Radarr and Sonarr MCP Server

  • radarr_sonarr_mcp
#!/usr/bin/env python """Main MCP server implementation for Radarr/Sonarr.""" import os import json import sys import logging from typing import Optional import argparse from fastmcp import FastMCP import requests # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration handling # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def load_config(): """Load configuration from environment variables or config file.""" if os.environ.get('RADARR_API_KEY') or os.environ.get('SONARR_API_KEY'): logger.info("Loading configuration from environment variables...") nas_ip = os.environ.get('NAS_IP', '') return { "nasConfig": { "ip": nas_ip, "port": os.environ.get('RADARR_PORT', '7878') }, "radarrConfig": { "apiKey": os.environ.get('RADARR_API_KEY', ''), "basePath": os.environ.get('RADARR_BASE_PATH', '/api/v3'), "port": os.environ.get('RADARR_PORT', '7878') }, "sonarrConfig": { "apiKey": os.environ.get('SONARR_API_KEY', ''), "basePath": os.environ.get('SONARR_BASE_PATH', '/api/v3'), "port": os.environ.get('SONARR_PORT', '8989') }, # Optionally, include Jellyfin and Plex configuration if set in env "jellyfinConfig": { "baseUrl": os.environ.get('JELLYFIN_BASE_URL', ''), # e.g., "" "apiKey": os.environ.get('JELLYFIN_API_KEY', ''), "userId": os.environ.get('JELLYFIN_USER_ID', '') }, "plexConfig": { "baseUrl": os.environ.get('PLEX_BASE_URL', ''), # e.g., "" "token": os.environ.get('PLEX_TOKEN', '') }, "server": { "port": int(os.environ.get('MCP_SERVER_PORT', '3000')) } } else: config_path = 'config.json' try: with open(config_path, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error loading config: {e}") logger.info("Using default configuration") return { "nasConfig": {"ip": "", "port": "7878"}, "radarrConfig": {"apiKey": "", "basePath": "/api/v3", "port": "7878"}, "sonarrConfig": {"apiKey": "", "basePath": "/api/v3", "port": "8989"}, "server": {"port": 3000} } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # API Service functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_radarr_url(config): nas_ip = config["nasConfig"]["ip"] port = config["radarrConfig"]["port"] base_path = config["radarrConfig"]["basePath"] return f"http://{nas_ip}:{port}{base_path}" def get_sonarr_url(config): nas_ip = config["nasConfig"]["ip"] port = config["sonarrConfig"]["port"] base_path = config["sonarrConfig"]["basePath"] return f"http://{nas_ip}:{port}{base_path}" def make_radarr_request(config, endpoint, params=None): api_key = config["radarrConfig"]["apiKey"] base_url = get_radarr_url(config) url = f"{base_url}/{endpoint}" if params is None: params = {} params['apikey'] = api_key try: response = requests.get(url, params=params, timeout=30) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error making request to {url}: {e}") return [] def make_sonarr_request(config, endpoint, params=None): api_key = config["sonarrConfig"]["apiKey"] base_url = get_sonarr_url(config) url = f"{base_url}/{endpoint}" if params is None: params = {} params['apikey'] = api_key try: response = requests.get(url, params=params, timeout=30) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error making request to {url}: {e}") return [] def get_all_series(config): from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.sonarr_service import SonarrService service = SonarrService(config["sonarrConfig"]) return service.get_all_series() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper function to check watched status from multiple sources # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_watched_series(title: str, fallback: bool, config: dict, sonarr_service) -> bool: """ Check if a series is watched using available media services. Returns True if any service reports the series as watched. """ statuses = [] if config.get("jellyfinConfig", {}).get("baseUrl"): from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.jellyfin_service import JellyfinService jellyfin = JellyfinService(config["jellyfinConfig"]) try: statuses.append(jellyfin.is_series_watched(title)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Jellyfin check failed for {title}: {e}") if config.get("plexConfig", {}).get("baseUrl"): from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.plex_service import PlexService plex = PlexService(config["plexConfig"]) try: statuses.append(plex.is_series_watched(title)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Plex check failed for {title}: {e}") if statuses: return any(statuses) # Fallback to Sonarr's own logic if no external services are configured. return sonarr_service.is_series_watched(title) def is_watched_movie(title: str, config: dict) -> bool: """ Check if a movie is watched using available media services. Returns True if any service reports the movie as watched. """ statuses = [] if config.get("jellyfinConfig", {}).get("baseUrl"): from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.jellyfin_service import JellyfinService jellyfin = JellyfinService(config["jellyfinConfig"]) try: # For movies, you could implement a similar method in JellyfinService. statuses.append(jellyfin.is_movie_watched(title)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Jellyfin movie check failed for {title}: {e}") if config.get("plexConfig", {}).get("baseUrl"): from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.plex_service import PlexService plex = PlexService(config["plexConfig"]) try: statuses.append(plex.is_movie_watched(title)) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Plex movie check failed for {title}: {e}") # If no external services configured, default to unwatched. return any(statuses) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MCP Server implementation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.sonarr_service import SonarrService class RadarrSonarrMCP: """MCP Server for Radarr and Sonarr.""" def __init__(self): self.config = load_config() self.server = FastMCP( name="radarr-sonarr-mcp-server", description="MCP Server for Radarr and Sonarr media management" ) self.sonarr_service = SonarrService(self.config["sonarrConfig"]) self._register_tools() self._register_resources() # Optionally, register prompts. def _register_tools(self): @self.server.tool() def get_available_series(year: Optional[int] = None, downloaded: Optional[bool] = None, watched: Optional[bool] = None, actors: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """ Get a list of available TV series with optional filters. Watched status is determined using Plex and/or Jellyfin; if either reports watched, the series is considered watched. """ all_series = get_all_series(self.config) # List of Series objects filtered_series = all_series if year is not None: filtered_series = [s for s in filtered_series if s.year == year] if downloaded is not None: filtered_series = [ s for s in filtered_series if (s.statistics and s.statistics.episode_file_count > 0) == downloaded ] if watched is not None: if watched: filtered_series = [ s for s in filtered_series if is_watched_series(s.title, False, self.config, self.sonarr_service) ] else: filtered_series = [ s for s in filtered_series if not is_watched_series(s.title, False, self.config, self.sonarr_service) ] if actors: filtered_series = [ s for s in filtered_series if s.data.get("credits") and any( actors.lower() in cast.get("name", "").lower() for cast in s.data.get("credits", {}).get("cast", []) ) ] return { "count": len(filtered_series), "series": [ { "id": s.id, "title": s.title, "year": s.year, "overview": s.overview, "status": s.status, "network": s.network, "genres": s.genres, "watched": is_watched_series(s.title, False, self.config, self.sonarr_service) } for s in filtered_series ] } @self.server.tool() def lookup_series(term: str) -> dict: service = SonarrService(self.config["sonarrConfig"]) results = service.lookup_series(term) return { "count": len(results), "series": [ { "id": s.id, "title": s.title, "year": s.year, "overview": s.overview } for s in results ] } # Similarly, for movies you can define a tool: @self.server.tool() def get_available_movies(year: Optional[int] = None, downloaded: Optional[bool] = None, watched: Optional[bool] = None, actors: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """ Get a list of all available movies with optional filters. Watched status is determined using Plex and/or Jellyfin. """ # For movies, assume you have a function get_all_movies similar to get_all_series. from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.radarr_service import RadarrService # You would need to instantiate a RadarrService and fetch movies. radarr_service = RadarrService(self.config["radarrConfig"]) all_movies = radarr_service.get_all_movies() # Assuming this returns a list of dicts filtered_movies = all_movies if year is not None: filtered_movies = [m for m in filtered_movies if m.get("year") == year] if downloaded is not None: filtered_movies = [m for m in filtered_movies if m.get("hasFile") == downloaded] if watched is not None: if watched: filtered_movies = [ m for m in filtered_movies if is_watched_movie(m.get("title", ""), self.config) ] else: filtered_movies = [ m for m in filtered_movies if not is_watched_movie(m.get("title", ""), self.config) ] if actors: filtered_movies = [ m for m in filtered_movies if m.get("credits") and any( actors.lower() in cast.get("name", "").lower() for cast in m.get("credits", {}).get("cast", []) ) ] return { "count": len(filtered_movies), "movies": [ { "id": m.get("id"), "title": m.get("title"), "year": m.get("year"), "overview": m.get("overview"), "hasFile": m.get("hasFile"), "status": m.get("status"), "genres": m.get("genres", []), "watched": is_watched_movie(m.get("title", ""), self.config) } for m in filtered_movies ] } def _register_resources(self): @self.server.resource("http://example.com/series", description="TV series collection from Sonarr") def series() -> dict: series_list = get_all_series(self.config) return { "count": len(series_list), "series": [ { "id": s.id, "title": s.title, "year": s.year } for s in series_list ] } @self.server.resource("http://example.com/movies", description="Movie collection from Radarr") def movies() -> dict: from radarr_sonarr_mcp.services.radarr_service import RadarrService radarr_service = RadarrService(self.config["radarrConfig"]) movies_list = radarr_service.get_all_movies() # Assuming list of dicts return { "count": len(movies_list), "movies": [ { "id": m.get("id"), "title": m.get("title"), "year": m.get("year") } for m in movies_list ] } def run(self): port = self.config["server"]["port"] logger.info(f"Starting Radarr-Sonarr MCP Server on port {port}") logger.info(f"Connect Claude Desktop to: http://localhost:{port}") self.server.run() if __name__ == "__main__": server = RadarrSonarrMCP() server.run()