MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
export declare const enum TreeNodeColor { RED = 1, BLACK = 0 } export declare class TreeNode<K, V> { _color: TreeNodeColor; _key: K | undefined; _value: V | undefined; _left: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined; _right: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined; _parent: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined; constructor(key?: K, value?: V); /** * @description Get the pre node. * @returns TreeNode about the pre node. */ _pre(): TreeNode<K, V>; /** * @description Get the next node. * @returns TreeNode about the next node. */ _next(): TreeNode<K, V>; /** * @description Rotate left. * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation. */ _rotateLeft(): TreeNode<K, V>; /** * @description Rotate right. * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation. */ _rotateRight(): TreeNode<K, V>; } export declare class TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V> extends TreeNode<K, V> { _subTreeSize: number; /** * @description Rotate left and do recount. * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation. */ _rotateLeft(): TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>; /** * @description Rotate right and do recount. * @returns TreeNode about moved to original position after rotation. */ _rotateRight(): TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>; _recount(): void; }