MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { PrinterImplementation, BambuPrinterStore, BambuFTP } from "../types.js"; import { BambuPrinter } from "bambu-js"; export class BambuImplementation extends PrinterImplementation { private bambuPrinterStore: BambuPrinterStore; constructor(apiClient: any, bambuPrinterStore: BambuPrinterStore) { super(apiClient); this.bambuPrinterStore = bambuPrinterStore; } private getBambuPrinter(host: string, serial: string, token: string): InstanceType<typeof BambuPrinter> { return this.bambuPrinterStore.get(host, serial, token); } async getStatus(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string) { // Extracting Bambu-specific parameters from apiKey // Format should be "serial:token" const [serial, token] = this.extractBambuCredentials(apiKey); const printer = this.getBambuPrinter(host, serial, token); // Connect if not already connected if (!printer.isConnected) { await printer.connect(); // Wait for initial state await printer.awaitInitialState(10000); // 10 second timeout } return printer.getState(); } async getFiles(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string) { // Extracting Bambu-specific parameters const [serial, token] = this.extractBambuCredentials(apiKey); const printer = this.getBambuPrinter(host, serial, token); // Connect if not already connected if (!printer.isConnected) { await printer.connect(); } // Using the manipulateFiles API to list files const fileList: string[] = []; await printer.manipulateFiles(async (context: BambuFTP) => { const files = await context.readDir("gcodes"); fileList.push(...files); }); return { files: fileList }; } async getFile(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, filename: string) { // Extracting Bambu-specific parameters const [serial, token] = this.extractBambuCredentials(apiKey); // Bambu doesn't have a direct API to get file content // Instead, this returns metadata about the file by confirming it exists const printer = this.getBambuPrinter(host, serial, token); // Connect if not already connected if (!printer.isConnected) { await printer.connect(); } let fileExists = false; await printer.manipulateFiles(async (context: BambuFTP) => { const files = await context.readDir("gcodes"); fileExists = files.includes(filename); }); if (!fileExists) { throw new Error(`File not found: ${filename}`); } return { name: filename, exists: true }; } async uploadFile(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, filePath: string, filename: string, print: boolean) { // Extracting Bambu-specific parameters const [serial, token] = this.extractBambuCredentials(apiKey); const printer = this.getBambuPrinter(host, serial, token); // Connect if not already connected if (!printer.isConnected) { await printer.connect(); } // Upload file via FTP await printer.manipulateFiles(async (context: BambuFTP) => { await context.sendFile(filePath, `gcodes/${filename}`); }); if (print) { // To start a print directly, we would need more info // This is a placeholder - starting a print needs more details throw new Error("Direct printing of uploaded files is not implemented yet"); } return { status: "success", message: `File ${filename} uploaded successfully` }; } async startJob(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, filename: string) { // Extracting Bambu-specific parameters const [serial, token] = this.extractBambuCredentials(apiKey); // Starting a job requires more information for Bambu printers // This is a simplified implementation - in reality, we need // more details about the 3MF project file structure throw new Error("Starting a print job on Bambu printers requires more information about the file structure"); } async cancelJob(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string) { // Extracting Bambu-specific parameters const [serial, token] = this.extractBambuCredentials(apiKey); const printer = this.getBambuPrinter(host, serial, token); // Connect if not already connected if (!printer.isConnected) { await printer.connect(); } // Cancel print printer.stop(); return { status: "success", message: "Print job cancelled" }; } async setTemperature(host: string, port: string, apiKey: string, component: string, temperature: number) { // Bambu API doesn't have direct temperature controls // We would need to send custom G-code commands throw new Error("Setting temperatures directly is not supported via the Bambu API"); } // Helper method to extract Bambu-specific credentials from apiKey private extractBambuCredentials(apiKey: string): [string, string] { const parts = apiKey.split(':'); if (parts.length !== 2) { throw new Error("Invalid Bambu credentials format. Expected 'serial:token'"); } return [parts[0], parts[1]]; } }