MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
// This file is part of meshoptimizer library and is distributed under the terms of MIT License. // Copyright (C) 2016-2022, by Arseny Kapoulkine ( // This is the reference decoder implementation by Jasper St. Pierre. // It follows the decoder interface and should be a drop-in replacement for the actual decoder from meshopt_decoder.js // It is provided for educational value and is not recommended for use in production because it's not performance-optimized. const MeshoptDecoder = {}; MeshoptDecoder.supported = true; MeshoptDecoder.ready = Promise.resolve(); function assert(cond) { if (!cond) { throw new Error("Assertion failed"); } } function dezig(v) { return ((v & 1) !== 0) ? ~(v >>> 1) : v >>> 1; } MeshoptDecoder.decodeVertexBuffer = (target, elementCount, byteStride, source, filter) => { assert(source[0] === 0xA0); const maxBlockElements = Math.min((0x2000 / byteStride) & ~0x000F, 0x100); const deltas = new Uint8Array(0x10); const tailDataOffs = source.length - byteStride; // What deltas are stored relative to const tempData = source.slice(tailDataOffs, tailDataOffs + byteStride); let srcOffs = 0x01; // Attribute Blocks for (let dstElemBase = 0; dstElemBase < elementCount; dstElemBase += maxBlockElements) { const attrBlockElementCount = Math.min(elementCount - dstElemBase, maxBlockElements); const groupCount = ((attrBlockElementCount + 0x0F) & ~0x0F) >>> 4; const headerByteCount = ((groupCount + 0x03) & ~0x03) >>> 2; // Data blocks for (let byte = 0; byte < byteStride; byte++) { let headerBitsOffs = srcOffs; srcOffs += headerByteCount; for (let group = 0; group < groupCount; group++) { const mode = (source[headerBitsOffs] >>> ((group & 0x03) << 1)) & 0x03; // If this is the last group, move to the next byte of header bits. if ((group & 0x03) === 0x03) headerBitsOffs++; const dstElemGroup = dstElemBase + (group << 4); if (mode === 0) { // bits 0: All 16 byte deltas are 0; the size of the encoded block is 0 bytes deltas.fill(0x00); } else if (mode === 1) { // bits 1: Deltas are using 2-bit sentinel encoding; the size of the encoded block is [4..20] bytes const srcBase = srcOffs; srcOffs += 0x04; for (let m = 0; m < 0x10; m++) { // 0 = >>> 6, 1 = >>> 4, 2 = >>> 2, 3 = >>> 0 const shift = (6 - ((m & 0x03) << 1)); let delta = (source[srcBase + (m >>> 2)] >>> shift) & 0x03; if (delta === 3) delta = source[srcOffs++]; deltas[m] = delta; } } else if (mode === 2) { // bits 2: Deltas are using 4-bit sentinel encoding; the size of the encoded block is [8..24] bytes const srcBase = srcOffs; srcOffs += 0x08; for (let m = 0; m < 0x10; m++) { // 0 = >>> 6, 1 = >>> 4, 2 = >>> 2, 3 = >>> 0 const shift = (m & 0x01) ? 0 : 4; let delta = (source[srcBase + (m >>> 1)] >>> shift) & 0x0f; if (delta === 0xf) delta = source[srcOffs++]; deltas[m] = delta; } } else { // bits 3: All 16 byte deltas are stored verbatim; the size of the encoded block is 16 bytes deltas.set(source.subarray(srcOffs, srcOffs + 0x10)); srcOffs += 0x10; } // Go through and apply deltas to data for (let m = 0; m < 0x10; m++) { const dstElem = dstElemGroup + m; if (dstElem >= elementCount) break; const delta = dezig(deltas[m]); const dstOffs = dstElem * byteStride + byte; target[dstOffs] = (tempData[byte] += delta); } } } } // Filters - only applied if filter isn't undefined or NONE if (filter === 'OCTAHEDRAL') { assert(byteStride === 4 || byteStride === 8); let dst, maxInt; if (byteStride === 4) { dst = new Int8Array(target.buffer); maxInt = 127; } else { dst = new Int16Array(target.buffer); maxInt = 32767; } for (let i = 0; i < 4 * elementCount; i += 4) { let x = dst[i + 0], y = dst[i + 1], one = dst[i + 2]; x /= one; y /= one; const z = 1.0 - Math.abs(x) - Math.abs(y); const t = Math.max(-z, 0.0); x -= (x >= 0) ? t : -t; y -= (y >= 0) ? t : -t; const h = maxInt / Math.hypot(x, y, z); dst[i + 0] = Math.round(x * h); dst[i + 1] = Math.round(y * h); dst[i + 2] = Math.round(z * h); // keep dst[i + 3] as is } } else if (filter === 'QUATERNION') { assert(byteStride === 8); const dst = new Int16Array(target.buffer); for (let i = 0; i < 4 * elementCount; i += 4) { const inputW = dst[i + 3]; const maxComponent = inputW & 0x03; const s = Math.SQRT1_2 / (inputW | 0x03); let x = dst[i + 0] * s; let y = dst[i + 1] * s; let z = dst[i + 2] * s; let w = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0.0, 1.0 - x**2 - y**2 - z**2)); dst[i + (maxComponent + 1) % 4] = Math.round(x * 32767); dst[i + (maxComponent + 2) % 4] = Math.round(y * 32767); dst[i + (maxComponent + 3) % 4] = Math.round(z * 32767); dst[i + (maxComponent + 0) % 4] = Math.round(w * 32767); } } else if (filter === 'EXPONENTIAL') { assert((byteStride & 0x03) === 0x00); const src = new Int32Array(target.buffer); const dst = new Float32Array(target.buffer); for (let i = 0; i < (byteStride * elementCount) / 4; i++) { const v = src[i], exp = v >> 24, mantissa = (v << 8) >> 8; dst[i] = 2.0**exp * mantissa; } } }; function pushfifo(fifo, n) { for (let i = fifo.length - 1; i > 0; i--) fifo[i] = fifo[i - 1]; fifo[0] = n; } MeshoptDecoder.decodeIndexBuffer = (target, count, byteStride, source) => { assert(source[0] === 0xE1); assert(count % 3 === 0); assert(byteStride === 2 || byteStride === 4); let dst; if (byteStride === 2) dst = new Uint16Array(target.buffer); else dst = new Uint32Array(target.buffer); const triCount = count / 3; let codeOffs = 0x01; let dataOffs = codeOffs + triCount; let codeauxOffs = source.length - 0x10; function readLEB128() { let n = 0; for (let i = 0; ; i += 7) { const b = source[dataOffs++]; n |= (b & 0x7F) << i; if (b < 0x80) return n; } } let next = 0, last = 0; const edgefifo = new Uint32Array(32); const vertexfifo = new Uint32Array(16); function decodeIndex(v) { return (last += dezig(v)); } let dstOffs = 0; for (let i = 0; i < triCount; i++) { const code = source[codeOffs++]; const b0 = code >>> 4, b1 = code & 0x0F; if (b0 < 0x0F) { const a = edgefifo[(b0 << 1) + 0], b = edgefifo[(b0 << 1) + 1]; let c = -1; if (b1 === 0x00) { c = next++; pushfifo(vertexfifo, c); } else if (b1 < 0x0D) { c = vertexfifo[b1]; } else if (b1 === 0x0D) { c = --last; pushfifo(vertexfifo, c); } else if (b1 === 0x0E) { c = ++last; pushfifo(vertexfifo, c); } else if (b1 === 0x0F) { const v = readLEB128(); c = decodeIndex(v); pushfifo(vertexfifo, c); } // fifo pushes happen backwards pushfifo(edgefifo, b); pushfifo(edgefifo, c); pushfifo(edgefifo, c); pushfifo(edgefifo, a); dst[dstOffs++] = a; dst[dstOffs++] = b; dst[dstOffs++] = c; } else { // b0 === 0x0F let a = -1, b = -1, c = -1; if (b1 < 0x0E) { const e = source[codeauxOffs + b1]; const z = e >>> 4, w = e & 0x0F; a = next++; if (z === 0x00) b = next++; else b = vertexfifo[z - 1]; if (w === 0x00) c = next++; else c = vertexfifo[w - 1]; pushfifo(vertexfifo, a); if (z === 0x00) pushfifo(vertexfifo, b); if (w === 0x00) pushfifo(vertexfifo, c); } else { const e = source[dataOffs++]; if (e === 0x00) next = 0; const z = e >>> 4, w = e & 0x0F; if (b1 === 0x0E) a = next++; else a = decodeIndex(readLEB128()); if (z === 0x00) b = next++; else if (z === 0x0F) b = decodeIndex(readLEB128()); else b = vertexfifo[z - 1]; if (w === 0x00) c = next++; else if (w === 0x0F) c = decodeIndex(readLEB128()); else c = vertexfifo[w - 1]; pushfifo(vertexfifo, a); if (z === 0x00 || z === 0x0F) pushfifo(vertexfifo, b); if (w === 0x00 || w === 0x0F) pushfifo(vertexfifo, c); } pushfifo(edgefifo, a); pushfifo(edgefifo, b); pushfifo(edgefifo, b); pushfifo(edgefifo, c); pushfifo(edgefifo, c); pushfifo(edgefifo, a); dst[dstOffs++] = a; dst[dstOffs++] = b; dst[dstOffs++] = c; } } }; MeshoptDecoder.decodeIndexSequence = (target, count, byteStride, source) => { assert(source[0] === 0xD1); assert(byteStride === 2 || byteStride === 4); let dst; if (byteStride === 2) dst = new Uint16Array(target.buffer); else dst = new Uint32Array(target.buffer); let dataOffs = 0x01; function readLEB128() { let n = 0; for (let i = 0; ; i += 7) { const b = source[dataOffs++]; n |= (b & 0x7F) << i; if (b < 0x80) return n; } } const last = new Uint32Array(2); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const v = readLEB128(); const b = (v & 0x01); const delta = dezig(v >>> 1); dst[i] = (last[b] += delta); } }; MeshoptDecoder.decodeGltfBuffer = (target, count, size, source, mode, filter) => { var table = { ATTRIBUTES: MeshoptDecoder.decodeVertexBuffer, TRIANGLES: MeshoptDecoder.decodeIndexBuffer, INDICES: MeshoptDecoder.decodeIndexSequence, }; assert(table[mode] !== undefined); table[mode](target, count, size, source, filter); }; // node.js interface: // for (let k in MeshoptDecoder) { exports[k] = MeshoptDecoder[k]; } export { MeshoptDecoder };