MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import { initContainer, IteratorType } from "../ContainerBase"; import { HashContainer, HashContainerIterator, HashLinkNode } from "./Base"; declare class HashSetIterator<K> extends HashContainerIterator<K, undefined> { readonly container: HashSet<K>; constructor(node: HashLinkNode<K, undefined>, header: HashLinkNode<K, undefined>, container: HashSet<K>, iteratorType?: IteratorType); get pointer(): K; copy(): HashSetIterator<K>; equals(iter: HashSetIterator<K>): boolean; } export type { HashSetIterator }; declare class HashSet<K> extends HashContainer<K, undefined> { constructor(container?: initContainer<K>); begin(): HashSetIterator<K>; end(): HashSetIterator<K>; rBegin(): HashSetIterator<K>; rEnd(): HashSetIterator<K>; front(): K | undefined; back(): K | undefined; /** * @description Insert element to set. * @param key - The key want to insert. * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/> * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged. * @returns The size of container after inserting. */ insert(key: K, isObject?: boolean): number; getElementByPos(pos: number): K; /** * @description Check key if exist in container. * @param key - The element you want to search. * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/> * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged. * @returns An iterator pointing to the element if found, or super end if not found. */ find(key: K, isObject?: boolean): HashSetIterator<K>; forEach(callback: (element: K, index: number, container: HashSet<K>) => void): void; [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<K, void, unknown>; } export default HashSet;