Simple Files Vector Store Server
Simple Files Vector Store
A generic solution for creating a vector store from local directories and files, enabling semantic search across their contents. This project is implemented as an MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that provides tools for initializing the store and performing searches.
Quick Start for Cline
- Have the path to your directories to watch and index ready, for example
- Cone the git repo:
- Build the server:
- Add the following to your Cline MCP settings file (
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json
Once configured, Cline will have access to two new tools:
The server will automatically index supported files in your watched directories and keep the index updated as files change.
Supported File Types
- Markdown (.md)
- HTML (.html)
- JSON (.json)
- Plain Text (.txt)
- Watch multiple directories for supported files
- Convert file contents to embeddings using all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model
- Store embeddings in a FAISS vector store for efficient similarity search
- Configurable text chunking parameters
- Track statistics about indexed files
Environment Variables
: Comma-separated list of directories to watch (required)CHUNK_SIZE
: Size of text chunks for processing (default: 1000)CHUNK_OVERLAP
: Overlap between chunks (default: 200)
The server exposes the following MCP tools:
Search across indexed files using semantic search.
Get statistics about indexed files.
File Processing
- HTML files: Strips script and style tags, converts to plain text while preserving important content structure
- JSON files: Pretty prints for readability
- Markdown files: Processed as-is since they're already readable
- Text files: Processed as-is
Implementation Details
- Uses the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model for generating embeddings
- FAISS vector store for efficient similarity search
- Chunks text using RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from LangChain
- Tracks metadata including file type, source path, and last modified time
- Supports saving and loading the vector store state
This server cannot be installed
A very simple vector store that provides capability to watch a list of directories, and automatically index all the markdown, html and text files in the directory to a vector store to enhance context.