import EventEmitter from "node:events";
import BambuFTP from "./BambuFTP";
import BambuMQTT from "./BambuMQTT";
import type { RawPrinterState } from "../types/RawPrinterState";
import type { PrinterState } from "../types/PrinterState";
* A class for interfacing with a Bambu Lab printer.
* @emits update - Emitted when the printer's state is updated.
* @emits connect - Emitted when the printer is connected.
* @emits disconnect - Emitted when the printer is disconnected.
declare class BambuPrinter extends EventEmitter {
host: string;
serial: string;
accessCode: string;
state: RawPrinterState;
hasInitialUpdate: boolean;
mqtt: BambuMQTT;
constructor(host: string, serial: string, accessCode: string);
* Connect to the printer.
connect(): Promise<void>;
* Disconnect from the printer.
disconnect(): Promise<void>;
* Create a context for manipulating files on the printer's SD card.
* @param callback - Callback to manipulate files within the context.
manipulateFiles(callback: (context: BambuFTP) => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
* Get the raw state of the printer.
* @returns The raw state of the printer.
getRawState(): RawPrinterState;
* Get the state of the printer.
getState(): PrinterState;
* Await the printer to send its initial state.
* @param timeout - The maximum time to wait for the initial state.
* @returns The initial state of the printer.
awaitInitialState(timeout?: number): Promise<PrinterState>;
* Pause the current print job.
pause(): void;
* Resume the current print job.
resume(): void;
* Stop the current print job.
stop(): void;
* Set the state of the printer's LED.
* @param options - Options for setting the LED state.
setLed(options: SetLedOptions): void;
* Print a 3MF project file from the printer's SD card.
* @param projectPath - The absolute path to the 3MF file on the printer's SD card.
* @param file - The absolute path of the gcode file in the 3MF project to be printed (e.g. "Metadata/plate_1.gcode")
* @param name - The name to use for the print job. Serves no functional purpose.
* @param hash - The MD5 hash of the gcode file.
* @param options - Options for the print job.
printProjectFile(projectPath: string, file: string, name: string, hash: string, options?: PrintProjectFileOptions): void;
* Get the current connection status.
get isConnected(): boolean;
* Handle the state update event.
* @param state - The new state of the printer.
private onStateUpdate;
declare interface BambuPrinter {
on(event: "connect", listener: () => void): this;
on(event: "disconnect", listener: () => void): this;
on(event: "update", listener: (state: PrinterState) => void): this;
on(event: "error", listener: (error: Error) => void): this;
interface SetLedOptions {
mode: "on" | "off" | "flashing";
onTime?: number;
offTime?: number;
loopTimes?: number;
intervalTime?: number;
interface PrintProjectFileOptions {
flowCalibration?: boolean;
layerInspect?: boolean;
timelaspe?: boolean;
vibrationCalibration?: boolean;
bedLeveling?: boolean;
bedType?: string;
export default BambuPrinter;