Coding Assistant Server
by AviOfLagos
- MCP-coding-assistant
- src
- handlers
import { CallToolRequest } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js';
import { detectTechnologies } from '../utils/detectTechnologies.js';
import { findDocumentationLinks } from '../utils/findDocumentationLinks.js';
import { addDocumentationFromUrls } from '../utils/addDocumentationFromUrls.js';
import { loadDocumentation } from '../utils/loadDocumentation.js';
import { MemoryVectorStore } from 'langchain/vectorstores/memory';
import { getProjectPath } from '../utils/getProjectPath.js';
import problemMonitor from '../utils/problemMonitor.js';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
let vectorStore: MemoryVectorStore | null = null;
export async function addDocumentationHandler(request: CallToolRequest) {
const args = request.params.arguments || {};
const issueId = 'add_documentation';
// Helper function to log actions
function logAction(
status: 'success' | 'error' | 'info',
message: string,
errorStack?: string
) {
const logFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'action_log.txt');
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
const logEntry = `[${timestamp}] [${status.toUpperCase()}] ${message}${
errorStack ? `\nStack Trace:\n${errorStack}\n` : ''
fs.appendFileSync(logFilePath, logEntry);
interface AddDocumentationArgs {
urls?: string[];
projectPath?: string;
function isAddDocumentationArgs(obj: any): obj is AddDocumentationArgs {
return (
obj &&
typeof obj === 'object' &&
(obj.urls === undefined ||
(Array.isArray(obj.urls) && obj.urls.every((url: any) => typeof url === 'string'))) &&
(obj.projectPath === undefined || typeof obj.projectPath === 'string')
if (!isAddDocumentationArgs(args)) {
const errorMsg = 'Invalid arguments for add_documentation';
logAction('error', errorMsg);
throw new Error(errorMsg);
const { urls, projectPath } = args as AddDocumentationArgs;
try {
// Check if auto-approvals are allowed
if (!problemMonitor.shouldAutoApprove()) {
const errorMsg = 'Auto-approval is disabled due to repeated failures.';
logAction('error', errorMsg);
// Prompt the AI coder for more information
await problemMonitor.promptAICoder(issueId);
// Get the AI coder's response
const aiResponse = problemMonitor.getAICoderResponseForIssue(issueId);
// Use the AI coder's response to search the documentation
if (aiResponse && vectorStore) {
const searchResults = await searchDocumentation(aiResponse, vectorStore);
// Log the search results
`Searched documentation based on AI coder's response. Found ${searchResults.length} related documents.`
// Attempt to resolve the issue again using search results
// For this example, we'll simulate a successful resolution
const successMsg = `Issue resolved after consulting AI coder's response and searching documentation.`;
logAction('success', successMsg);
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: successMsg,
} else {
const errorMsg = 'No response from AI coder to proceed with.';
logAction('error', errorMsg);
throw new Error(errorMsg);
// Read project path from argument or environment variable
let effectiveProjectPath = projectPath;
if (!effectiveProjectPath) {
effectiveProjectPath = getProjectPath();
if (!effectiveProjectPath) {
throw new Error(
'Project path not provided and PROJECT_PATH environment variable is not set or invalid.'
if (!vectorStore) {
const OPENAI_API_KEY = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
throw new Error('OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is required');
vectorStore = await loadDocumentation(OPENAI_API_KEY);
const urlsToProcess: string[] = [];
if (urls && urls.length > 0) {
if (effectiveProjectPath) {
const technologies = await detectTechnologies(effectiveProjectPath);
const autoUrls = await findDocumentationLinks(technologies);
if (urlsToProcess.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No URLs provided or detected.');
// Get successfully added documentation URLs
const addedDocs = await addDocumentationFromUrls(urlsToProcess, vectorStore);
// Reset attempts on success
const successMsg = `Successfully added documentation from the following URLs:\n${addedDocs.join(
logAction('success', successMsg);
return {
content: [
type: 'text',
text: successMsg,
} catch (error: any) {
console.error('Error adding documentation:', error.message);
// Record the failed attempt
const attemptCount = problemMonitor.getAttemptCount(issueId);
// Check if the threshold is reached
if (problemMonitor.isThresholdReached(issueId)) {
const infoMsg = `Attempt threshold reached for ${issueId}. Auto-approval disabled.`;
logAction('info', infoMsg);
// Prompt the AI coder for more information
await problemMonitor.promptAICoder(issueId);
// Log the error
logAction('error', `Error in addDocumentationHandler: ${error.message}`, error.stack);
throw new Error(`Error adding documentation: ${error.message}`);
// Import the searchDocumentation function
import { searchDocumentation } from '../utils/searchDocumentation.js';