MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- src
import { AxiosInstance } from "axios";
import { BambuPrinter } from "bambu-js";
// Define shared types for the printer implementations
export type BambuFTP = {
readDir: (path: string) => Promise<string[]>;
sendFile: (sourcePath: string, destinationPath: string, progressCallback?: (progress: number) => void) => Promise<void>;
removeFile: (path: string) => Promise<void>;
// Base class for printer implementations
export abstract class PrinterImplementation {
protected apiClient: AxiosInstance;
constructor(apiClient: AxiosInstance) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
abstract getStatus(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string): Promise<any>;
abstract getFiles(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string): Promise<any>;
abstract getFile(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, filename: string): Promise<any>;
abstract uploadFile(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, filePath: string, filename: string, print: boolean): Promise<any>;
abstract startJob(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, filename: string): Promise<any>;
abstract cancelJob(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string): Promise<any>;
abstract setTemperature(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, component: string, temperature: number): Promise<any>;
// Store for Bambu printers
export class BambuPrinterStore {
private printers: Map<string, InstanceType<typeof BambuPrinter>> = new Map();
get(host: string, serial: string, token: string): InstanceType<typeof BambuPrinter> {
const key = `${host}-${serial}`;
if (!this.printers.has(key)) {
const printer = new BambuPrinter(host, serial, token);
this.printers.set(key, printer);
return this.printers.get(key)!;
async disconnectAll(): Promise<void> {
for (const printer of this.printers.values()) {
await printer.disconnect();