
import asyncio import logging import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, ClassVar, Literal from .base import BaseAnthropicTool, CLIResult, ToolError, ToolResult DESCRIPTION: str = """ Run commands in a bash shell * When invoking this tool, the contents of the "command" parameter does NOT need to be XML-escaped. * You have access to a mirror of common linux and python packages via apt and pip. * State is persistent across command calls and discussions with the user. * To inspect a particular line range of a file, e.g. lines 10-25, try 'sed -n 10,25p /path/to/the/file'. * Please avoid commands that may produce a very large amount of output. * Please run long lived commands in the background, e.g. 'sleep 10 &' or start a server in the background. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _BashSession: """A session of a bash shell.""" _started: bool _process: asyncio.subprocess.Process command: str = "/bin/bash" _output_delay: float = 0.2 # seconds _timeout: float = 120.0 # seconds _sentinel: str = "<<exit>>" @staticmethod def _get_user_shell() -> tuple[str, list[str]]: """Get the user's default shell and its config file. Returns a tuple of (shell_path, config_file_path).""" import pwd import shutil # Get user's default shell from passwd database shell = os.getenv("HIDE_SHELL", pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_shell) home = str(Path.home()) # If shell path isn't available, fall back to bash if not shell or not os.path.exists(shell): shell = shutil.which("bash") or "/bin/bash" # Map common shells to their config files shell_configs = { "bash": [".bash_profile", ".bashrc"], "zsh": [".zprofile", ".zshrc"], } # Determine which shell we're dealing with shell_name = Path(shell).name config_files = shell_configs.get(shell_name, []) # Find the first existing config file configs = [] for config in config_files: test_path = os.path.join(home, config) if os.path.exists(test_path): configs.append(test_path) return shell, configs def __init__(self): self._started = False # Get user's shell and config self.command, self._configs = self._get_user_shell() logger.debug(f"Using shell: {self.command}, configs: {self._configs}") async def start(self): if self._started: return logger.debug(f"Starting shell: {self.command}") # Standard handling for bash/zsh self._process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( self.command, preexec_fn=os.setsid, shell=True, bufsize=0, limit=65536 * 8, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=str(Path.home()), ) # Mark as started right after process creation but before config sourcing self._started = True logger.debug(f"Shell process started, return code: {self._process.returncode}") # Source config for bash/zsh for config in self._configs: logger.debug(f"Sourcing config file: {config}") result = await self.run(f"source {config}") logger.debug(f"Result of sourcing {config}: {result}") if result.output: logger.warning( f"Output/errors while sourcing {config}:\n{result.output.strip()}" ) def stop(self): """Terminate the bash shell.""" if not self._started: raise ToolError("Session has not started.") if self._process.returncode is None: self._process.terminate() self._started = False async def restart(self): """Restart the bash shell.""" self.stop() await self.start() async def run(self, command: str): """Execute a command in the bash shell.""" if not self._started: raise ToolError("Session has not started.") if self._process.returncode is not None: logger.warning( f"bash has previously exited with returncode {self._process.returncode}, restarting" ) await self.restart() # we know these are not None because we created the process with PIPEs assert self._process.stdin assert self._process.stdout logger.debug(f"Running command: {command}") # send command to the process self._process.stdin.write( command.encode() + f"; echo '{self._sentinel}'\n".encode() ) await self._process.stdin.drain() # read output from the process, until the sentinel is found try: logger.debug("Waiting for output...") async with asyncio.timeout(self._timeout): while True: logger.debug("Checking for sentinel...") await asyncio.sleep(self._output_delay) # if we read directly from stdout/stderr, it will wait forever for # EOF. use the StreamReader buffer directly instead. output = ( self._process.stdout._buffer.decode() # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue] ) if self._sentinel in output: logger.debug("Sentinel found!") # strip the sentinel and break output = output[: output.index(self._sentinel)] break except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.error("Timed out, restarting bash session") await self.restart() raise ToolError( f"timed out: bash has not returned in {self._timeout} seconds and has been restarted", ) from None if output.endswith("\n"): output = output[:-1] logger.debug(f"Output: {output}") logger.debug("Clearing buffers...") # clear the buffers so that the next output can be read correctly self._process.stdout._buffer.clear() # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue] logger.debug("Done!") return CLIResult(output=output) class BashTool(BaseAnthropicTool): """ A tool that allows the agent to run bash commands. The tool parameters are defined by Anthropic and are not editable. """ _session: _BashSession | None name: ClassVar[Literal["bash"]] = "bash" def __init__(self): self._session = None super().__init__() async def __call__( self, command: str | None = None, restart: bool = False, **kwargs ): if restart: logger.debug("Restarting bash session") if self._session: self._session.stop() self._session = _BashSession() await self._session.start() return ToolResult(system="tool has been restarted.") if self._session is None: logger.debug("Starting bash session") self._session = _BashSession() await self._session.start() if command is not None: return await self._session.run(command) raise ToolError("no command provided.") def to_params(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return { "name": self.name, "description": DESCRIPTION, "inputSchema": { "properties": { "command": { "description": "The bash command to run. Required unless the tool is being restarted.", "type": "string", }, "restart": { "description": "Specifying true will restart this tool. Otherwise, leave this unspecified.", "type": "boolean", }, }, "type": "object", }, }