MCP 3D Printer Server

by DMontgomery40
import EventEmitter from "node:events"; import mqtt from "mqtt"; const MQTT_USERNAME = "bblp"; /** * A class for interfacing with a Bambu Lab printers over MQTT. * @emits update - Emitted when the printer's state is updated. * @emits connect - Emitted when the printer is connected. * @emits disconnect - Emitted when the printer is disconnected. */ export default class BambuMQTT extends EventEmitter { host: string; accessCode: string; serial: string; private client: mqtt.MqttClient; /** * Create a new BambuMQTT instance. * @param host - The host of the printer. * @param accessCode - The access code for the printer. * @param serial - The serial number of the printer. */ constructor(host: string, accessCode: string, serial: string) { super(); = host; this.accessCode = accessCode; this.serial = serial; } /** * Connect to the printer. */ async connect() { this.client = mqtt.connect(`mqtt://${}:8883`, { username: MQTT_USERNAME, password: this.accessCode, clientId: MQTT_USERNAME, protocol: "mqtts", rejectUnauthorized: false, reconnectPeriod: 5000, }); this.client.on("connect", this.onConnect.bind(this)); this.client.on("close", this.onClose.bind(this)); this.client.on("message", this.onMessage.bind(this)); this.client.on("error", async (error) => { this.emit("error", new Error("Client error")); await this.disconnect(); });"error", async (error) => { this.emit("error", new Error("Stream error")); await this.disconnect(); }); } /** * Disconnect from the printer. */ async disconnect() { this.client.end(); this.client.emit("close"); this.client.removeAllListeners(); this.emit("disconnect"); } /** * Send a request to the device. * @param payload - The payload to send to the device. */ sendRequest(payload: any) { this.client.publish( `device/${this.serial}/request`, JSON.stringify(payload), ); } /** * Handle the connection event. */ private async onConnect() { // Subscribe to the printer this.client.subscribe(`device/${this.serial}/report`); // Request the printer's complete state this.sendRequest({ pushing: { sequence_id: "0", command: "pushall" } }); this.emit("connect"); } /** * Handle the close event. */ private onClose() { this.emit("disconnect"); } /** * Handle an incoming message. * @param topic - The topic the message was sent to. * @param message - The message payload. */ private onMessage(topic: string, message: Buffer) { const payload = JSON.parse(message.toString()); if (topic === `device/${this.serial}/report`) { if (payload.print) { if (payload.print.command === "push_status") { // Remove message metadata let state = { ...payload.print, command: undefined, msg: undefined, sequence_id: undefined, }; // Emit the update event this.emit("update", state); } } } } /** * Get the current connection status. */ get isConnected() { return this.client.connected; } }