Tiny Cryptography MCP Server
by anton10xr
- test
// test/crypto.test.ts
import { TweetNaClCrypto } from '../src/tweetnaclCrypto.ts';
import { SJCLCrypto } from '../src/sjclCrypto.ts';
// Configuration to enable/disable test sections
const RUN_TESTS = {
SJCL: true
// Helper to print a section header
const logHeader = (title: string) => {
console.log(`\n=== ${title} ===`);
// Plaintext message for testing
const MESSAGE = "Hello, this is a secret message!";
// --- TweetNaCl Test Section ---
function testTweetNaCl() {
logHeader("TweetNaCl (Curve25519 key exchange + XSalsa20-Poly1305 encryption)");
// 1. Generate key pairs for Alice and Bob
const aliceNaCl = TweetNaClCrypto.generateKeyPair();
const bobNaCl = TweetNaClCrypto.generateKeyPair();
console.log("Alice Key Pair:", aliceNaCl);
console.log("Bob Key Pair:", bobNaCl);
// 2. Derive shared secrets on both sides (they should be the same)
const aliceSharedNaCl = TweetNaClCrypto.deriveSharedSecret(aliceNaCl.privateKey, bobNaCl.publicKey);
const bobSharedNaCl = TweetNaClCrypto.deriveSharedSecret(bobNaCl.privateKey, aliceNaCl.publicKey);
console.log("Shared secret (Alice's perspective):", aliceSharedNaCl);
console.log("Shared secret (Bob's perspective): ", bobSharedNaCl);
console.log("Shared secrets match:", aliceSharedNaCl === bobSharedNaCl);
// 3. Alice encrypts a message for Bob using the shared secret
const encryptedNaCl = TweetNaClCrypto.encrypt(aliceSharedNaCl, MESSAGE);
console.log("Encrypted message (base64):", encryptedNaCl.ciphertext);
console.log("Nonce (base64):", encryptedNaCl.nonce);
// 4. Bob decrypts the message using the shared secret and Alice's nonce
const decryptedNaCl = TweetNaClCrypto.decrypt(bobSharedNaCl, encryptedNaCl.nonce, encryptedNaCl.ciphertext);
console.log("Decrypted message:", decryptedNaCl);
console.log("Decrypted matches original:", decryptedNaCl === MESSAGE);
// --- SJCL Test Section ---
function testSJCL() {
logHeader("SJCL (P-256 key exchange + AES-CCM encryption)");
// 1. Generate key pairs for Alice and Bob
const aliceSJCL = SJCLCrypto.generateKeyPair();
const bobSJCL = SJCLCrypto.generateKeyPair();
console.log("Alice Key Pair:", aliceSJCL);
console.log("Bob Key Pair:", bobSJCL);
// 2. Derive shared secrets
const aliceSharedSJCL = SJCLCrypto.deriveSharedSecret(aliceSJCL.privateKey, bobSJCL.publicKey);
const bobSharedSJCL = SJCLCrypto.deriveSharedSecret(bobSJCL.privateKey, aliceSJCL.publicKey);
console.log("Shared secret (Alice):", aliceSharedSJCL);
console.log("Shared secret (Bob): ", bobSharedSJCL);
console.log("Shared secrets match:", aliceSharedSJCL === bobSharedSJCL);
// 3. Alice encrypts message for Bob using SJCL (result is a JSON string)
const encryptedSJCL = SJCLCrypto.encrypt(aliceSharedSJCL, MESSAGE);
console.log("Encrypted message (SJCL output):", encryptedSJCL.ciphertext);
// 4. Bob decrypts the message using SJCL
const decryptedSJCL = SJCLCrypto.decrypt(bobSharedSJCL, encryptedSJCL.ciphertext);
console.log("Decrypted message:", decryptedSJCL);
console.log("Decrypted matches original:", decryptedSJCL === MESSAGE);
// Run enabled tests
console.log("Running crypto tests...");
console.log("\nTests completed!");