Code Sandbox MCP
# Code Sandbox MCP 🐳
A secure sandbox environment for executing code within Docker containers. This MCP server provides AI applications with a safe and isolated environment for running code while maintaining security through containerization.
## 🌟 Features
- **Flexible Container Management**: Create and manage isolated Docker containers for code execution
- **Custom Environment Support**: Use any Docker image as your execution environment
- **File Operations**: Easy file and directory transfer between host and containers
- **Command Execution**: Run any shell commands within the containerized environment
- **Real-time Logging**: Stream container logs and command output in real-time
- **Auto-Updates**: Built-in update checking and automatic binary updates
- **Multi-Platform**: Supports Linux, macOS, and Windows
## 🚀 Installation
### Prerequisites
- Docker installed and running
- [Install Docker for Linux](
- [Install Docker Desktop for macOS](
- [Install Docker Desktop for Windows](
### Quick Install
#### Linux, MacOS
curl -fsSL | bash
#### Windows
# Run in PowerShell
irm | iex
The installer will:
1. Check for Docker installation
2. Download the appropriate binary for your system
3. Create necessary configuration files
### Manual Installation
1. Download the latest release for your platform from the [releases page](
2. Place the binary in a directory in your PATH
3. Make it executable (Unix-like systems only):
chmod +x code-sandbox-mcp
## 🛠️ Available Tools
#### `sandbox_initialize`
Initialize a new compute environment for code execution.
Creates a container based on the specified Docker image.
- `image` (string, optional): Docker image to use as the base environment
- Default: 'python:3.12-slim-bookworm'
- `container_id` that can be used with other tools to interact with this environment
#### `copy_project`
Copy a directory to the sandboxed filesystem.
- `container_id` (string, required): ID of the container returned from the initialize call
- `local_src_dir` (string, required): Path to a directory in the local file system
- `dest_dir` (string, optional): Path to save the src directory in the sandbox environment
#### `write_file`
Write a file to the sandboxed filesystem.
- `container_id` (string, required): ID of the container returned from the initialize call
- `file_name` (string, required): Name of the file to create
- `file_contents` (string, required): Contents to write to the file
- `dest_dir` (string, optional): Directory to create the file in (Default: ${WORKDIR})
#### `sandbox_exec`
Execute commands in the sandboxed environment.
- `container_id` (string, required): ID of the container returned from the initialize call
- `commands` (array, required): List of command(s) to run in the sandboxed environment
- Example: ["apt-get update", "pip install numpy", "python"]
#### `copy_file`
Copy a single file to the sandboxed filesystem.
- `container_id` (string, required): ID of the container returned from the initialize call
- `local_src_file` (string, required): Path to a file in the local file system
- `dest_path` (string, optional): Path to save the file in the sandbox environment
#### `sandbox_stop`
Stop and remove a running container sandbox.
- `container_id` (string, required): ID of the container to stop and remove
Gracefully stops the specified container with a 10-second timeout and removes it along with its volumes.
#### Container Logs Resource
A dynamic resource that provides access to container logs.
**Resource Path:** `containers://{id}/logs`
**MIME Type:** `text/plain`
**Description:** Returns all container logs from the specified container as a single text resource.
## 🔐 Security Features
- Isolated execution environment using Docker containers
- Resource limitations through Docker container constraints
- Separate stdout and stderr streams
## 🔧 Configuration
### Claude Desktop
The installer automatically creates the configuration file. If you need to manually configure it:
#### Linux
// ~/.config/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"code-sandbox-mcp": {
"command": "/path/to/code-sandbox-mcp",
"args": [],
"env": {}
#### macOS
// ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"code-sandbox-mcp": {
"command": "/path/to/code-sandbox-mcp",
"args": [],
"env": {}
#### Windows
// %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"code-sandbox-mcp": {
"command": "C:\\path\\to\\code-sandbox-mcp.exe",
"args": [],
"env": {}
### Other AI Applications
For other AI applications that support MCP servers, configure them to use the `code-sandbox-mcp` binary as their code execution backend.
## 🛠️ Development
If you want to build the project locally or contribute to its development, see [](
## 📝 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.