": "C# code to execute" } }, "required": ["code"] } } ], "resources": [ { "name": "unity_info", "description": "Get Unity information", "uri": "unity://info" }, { "name": "logs", "description": "Get Unity logs", "uri": "unity://logs/{max_logs}" }, { "name": "object_properties", "description": "Get GameObject properties", "uri": "unity://gameobject/{id}/properties/{property_name}" }, { "name": "scene", "description": "Get scene information with optional parameters", "uri": "unity://scene/{scene_name}/{detail_level}" } ] } # Create test fixtures @pytest.fixture def mock_client(): """Create a mock Unity client""" client = AsyncMock() client.get_schema = AsyncMock(return_value=TEST_SCHEMA) client.send_command = AsyncMock(side_effect=lambda cmd, params: { "command": cmd, "params": params, "result": "success" }) client.connected = True client.has_command = AsyncMock(return_value=True) return client @pytest.fixture def mock_fastmcp(): """Create a mock FastMCP instance""" mcp = MagicMock() # Make resource decorator track registered resources mcp.registered_resources = {} def resource_decorator(url_pattern, description=""): def decorator(func): # Store the registered resource resource_name = url_pattern.split('://')[-1].split('/')[0] mcp.registered_resources[resource_name] = { "url_pattern": url_pattern, "description": description, "func": func } return func return decorator mcp.resource = resource_decorator # Make tool decorator track registered tools mcp.registered_tools = {} def tool_decorator(name, description=""): def decorator(func): # Store the registered tool mcp.registered_tools[name] = { "description": description, "func": func } return func return decorator mcp.tool = tool_decorator return mcp @pytest.fixture def mock_context(): """Create a mock Context object""" ctx = MagicMock(spec=Context) = AsyncMock() ctx.error = AsyncMock() ctx.debug = AsyncMock() return ctx @pytest.fixture def dynamic_manager(mock_fastmcp, mock_client): """Create a DynamicToolManager with mocked dependencies""" # Directly pass the client rather than patching get_client connection_manager = UnityConnectionManager(mock_client) manager = DynamicToolManager(mock_fastmcp, connection_manager) return manager # Tests for resource parameter handling @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_register_from_schema(dynamic_manager, mock_client): """Test registering dynamic tools and resources from schema""" result = await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema() # Verify schema was retrieved mock_client.get_schema.assert_called_once() # Verify registration succeeded assert result is True # Check that resources were registered assert len(dynamic_manager.registered_resources) == 4 assert "unity_info" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources assert "logs" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources assert "object_properties" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources assert "scene" in dynamic_manager.registered_resources # Check that tools were registered assert len(dynamic_manager.registered_tools) == 1 assert "execute_code" in dynamic_manager.registered_tools @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_no_parameter_resource(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context): """Test registering and calling a resource with no parameters""" # Register schema await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema() # Test no-parameter resource (unity://info) resource_name = "unity_info" # Get the registered function registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"] # Call the function with the context with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context): result = await registered_func(mock_context) # Verify the client was called correctly mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", { "resource_name": resource_name, "parameters": {} }) # Check result assert result["command"] == "access_resource" assert result["result"] == "success" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_single_parameter_resource(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context): """Test registering and calling a resource with a single parameter""" # Register schema await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema() # Test single-parameter resource (unity://logs/{max_logs}) resource_name = "logs" # Get the registered function registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"] # Call the function with the context and parameter max_logs = 10 with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context): result = await registered_func(mock_context, max_logs) # Verify the client was called correctly mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", { "resource_name": resource_name, "parameters": {"max_logs": max_logs} }) # Check result assert result["command"] == "access_resource" assert result["result"] == "success" assert result["params"]["parameters"]["max_logs"] == max_logs @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_multi_parameter_resource(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context): """Test registering and calling a resource with multiple parameters""" # Register schema await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema() # Test multi-parameter resource (unity://gameobject/{id}/properties/{property_name}) resource_name = "object_properties" # Get the registered function registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"] # Call the function with the context and parameters id_value = "cube01" property_name = "position" with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context): result = await registered_func(mock_context, id_value, property_name) # Verify the client was called correctly mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", { "resource_name": resource_name, "parameters": {"id": id_value, "property_name": property_name} }) # Check result assert result["command"] == "access_resource" assert result["result"] == "success" assert result["params"]["parameters"]["id"] == id_value assert result["params"]["parameters"]["property_name"] == property_name @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_invoke_dynamic_resource(mock_client): """Test invoking dynamic resources through the invoker""" # Mock the connection manager manager = AsyncMock() manager.reconnect = AsyncMock(return_value=True) manager.execute_with_reconnect = AsyncMock(side_effect=lambda func: func()) connection_manager = UnityConnectionManager(mock_client) # Test different parameter counts # No parameters result = await DynamicToolInvoker(connection_manager).invoke_dynamic_resource("unity_info") mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", { "resource_name": "unity_info", "parameters": {} }) # Single parameter (parameters are normalized to camelCase) result = await DynamicToolInvoker(connection_manager).invoke_dynamic_resource("logs", {"max_logs": 5}) mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", { "resource_name": "logs", "parameters": {"maxLogs": 5} }) # Multiple parameters result = await DynamicToolInvoker(connection_manager).invoke_dynamic_resource("object_properties", { "id": "cube01", "property_name": "position" }) mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", { "resource_name": "object_properties", "parameters": {"id": "cube01", "propertyName": "position"} }) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_resource_context_manager(): """Test the ResourceContext context manager""" # Create a context object ctx = MagicMock() # Verify context is initially None assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is None # Use context manager with ResourceContext.with_context(ctx): # Verify context is set assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx # Test nested context ctx2 = MagicMock() with ResourceContext.with_context(ctx2): # Verify inner context assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx2 # Verify outer context is restored assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx # Verify context is cleared after exiting assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is None # Test context with exception try: with ResourceContext.with_context(ctx): assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is ctx raise RuntimeError("Test exception") except RuntimeError: pass # Verify context is still cleared after exception assert ResourceContext.get_current_ctx() is None @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_parameter_mismatch_handling(dynamic_manager, mock_client, mock_context): """Test handling of parameter mismatches between URI and actual parameters""" # Register schema await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema() # Test multi-parameter resource resource_name = "scene" # Get the registered function registered_func = dynamic_manager.registered_resources[resource_name]["func"] # Call with all parameters with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context): result = await registered_func(mock_context, "main", "high") # Verify correct call mock_client.send_command.assert_called_with("access_resource", { "resource_name": resource_name, "parameters": {"scene_name": "main", "detail_level": "high"} }) # Reset mock mock_client.send_command.reset_mock() # Try calling with missing parameters with pytest.raises(TypeError): with ResourceContext.with_context(mock_context): result = await registered_func(mock_context, "main") # Verify the client was not called mock_client.send_command.assert_not_called() # Run tests if executed directly if __name__ == "__main__": # Set Windows event loop policy if needed if sys.platform == 'win32': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) # Run the tests pytest.main(["-xvs", __file__])