MCP Etherscan Server

import { ethers } from 'ethers'; export interface Transaction { hash: string; from: string; to: string; value: string; timestamp: number; blockNumber: number; } export interface TokenTransfer { token: string; tokenName: string; tokenSymbol: string; from: string; to: string; value: string; timestamp: number; blockNumber: number; } export interface GasPrice { safeGwei: string; proposeGwei: string; fastGwei: string; } export class EtherscanService { private provider: ethers.EtherscanProvider; constructor(apiKey: string) { this.provider = new ethers.EtherscanProvider('mainnet', apiKey); } async getAddressBalance(address: string): Promise<{ address: string; balanceInWei: bigint; balanceInEth: string; }> { try { // Validate the address const validAddress = ethers.getAddress(address); // Get balance in Wei const balanceInWei = await this.provider.getBalance(validAddress); // Convert to ETH const balanceInEth = ethers.formatEther(balanceInWei); return { address: validAddress, balanceInWei, balanceInEth }; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get balance: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } async getTransactionHistory(address: string, limit: number = 10): Promise<Transaction[]> { try { // Validate the address const validAddress = ethers.getAddress(address); // Get transactions directly from Etherscan API const result = await fetch( `${validAddress}&startblock=0&endblock=99999999&page=1&offset=${limit}&sort=desc&apikey=${this.provider.apiKey}` ); const data = await result.json(); if (data.status !== "1" || !data.result) { throw new Error(data.message || "Failed to fetch transactions"); } // Format the results return data.result.slice(0, limit).map((tx: any) => ({ hash: tx.hash, from: tx.from, to: || 'Contract Creation', value: ethers.formatEther(tx.value), timestamp: parseInt(tx.timeStamp) || 0, blockNumber: parseInt(tx.blockNumber) || 0 })); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get transaction history: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } async getTokenTransfers(address: string, limit: number = 10): Promise<TokenTransfer[]> { try { const validAddress = ethers.getAddress(address); // Get ERC20 token transfers const result = await fetch( `${validAddress}&page=1&offset=${limit}&sort=desc&apikey=${this.provider.apiKey}` ); const data = await result.json(); if (data.status !== "1" || !data.result) { throw new Error(data.message || "Failed to fetch token transfers"); } // Format the results return data.result.slice(0, limit).map((tx: any) => ({ token: tx.contractAddress, tokenName: tx.tokenName, tokenSymbol: tx.tokenSymbol, from: tx.from, to:, value: ethers.formatUnits(tx.value, parseInt(tx.tokenDecimal)), timestamp: parseInt(tx.timeStamp) || 0, blockNumber: parseInt(tx.blockNumber) || 0 })); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get token transfers: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } async getContractABI(address: string): Promise<string> { try { const validAddress = ethers.getAddress(address); // Get contract ABI const result = await fetch( `${validAddress}&apikey=${this.provider.apiKey}` ); const data = await result.json(); if (data.status !== "1" || !data.result) { throw new Error(data.message || "Failed to fetch contract ABI"); } return data.result; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get contract ABI: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } async getGasOracle(): Promise<GasPrice> { try { // Get current gas prices const result = await fetch( `${this.provider.apiKey}` ); const data = await result.json(); if (data.status !== "1" || !data.result) { throw new Error(data.message || "Failed to fetch gas prices"); } return { safeGwei: data.result.SafeGasPrice, proposeGwei: data.result.ProposeGasPrice, fastGwei: data.result.FastGasPrice }; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get gas prices: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } async getENSName(address: string): Promise<string | null> { try { const validAddress = ethers.getAddress(address); return await this.provider.lookupAddress(validAddress); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { throw new Error(`Failed to get ENS name: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } }