Brightsy MCP Server

  • src
import { Client as McpClient } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js"; import { StdioClientTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/stdio.js"; import { spawn, type ChildProcess } from "child_process"; import * as path from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as os from "os"; // Configuration from environment variables const TEST_AGENT_ID = process.env.AGENT_ID || process.env.BRIGHTSY_AGENT_ID || ''; const TEST_API_KEY = process.env.API_KEY || process.env.BRIGHTSY_API_KEY || ''; const TOOL_NAME = process.env.TOOL_NAME || process.env.BRIGHTSY_TOOL_NAME || "brightsy"; // Validate required environment variables if (!TEST_AGENT_ID || !TEST_API_KEY) { console.error('Error: Required environment variables not set'); console.error('Please set the following environment variables:'); console.error(' AGENT_ID or BRIGHTSY_AGENT_ID: The agent ID to use for testing'); console.error(' API_KEY or BRIGHTSY_API_KEY: The API key to use for testing'); console.error(' TOOL_NAME or BRIGHTSY_TOOL_NAME: (optional) The tool name to use (default: brightsy)'); process.exit(1); } // After validation, we can safely assert these as strings const validatedAgentId = TEST_AGENT_ID as string; const validatedApiKey = TEST_API_KEY as string; // Test cases const testCases = [ { name: "Create first message", message: "test:echo First message", expectedPartial: "```\nFirst message\n```" }, { name: "Add to conversation", message: "test:echo Second message", expectedPartial: "```\nSecond message\n```" }, { name: "Check conversation history", message: "test:history", expectedPartial: "test:echo First message" }, { name: "Clear conversation history", message: "clear history", expectedPartial: "history has been cleared" }, { name: "Verify history cleared", message: "test:history", expectedPartial: "I notice you want to test something related to history" }, { name: "Test simulation", message: "test:simulate This is a simulated response", expectedPartial: "simulated response" } ]; async function runTests() { console.log("Starting MCP stdio server tests..."); // Create a transport connected to stdio const transport = new StdioClientTransport({ command: "/opt/homebrew/bin/node", args: [ path.resolve("dist/index.js"), "--agent-id", TEST_AGENT_ID, "--api-key", TEST_API_KEY, "--tool-name", TOOL_NAME ], env: { BRIGHTSY_TEST_MODE: "true" } }); // Create MCP client const client = new McpClient({ name: "test-client", version: "1.0.0" }); try { // Connect to the server console.log("Connecting to server..."); await client.connect(transport); console.log("Connected to server"); // Run each test case let passedTests = 0; for (const [index, test] of testCases.entries()) { console.log(`\n[${index + 1}/${testCases.length}] Running test: ${}`); try { // Call the agent proxy tool const toolParams = { name: TOOL_NAME, arguments: { messages: [{ role: "user", content: test.message }] } }; console.log("Calling tool with params:", JSON.stringify(toolParams, null, 2)); const result = await client.callTool(toolParams); // Extract text from response const responseText = (result.content as Array<{type: string, text: string}>) .filter(item => item.type === "text") .map(item => item.text) .join("\n"); console.log(`Response: ${responseText}`); // Check if response matches expected let passed = false; if (test.expectedPartial && responseText.includes(test.expectedPartial)) { passed = true; } if (passed) { console.log("✅ Test passed"); passedTests++; } else { console.log("❌ Test failed"); console.log(`Expected to include: ${test.expectedPartial}`); console.log(`Actual: ${responseText}`); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error in test "${}":`, error); console.log("❌ Test failed due to error"); } } // Print summary console.log(`\nTest summary: ${passedTests}/${testCases.length} tests passed`); } catch (error) { console.error("Error connecting to server:", error); } finally { // Clean up console.log("Cleaning up..."); try { await client.close(); } catch (e) { console.error("Error closing client:", e); } } } // Run the tests runTests().catch(error => { console.error("Fatal error:", error); process.exit(1); });