SendGrid MCP Server

import { jest } from '@jest/globals'; import { SendGridService } from '../sendgrid.js'; describe('SendGridService Integration Tests', () => { let service: SendGridService; beforeEach(() => { service = new SendGridService(process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY!); }); // Increase timeout for API calls jest.setTimeout(60000); describe('Contact Management', () => { let createdListId: string; afterAll(async () => { if (createdListId) { try { await service.deleteList(createdListId); // Wait a moment for deletion to process await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); // Verify list is deleted by trying to fetch it try { await service.getList(createdListId); throw new Error('List was not deleted'); } catch (error: any) { // Expect 404 error since list should be deleted expect(error.code).toBe(404); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error cleaning up test list:', error); throw error; } } }); it('should create a list and add a contact', async () => { // Create a unique list name using timestamp const listName = `Test List ${new Date().getTime()}`; // Create the list const list = await service.createList(listName); createdListId =; expect(list).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(; // Add a contact to the list const contact = { email: `test${new Date().getTime()}`, first_name: 'Test', last_name: 'User' }; // Add contact and wait a moment for it to process const addContactResponse = await service.addContact(contact); expect(addContactResponse).toBeDefined(); // Wait longer for the contact to be processed await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 15000)); // Add contact to list const addToListResponse = await service.addContactsToList(, []); expect(addToListResponse).toBeDefined(); // Retry a few times to verify the contact was added let foundContact; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Wait between retries await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)); // Check for the contact const contacts = await service.getContactsByList(; expect(contacts).toBeDefined(); expect(contacts.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); // Try to find our contact foundContact = contacts.find(c => ===; if (foundContact) break; } expect(foundContact).toBeDefined(); expect(foundContact?.email).toBe(; }); }); describe('listTemplates', () => { it('should return an array of templates', async () => { const templates = await service.listTemplates(); expect(Array.isArray(templates)).toBe(true); if (templates.length > 0) { expect(templates[0]).toHaveProperty('id'); expect(templates[0]).toHaveProperty('name'); expect(templates[0]).toHaveProperty('generation'); } }); }); describe('getStats', () => { it('should retrieve email statistics', async () => { const startDate = new Date(); startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() - 30); // Last 30 days const stats = await service.getStats({ start_date: startDate.toISOString().split('T')[0], aggregated_by: 'day' }); expect(Array.isArray(stats)).toBe(true); if (stats.length > 0) { expect(stats[0]).toHaveProperty('date'); expect(stats[0]).toHaveProperty('stats'); expect(Array.isArray(stats[0].stats)).toBe(true); if (stats[0].stats.length > 0) { expect(stats[0].stats[0]).toHaveProperty('metrics'); expect(stats[0].stats[0].metrics).toHaveProperty('opens'); expect(stats[0].stats[0].metrics).toHaveProperty('clicks'); } } }); }); });