• examples
# MySQL MCP Server Demo This demo shows how to use the MySQL MCP server with Claude to interact with a MySQL database. Follow these steps to set up the demo environment and see the MCP server in action. ## Setup ### 1. Create the Demo Database Run the provided SQL script to create a sample database with tables and data: ```bash # Option 1: Using the mysql command line client mysql -u your_username -p < examples/sql/setup.sql # Option 2: Using a MySQL client of your choice # Simply open and run the examples/sql/setup.sql file ``` This will create: - A `mcp_demo` database - Tables for `customers`, `products`, `orders`, and `order_items` - Sample data in all tables - Views for `order_summary` and `product_sales` ### 2. Configure the MCP Server 1. Create a `.env` file with your database credentials: ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` 2. Edit the `.env` file with your MySQL credentials: ``` # Database Connection DB_CONNECTION=mysql # Database Host DB_HOST=localhost # Database Port DB_PORT=3306 # Database Username (required) DB_USER=your_username # Database Password (required) DB_PASSWORD=your_password # Database Name (required) DB_NAME=mcp_demo ``` 3. Update your `cline_mcp_settings.json` file to include the MySQL MCP server: ```json "mcpServers": { "mysql": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/zaj_MySQL_MCP/build/index.js" ], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } ``` Replace `/path/to/zaj_MySQL_MCP/build/index.js` with the actual path to the built index.js file. ## Example Usage with Claude Here are some examples of how to interact with the MySQL database through Claude: ### Exploring the Database Schema **You**: "What tables are available in the database?" **Claude**: *Claude will use the `list_tables` tool to retrieve the list of tables* ``` Tables in the database: - customers - products - orders - order_items - order_summary (view) - product_sales (view) ``` **You**: "Show me the structure of the customers table." **Claude**: *Claude will use the `describe_table` tool to get the schema* ``` Customers table structure: - customer_id: INT (Primary Key, Auto Increment) - first_name: VARCHAR(50) (Not Null) - last_name: VARCHAR(50) (Not Null) - email: VARCHAR(100) (Not Null, Unique) - phone: VARCHAR(20) - created_at: TIMESTAMP (Default: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) ``` ### Querying Data **You**: "Show me all customers in the database." **Claude**: *Claude will use the `read_query` tool to execute a SELECT query* ``` Found 5 customers: 1. John Doe ( 2. Jane Smith ( 3. Robert Johnson ( 4. Emily Williams ( 5. Michael Brown ( ``` **You**: "What are the top-selling product categories?" **Claude**: *Claude will use the `read_query` tool to execute a more complex query* ``` Top-selling categories by revenue: 1. Electronics: $2,399.97 2. Furniture: $249.99 3. Kitchen Appliances: $169.98 ``` ### Modifying Data **You**: "Add a new customer named Alex Johnson with email and phone 555-111-2222." **Claude**: *Claude will use the `write_query` tool to execute an INSERT query* ``` Customer added successfully. Affected rows: 1 ``` **You**: "Update the stock quantity for the Laptop product, reducing it by 1." **Claude**: *Claude will use the `write_query` tool to execute an UPDATE query* ``` Stock updated successfully. Affected rows: 1 ``` ### Business Intelligence **You**: "Analyze the sales data and provide insights." **Claude**: *Claude will use multiple queries and the `append_insight` tool* ``` Based on my analysis of the sales data, I've identified the following insights: 1. Electronics is the highest-revenue category, accounting for 85% of total sales. 2. The Laptop product has the highest average order value. 3. John Doe is the customer with the highest total purchase amount. 4. 75% of orders have been either delivered or shipped. These insights have been added to the business insights memo. ``` ## Advanced Usage You can ask Claude to perform more complex operations, such as: - Creating new tables - Performing joins across multiple tables - Generating reports with aggregated data - Identifying trends and patterns in the data - Suggesting database optimizations The MySQL MCP server enables Claude to act as a powerful database analyst and administrator, helping you extract value from your MySQL databases.