Aider MCP Server

  • tests
"""Tests for the Aider MCP Server.""" import json import os from pathlib import Path import pytest import tempfile import asyncio import contextlib import contextvars from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, AsyncMock from aider_mcp.server import find_git_root, load_aider_config, load_dotenv_file, create_server from mcp.types import TextContent from mcp.shared.context import RequestContext from mcp.shared.session import ServerSession def test_find_git_root(): """Test finding a git root directory.""" # Current directory is not a git root assert find_git_root(os.getcwd()) is not None def test_load_aider_config(): """Test loading Aider configuration.""" # Create a temporary config file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', suffix='.yml', delete=False) as f: f.write("model: gpt-4\ndark_mode: true\n") config_file = try: # Load the config config = load_aider_config(config_file=config_file) # Check that the config contains the expected values assert "model" in config assert config["model"] == "gpt-4" assert "dark_mode" in config assert config["dark_mode"] is True finally: # Clean up os.unlink(config_file) def test_load_dotenv_file(): """Test loading environment variables from .env file.""" # Create a temporary .env file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', suffix='.env', delete=False) as f: f.write("TEST_VAR=test_value\nOTHER_VAR=other_value\n") env_file = try: # Load the environment variables env_vars = load_dotenv_file(env_file=env_file) # Check that the environment variables were loaded correctly assert "TEST_VAR" in env_vars assert env_vars["TEST_VAR"] == "test_value" assert "OTHER_VAR" in env_vars assert env_vars["OTHER_VAR"] == "other_value" finally: # Clean up os.unlink(env_file) def test_create_server(): """Test creating the MCP server.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Check that the server has the expected attributes assert == "aider-mcp" assert hasattr(server, "list_resources") assert hasattr(server, "read_resource") assert hasattr(server, "list_tools") assert hasattr(server, "call_tool") @contextlib.contextmanager def mock_request_context(server): """Create a mock request context for testing.""" # Create a mock lifespan context lifespan_context = MagicMock() lifespan_context.aider_path = "aider" # Create a mock session session = ServerSession() # Create a request context context = RequestContext( request_id="test-request-id", request_meta={}, session=session, lifespan_context=lifespan_context ) # Set the context in the server token = server._routes["request_ctx"].set(context) try: yield context finally: server._routes["request_ctx"].reset(token) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_list_tools(): """Test that the server lists the expected tools.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Access the list_tools handler directly handler = server._routes["list_tools"] # Call the handler function tools = await handler() # Get the tool names tool_names = [ for tool in tools] # Check that the expected tools are in the list expected_tools = [ "edit_files", "create_files", "git_status", "extract_code", "aider_status", "aider_config" ] for tool in expected_tools: assert tool in tool_names @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_list_resources(): """Test that the server lists the expected resources.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Access the list_resources handler directly handler = server._routes["list_resources"] # Call the handler function resources = await handler() # Check that the resources list is not empty assert len(resources) > 0 # Check that the resources have the required attributes for resource in resources: assert hasattr(resource, "uri") assert hasattr(resource, "name") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_read_resource_not_found(): """Test reading a resource that doesn't exist.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Access the read_resource handler directly handler = server._routes["read_resource"] # Call the handler function with an invalid URI content, content_type = await handler(uri="invalid:uri") # Check that the response indicates the resource wasn't found assert "not found" in content.lower() assert content_type == "text/plain" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_call_tool_unknown(): """Test calling an unknown tool.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Access the call_tool handler directly handler = server._routes["call_tool"] # Call the handler function with an unknown tool name response = await handler(name="unknown_tool", arguments={}) # Check that the response indicates the tool is unknown assert len(response) == 1 assert response[0].type == "text" assert "unknown tool" in response[0].text.lower() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_extract_code_tool(): """Test the extract_code tool.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Test input with code blocks test_input = """ Here is some Python code: ```python def hello_world(): print("Hello, world!") ``` And here's some JavaScript: ```javascript function greet() { console.log("Hello!"); } ``` """ # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Access the call_tool handler directly handler = server._routes["call_tool"] # Call the extract_code tool response = await handler(name="extract_code", arguments={"text": test_input}) # Check the response assert len(response) > 0 assert response[0].type == "text" # Response should contain information about the extracted code blocks assert "python" in response[0].text.lower() assert "javascript" in response[0].text.lower() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_aider_config_tool(): """Test the aider_config tool.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Create a temporary config file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', suffix='.aider.conf.yml', delete=False) as f: f.write("model: gpt-4\ndark_mode: true\n") temp_dir = os.path.dirname( try: # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Mock the load_aider_config function to return our test config with patch('aider_mcp.server.load_aider_config') as mock_load_config: mock_load_config.return_value = {"model": "gpt-4", "dark_mode": True} # Access the call_tool handler directly handler = server._routes["call_tool"] # Call the aider_config tool response = await handler(name="aider_config", arguments={"directory": temp_dir}) # Check the response assert len(response) > 0 assert response[0].type == "text" # Parse the JSON response result = json.loads(response[0].text) # Verify that the config is in the response assert "config" in result assert result["config"]["model"] == "gpt-4" assert result["config"]["dark_mode"] is True finally: # Clean up os.unlink( @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_git_status_tool(): """Test the git_status tool.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Mock the run_command function to return a git status output with patch('aider_mcp.server.run_command') as mock_run_command: mock_run_command.return_value = ( "On branch main\nYour branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.\n\n" "Changes not staged for commit:\n" " (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)\n" " (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)\n" " modified:\n\n" "Untracked files:\n" " (use \"git add <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)\n" " new_file.txt\n\n", "" ) # Access the call_tool handler directly handler = server._routes["call_tool"] # Call the git_status tool response = await handler(name="git_status", arguments={"directory": os.getcwd()}) # Check the response assert len(response) > 0 assert response[0].type == "text" # Response should contain information about the git status assert "branch main" in response[0].text.lower() assert "modified" in response[0].text.lower() assert "untracked" in response[0].text.lower() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_create_files_tool(): """Test the create_files tool.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Create a temporary directory with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Mock the run_command function to simulate successful git operations with patch('aider_mcp.server.run_command') as mock_run_command: mock_run_command.return_value = ("", "") # Files to create files = { "": "print('Hello, world!')", "another_file.txt": "This is a test file." } # Access the call_tool handler directly handler = server._routes["call_tool"] # Call the create_files tool response = await handler( name="create_files", arguments={ "directory": temp_dir, "files": files, "message": "Add test files", "git_commit": True } ) # Check the response assert len(response) > 0 assert response[0].type == "text" # Response should indicate success assert "created" in response[0].text.lower() # Check that the files were actually created for filename, content in files.items(): file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename) assert os.path.exists(file_path) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: assert == content @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_aider_status_tool(): """Test the aider_status tool.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Mock the run_command function to return a version string with patch('aider_mcp.server.run_command') as mock_run_command: mock_run_command.return_value = ("aider 0.25.0\n", "") # Mock the load_aider_config function with patch('aider_mcp.server.load_aider_config') as mock_load_config: mock_load_config.return_value = {"model": "gpt-4", "dark_mode": True} # Mock the load_dotenv_file function with patch('aider_mcp.server.load_dotenv_file') as mock_load_env: mock_load_env.return_value = {"OPENAI_API_KEY": "sk-..."} # Access the call_tool handler directly handler = server._routes["call_tool"] # Call the aider_status tool response = await handler( name="aider_status", arguments={ "directory": os.getcwd(), "check_environment": True } ) # Check the response assert len(response) > 0 assert response[0].type == "text" # Parse the JSON response result = json.loads(response[0].text) # Verify the response contains expected information assert "aider_version" in result assert result["aider_version"] == "aider 0.25.0" assert "config" in result assert "environment" in result assert "api_keys" in result["environment"] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_edit_files_tool(): """Test the edit_files tool.""" # Create the server server = create_server() # Create a temporary directory with a test file with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Create a test file to edit test_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "") with open(test_file, 'w') as f: f.write("def hello():\n print('Hello')\n") # Use the mock context with mock_request_context(server): # Define the expected output from running aider aider_output = ( "Aider: I'll help you update the hello function to include a world parameter.\n\n" "I've made the following changes to\n\n" "```diff\n" "- def hello():\n" "- print('Hello')\n" "+ def hello(world='world'):\n" "+ print(f'Hello, {world}!')\n" "```\n\n" "Committed as: Updated hello function with world parameter\n", "" ) # Mock the run_command function to return the expected output with patch('aider_mcp.server.run_command', new_callable=AsyncMock) as mock_run: mock_run.return_value = aider_output # Access the call_tool handler directly handler = server._routes["call_tool"] # Call the edit_files tool response = await handler( name="edit_files", arguments={ "directory": temp_dir, "message": "Update the hello function to include a world parameter" } ) # Check the response format assert len(response) > 0 assert response[0].type == "text" # Verify the aider output is included in the response response_text = response[0].text assert "updated hello function" in response_text.lower() # Check that mock_run was called with the expected arguments mock_run.assert_called_once() # We expect the command to include 'aider' and the message args = mock_run.call_args[0][0] assert 'aider' in args[0].lower() or args[0].endswith('aider') message_file_content = "" # The message should be written to a file which is passed to aider with open(args[-1], 'r') as f: message_file_content = assert "world parameter" in message_file_content