Cryo MCP Server
by z80dev
- tests
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import os
import subprocess
import requests
from pathlib import Path
# Define the function directly in the test script
def get_latest_block_number():
"""Get the latest block number from the Ethereum node"""
rpc_url = os.environ.get("ETH_RPC_URL", "")
payload = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_blockNumber",
"params": [],
"id": 1
response =, json=payload)
response_data = response.json()
if 'result' in response_data:
# Convert hex to int
latest_block = int(response_data['result'], 16)
print(f"Latest block number: {latest_block}")
return latest_block
print(f"Error: {response_data.get('error', 'Unknown error')}")
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception when fetching latest block: {e}")
return None
def test_latest_block_functions():
"""Test the direct latest block functions"""
print("=== Testing get_latest_block_number() ===")
latest_block = get_latest_block_number()
print(f"Latest block number: {latest_block}")
print("\n=== Testing get_latest_ethereum_block with cryo ===")
# Test getting the latest block using cryo directly
if latest_block:
rpc_url = os.environ.get("ETH_RPC_URL", "")
block_range = f"{latest_block}:{latest_block+1}"
temp_dir = Path("/tmp/cryo_latest_test")
cmd = ["cryo", "blocks", "-b", block_range, "-r", rpc_url, "--json", "-o", str(temp_dir)]
print(f"Running command: {' '.join(cmd)}")
result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
if result.returncode != 0:
print(f"Error: {result.stderr}")
return False
# Find the output file
output_files = list(temp_dir.glob("*blocks*.json"))
if not output_files:
print("No output files found")
return False
# Read the block data
with open(output_files[0], 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
if data and len(data) > 0:
print(f"Block data: {json.dumps(data[0], indent=2)}")
return True
return False
def test_query_latest_blocks():
"""Test querying the latest blocks using subprocess"""
# Get the latest block number
latest_block = get_latest_block_number()
if latest_block is None:
print("Failed to get latest block number")
return False
# Test getting a range of latest blocks
start_block = latest_block - 5
end_block = latest_block
# Create a block range string
block_range = f"{start_block}:{end_block+1}" # Add 1 to make it inclusive
# Use cryo directly
rpc_url = os.environ.get("ETH_RPC_URL", "")
temp_dir = Path("/tmp/cryo_test_latest")
cmd = [
"cryo", "blocks",
"-b", block_range,
"-r", rpc_url,
"-o", str(temp_dir)
print(f"Running command: {' '.join(cmd)}")
result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
if result.returncode != 0:
print(f"Error: {result.stderr}")
return False
# Find the output file
output_files = list(temp_dir.glob("*blocks*.json"))
if not output_files:
print("No output files found")
return False
# Read the first file
with open(output_files[0], 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
print(f"Found {len(data)} blocks")
# Check if we got the range we expected
block_numbers = [block["block_number"] for block in data]
print(f"Block numbers: {block_numbers}")
# Check the range covers what we requested (inclusive start to end)
expected_blocks = list(range(start_block, end_block + 1))
actual_blocks = sorted(block_numbers)
print(f"Expected blocks: {expected_blocks}")
print(f"Actual blocks: {actual_blocks}")
return set(expected_blocks) == set(actual_blocks)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Testing latest block functions")
# Test direct functions
functions_success = test_latest_block_functions()
# Test querying latest blocks
query_success = test_query_latest_blocks()
if functions_success and query_success:
All tests passed!")
print("\nā Tests failed")
if not functions_success:
print("- Latest block functions test failed")
if not query_success:
print("- Query latest blocks test failed")