mcp-server-cloudflareofficialcloudflare-securityAlicense-qualityLets you use Claude Desktop, or any MCP Client, to use natural language to accomplish things on your Cloudflare account.841249TypeScriptApache 2.0
mcp-server-rag-web-browserofficialapifyAsecurityAlicenseAqualityImplementation of an MCP server for the RAG Web Browser Actor. This Actor serves as a web browser for large language models (LLMs) and RAG pipelines, similar to a web search in ChatGPT.138TypeScriptApache 2.0Apple
mcp-server-qdrantofficialqdrant-securityFlicense-qualityThis repository is an example of how to create a MCP server for Qdrant, a vector search engine.52Python
mcp-server-birdstatsDMontgomery40VerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityCross-reference your BirdNET-Pi data with eBird observations using natural language21JavaScriptMIT License
mcp-server-tmdbLaksh-starAsecurityAlicenseAqualityIntegrates with The Movie Database (TMDB) API to provide movie information, search capabilities, and recommendations.34JavaScriptMIT LicenseAppleLinux
mcp-server-neonofficialneondatabase-securityAlicense-qualityLets you use Claude Desktop, or any MCP Client, to use natural language to accomplish things with Neon.2539TypeScriptMIT License