GitHub Projects MCP Server

import { z } from "zod"; // Import GraphQL operations import { getRepository } from "../graphql/repositories/index.js"; import type { GetRepositoryQuery, GetRepositoryQueryVariables, } from "../types/github-api-types.js"; import { GitHubClient } from "./github-client.js"; // Schema definitions for tool input validation export const GetRepositorySchema = { name: z.string().describe("Repository name"), }; export const ListRepositoriesSchema = { type: z .enum(["all", "owner", "public", "private", "member"]) .optional() .describe("Type of repositories to list") .default("all"), sort: z .enum(["created", "updated", "pushed", "full_name"]) .optional() .describe("Sort field") .default("full_name"), direction: z .enum(["asc", "desc"]) .optional() .describe("Sort direction") .default("asc"), per_page: z .number() .optional() .describe("Items per page (max 100)") .default(30), page: z.number().optional().describe("Page number").default(1), }; const ListRepositoriesZodObject = z.object(ListRepositoriesSchema); type ListRepositoriesParams = z.infer<typeof ListRepositoriesZodObject>; export class RepositoryOperations { private client: GitHubClient; private owner: string; constructor() { this.client = new GitHubClient(); this.owner = process.env.GITHUB_OWNER as string; } /** * Get a repository by owner and name */ async getRepository(input: Omit<GetRepositoryQueryVariables, "owner">) { const result = await this.client.graphql< GetRepositoryQuery, GetRepositoryQueryVariables >(getRepository, { ...input, owner: this.owner, }); return result.repository; } /** * List repositories for a user */ async listRepositories(params: ListRepositoriesParams) { const { type, sort, direction, per_page, page } = params; // Use REST API for this operation as it provides better pagination and filtering const path = `/users/${this.owner}/repos`; const queryParams: Record<string, string | undefined> = { type, sort, direction, per_page: per_page?.toString(), page: page?.toString(), }; // Build the query string const queryString = Object.entries(queryParams) .map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value ?? "")}`) .join("&"); const result = await< Array<{ id: number; node_id: string; name: string; full_name: string; owner: { login: string; avatar_url: string; html_url: string; }; html_url: string; description: string | null; fork: boolean; created_at: string; updated_at: string; pushed_at: string; homepage: string | null; size: number; stargazers_count: number; watchers_count: number; language: string | null; forks_count: number; open_issues_count: number; license: { key: string; name: string; spdx_id: string; url: string; } | null; private: boolean; archived: boolean; disabled: boolean; default_branch: string; }> >("GET", `${path}?${queryString}`); return result; } }