Julia Documentation MCP Server

# Julia Documentation MCP Server ![](https://badge.mcpx.dev?type=server 'MCP Server') An MCP server that efficiently serves context to Claude Desktop about Julia documentation and source code. <a href="https://glama.ai/mcp/servers/7xy80o4wdp"><img width="380" height="200" src="https://glama.ai/mcp/servers/7xy80o4wdp/badge" alt="Julia Documentation Server MCP server" /></a> ## Features - Get documentation for Julia packages, modules, types, functions, and methods - View source code for Julia functions, types, and methods - Built-in caching with 5-minute TTL - Proper error handling for Julia-specific errors ## Tools ### `get-doc` Gets Julia documentation for a package, module, type, function, or method. - Parameter: `path` (string) - Path to Julia object (e.g., 'Base.sort', 'AbstractArray') ### `get-source` Gets Julia source code for a function, type, or method. - Parameter: `path` (string) - Path to Julia object (e.g., 'Base.sort', 'AbstractArray') ## Requirements - Node.js 16 or higher - Julia 1.9 or higher installed and accessible in PATH - Claude Desktop ## Configuration Add to your Claude Desktop configuration (`~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json`): ```json { "mcpServers": { "juliadoc": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@jonathanfischer97/server-juliadoc" ], "env": { "JULIA_PROJECT": "/path/to/your/julia/project" } } } } ``` The server will use: - Your specified Julia project if `JULIA_PROJECT` is set in the config - The default global Julia environment if no project is specified - Your system's default Julia installation (must be accessible in PATH) ## Development ```bash # Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/jonathanfischer97/juliadoc-mcp.git cd juliadoc-mcp # Install dependencies npm install # Build npm run build # Start server locally npm start ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. Credit goes to [mrjoshuak/godoc-mcp](https://github.com/mrjoshuak/godoc-mcp) for inspiring this project ## License MIT License - see LICENSE file for details