Lighthouse MCP

by l3wi
#!/usr/bin/env node import { FastMCP } from "fastmcp"; import { z } from "zod"; import { Account, Lighthouse, Position, LighthouseAsset, } from "./lighthouse.js"; import { formatNumber, formatPercentage } from "./utils.js"; export const version = "0.0.6"; export const scriptName = "Lighthouse MCP"; const server = new FastMCP({ name: "Lighthouse MCP", version: version, }); server.addTool({ name: "authenticate", description: "Authenticate with Lighthouse using a transfer token URL", parameters: z.object({ url: z.string().url(), }), execute: async (args) => { try { const result = await lighthouse.authenticate(args.url); if (result.success) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: result.message, }, ], }; } else { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: result.message }], }; } } catch (error: any) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Authentication failed: ${error.message}` }, ], }; } }, }); server.addTool({ name: "listLighthousePortfolios", description: "List all Lighthouse portfolios, their total portfolio value, the wallets within each portfolio and their total value", parameters: z.object({}), execute: async () => { const portfolios = await lighthouse.getUserData(); const porfolioData = await Promise.all( (portfolio) => { return await lighthouse.getPortfolioData(portfolio.slug); }) ); //Sum the portfolios const totalPortfolioValue = porfolioData.reduce( (acc, data) => acc + data.usdValue, 0 ); /// Format the porfolio data const formattedPorfolioData =, i) => { return `# ${i + 1}. ${ portfolios.user.portfolios[i].name }\n\n## Total Portfolio Value: $${data.usdValue.toLocaleString()}\n\n## Wallets (${ Object.keys(data.accounts).length }):\n${Object.entries(data.accounts) .map(([accountId, account]) => `- ${} (${account.type})`) .join("\n")}`; }); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `# Lighthouse Portfolios\n\n${formattedPorfolioData.join( "\n" )}\n\n## Total Portfolio Value: $${totalPortfolioValue.toLocaleString()}`, }, ], }; }, }); // Tool to fetch and format Lighthouse portfolio data server.addTool({ name: "getLighthousePortfolio", description: "Fetch and display a detailed summary of a Lighthouse portfolio with breakdown by asset types and major holdings.", parameters: z.object({ portfolio: z .string() .optional() .describe( "Optional portfolio name to select a specific portfolio to display a summary for" ), }), execute: async (args) => { try { if (!lighthouse.isAuthenticated()) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "No session cookie available. Please authenticate first.", }, ], }; } // Find the portfolio const portfolio = await lighthouse.findPortfolio(args.portfolio); // Get the portfolio data const data = await lighthouse.getPortfolioData(portfolio.slug); // Calculate total USD value const totalUsdValue = data.usdValue; // Get wallets/accounts const wallets = Object.values(data.accounts).map((account: Account) => ({ id:, name:, type: account.type, })); // Calculate asset type breakdown const assetTypeMap = new Map<string, number>(); data.positions.forEach((position: Position) => { position.assets.forEach((asset: LighthouseAsset) => { const currentValue = assetTypeMap.get(asset.type) || 0; assetTypeMap.set(asset.type, currentValue + asset.usdValue); }); }); // Convert to array and sort by value const assetTypeBreakdown = Array.from(assetTypeMap.entries()) .map(([type, value]) => ({ type, value, percentage: (value / totalUsdValue) * 100, })) .sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value); // Get major assets (>= $1000) const majorAssets = data.positions .flatMap((position) => position.assets .filter((asset) => asset.usdValue >= 1000) .map((asset) => ({ name:, symbol: asset.symbol, value: asset.usdValue, amount: asset.amount, })) ) .sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value); // Format the response const assetTypeTable = ` | Asset Type | Net Value | % of Portfolio | |------------|-----------|----------------| ${assetTypeBreakdown .map( (item) => `| ${item.type} | $${formatNumber(item.value)} | ${formatPercentage( item.percentage )}% |` ) .join("\n")} `; const assetsTable = ` | Asset | Value | Amount | |-------|-------|--------| ${majorAssets .map( (asset) => `| ${} (${asset.symbol}) | $${formatNumber( asset.value )} | ${formatNumber(asset.amount)} |` ) .join("\n")} `; return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `# Lighthouse Portfolio Summary: ${ }\n\n## Total Portfolio Value: $${formatNumber( totalUsdValue )}\n\n## Wallets (${wallets.length}):\n${wallets .map((w) => `- ${} (${w.type})`) .join( "\n" )}\n\n## Asset Type Breakdown:\n${assetTypeTable}\n\n## Major Holdings (>= $1,000):\n${assetsTable}`, }, ], }; } catch (error: any) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Failed to fetch Lighthouse portfolio: ${error.message}`, }, ], }; } }, }); server.addTool({ name: "getLighthouseYieldData", description: "Get yield data for a Lighthouse portfolio", parameters: z.object({ portfolio: z .string() .optional() .describe( "Optional portfolio name to select a specific portfolio to display a summary for" ), }), execute: async (args) => { if (!lighthouse.isAuthenticated()) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Not authenticated. Please authenticate first.", }, ], }; } const portfolio = args.portfolio ? await lighthouse.findPortfolio(args.portfolio) : await lighthouse.findPortfolio(); const yieldData = await lighthouse.getYieldData(portfolio.slug); // Calulate USD values // Iterate through each pool // Iterate through each supply, receive, borrow, pay // Calculate the USD value of each receive & pay // Sum the USD values of each receive & pay // Return an array of pools with the USD values const formattedYieldData = => { return { ...pool, receiveUSD:, index) => { return { asset: supply.asset.symbol, assetUSD: supply.amount * supply.asset.price, apy: pool.receive[index].apy, receiveUSD: (pool.receive[index].apy / 100) * supply.amount * supply.asset.price, }; }), payUSD:, index) => { return { asset: borrow.asset.symbol, assetUSD: borrow.amount * borrow.asset.price, apy:[index].apy, payUSD: ([index].apy / 100) * borrow.amount * borrow.asset.price, }; }), }; }); const formattedYieldDataWithUsdValues = => { return { ...pool, netYieldUSD: pool.receiveUSD.reduce( (acc, receive) => acc + receive.receiveUSD, 0 ) - pool.payUSD.reduce((acc, pay) => acc + pay.payUSD, 0), }; }); // Format the yield data const responseFormattedYieldData = formattedYieldDataWithUsdValues .map((pool) => { return `# ${} (${ }) - Annual Yield: $${formatNumber(pool.netYieldUSD)} \n${ pool.receiveUSD.length > 0 ? `## Receive: \n${pool.receiveUSD .map( (supply) => `${supply.asset} - $${formatNumber( supply.receiveUSD )} per year` ) .join("\n")}` : "" }${ pool.payUSD.length > 0 ? `## Pay: \n${pool.payUSD .map( (pay) => `${pay.asset} - $${formatNumber(pay.payUSD)} per year` ) .join("\n")}` : "" }`; }) .join("\n\n"); const totalSupplyUSD = formattedYieldDataWithUsdValues.reduce( (acc, pool) => { return ( acc + pool.receiveUSD.reduce((acc, receive) => { return acc + receive.assetUSD; }, 0) ); }, 0 ); const totalBorrowUSD = formattedYieldDataWithUsdValues.reduce( (acc, pool) => { return acc + pool.payUSD.reduce((acc, pay) => acc + pay.assetUSD, 0); }, 0 ); const totalYieldUSD = formattedYieldDataWithUsdValues.reduce( (acc, pool) => { return acc + pool.netYieldUSD; }, 0 ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `${} \n Total Yield: $${formatNumber(totalYieldUSD)} ## Total Supplied: $${formatNumber(totalSupplyUSD)} ## Total Borrowed: $${formatNumber(totalBorrowUSD)} ## Avg APY: ${formatPercentage( totalYieldUSD / totalSupplyUSD )}% \n\n ` + responseFormattedYieldData, }, ], }; }, }); server.addTool({ name: "getLighthousePerformanceData", description: "Get performance data for a Lighthouse portfolio", parameters: z.object({ portfolio: z.string().optional().describe("Optional portfolio name"), startDate: z .string() .optional() .describe("Optional start date. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD"), }), execute: async (args) => { const portfolio = args.portfolio ? await lighthouse.findPortfolio(args.portfolio) : await lighthouse.findPortfolio(); const startDate = args.startDate ? new Date(args.startDate) : new Date( - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); const performanceData = await lighthouse.getPerformanceData( portfolio.slug, startDate.toISOString().split("T")[0] ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `# ${} Performance Data Timeframe: ${performanceData.startsAt} - ${performanceData.endsAt} Period Return: ${formatNumber( performanceData.usdValueChange )} (${formatPercentage( (performanceData.usdValueChange / performanceData.lastSnapshotUsdValue) * 100 )}) ---- Performance by asset type: ${performanceData.changeByType .sort((a, b) => b.diffUsdValue - a.diffUsdValue) .map((asset) => { return `- ${asset.type}: ${formatNumber( asset.diffUsdValue )} (${formatPercentage( asset.prevUsdValue / asset.currUsdValue )}%)`; }) .join("\n")} ---- Top 5 Gainers: ${performanceData.gainers .sort((a, b) => b.diffUsdValue - a.diffUsdValue) .slice(0, 5) .map((gainer) => { return `- ${gainer.symbol}: ${formatNumber( gainer.diffUsdValue )} (${formatPercentage( gainer.diffUsdValue / gainer.prevUsdValue )}%)`; }) .join("\n")} ---- Top 5 Losers: ${performanceData.losers .sort((a, b) => a.diffUsdValue - b.diffUsdValue) .slice(0, 5) .map((loser) => { return `- ${loser.symbol}: ${formatNumber( loser.diffUsdValue )} (${formatPercentage( loser.diffUsdValue / loser.prevUsdValue )}%)`; }) .join("\n")} `, }, ], }; }, }); // Create and initialize the Lighthouse client const lighthouse = new Lighthouse(); // Initialize the Lighthouse client before starting the server (async () => { await lighthouse.initialize(); server.start({ transportType: "stdio", }); })();