MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
type EasingFunction = (amount: number) => number;
type EasingFunctionGroup = {
In: EasingFunction;
Out: EasingFunction;
InOut: EasingFunction;
* The Ease class provides a collection of easing functions for use with tween.js.
declare const Easing: Readonly<{
Linear: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup & {
None: EasingFunction;
Quadratic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Cubic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Quartic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Quintic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Sinusoidal: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Exponential: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Circular: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Elastic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Back: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Bounce: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
generatePow(power?: number): EasingFunctionGroup;
type InterpolationFunction = (v: number[], k: number) => number;
declare const Interpolation: {
Linear: (v: number[], k: number) => number;
Bezier: (v: number[], k: number) => number;
CatmullRom: (v: number[], k: number) => number;
Utils: {
Linear: (p0: number, p1: number, t: number) => number;
Bernstein: (n: number, i: number) => number;
Factorial: (n: number) => number;
CatmullRom: (p0: number, p1: number, p2: number, p3: number, t: number) => number;
* Controlling groups of tweens
* Using the TWEEN singleton to manage your tweens can cause issues in large apps with many components.
* In these cases, you may want to create your own smaller groups of tween
declare class Group {
private _tweens;
private _tweensAddedDuringUpdate;
getAll(): Array<Tween<UnknownProps>>;
removeAll(): void;
add(tween: Tween<UnknownProps>): void;
remove(tween: Tween<UnknownProps>): void;
update(time?: number, preserve?: boolean): boolean;
* Tween.js - Licensed under the MIT license
* ----------------------------------------------
* See for the full list of contributors.
* Thank you all, you're awesome!
declare class Tween<T extends UnknownProps> {
private _object;
private _group;
private _isPaused;
private _pauseStart;
private _valuesStart;
private _valuesEnd;
private _valuesStartRepeat;
private _duration;
private _isDynamic;
private _initialRepeat;
private _repeat;
private _repeatDelayTime?;
private _yoyo;
private _isPlaying;
private _reversed;
private _delayTime;
private _startTime;
private _easingFunction;
private _interpolationFunction;
private _chainedTweens;
private _onStartCallback?;
private _onStartCallbackFired;
private _onEveryStartCallback?;
private _onEveryStartCallbackFired;
private _onUpdateCallback?;
private _onRepeatCallback?;
private _onCompleteCallback?;
private _onStopCallback?;
private _id;
private _isChainStopped;
private _propertiesAreSetUp;
constructor(_object: T, _group?: Group | false);
getId(): number;
isPlaying(): boolean;
isPaused(): boolean;
getDuration(): number;
to(target: UnknownProps, duration?: number): this;
duration(duration?: number): this;
dynamic(dynamic?: boolean): this;
start(time?: number, overrideStartingValues?: boolean): this;
startFromCurrentValues(time?: number): this;
private _setupProperties;
stop(): this;
end(): this;
pause(time?: number): this;
resume(time?: number): this;
stopChainedTweens(): this;
group(group?: Group): this;
delay(amount?: number): this;
repeat(times?: number): this;
repeatDelay(amount?: number): this;
yoyo(yoyo?: boolean): this;
easing(easingFunction?: EasingFunction): this;
interpolation(interpolationFunction?: InterpolationFunction): this;
chain(...tweens: Array<Tween<any>>): this;
onStart(callback?: (object: T) => void): this;
onEveryStart(callback?: (object: T) => void): this;
onUpdate(callback?: (object: T, elapsed: number) => void): this;
onRepeat(callback?: (object: T) => void): this;
onComplete(callback?: (object: T) => void): this;
onStop(callback?: (object: T) => void): this;
private _goToEnd;
* @returns true if the tween is still playing after the update, false
* otherwise (calling update on a paused tween still returns true because
* it is still playing, just paused).
update(time?: number, autoStart?: boolean): boolean;
private _updateProperties;
private _handleRelativeValue;
private _swapEndStartRepeatValues;
type UnknownProps = Record<string, any>;
declare const now: () => number;
* Utils
declare class Sequence {
private static _nextId;
static nextId(): number;
declare const VERSION = "23.1.3";
declare const nextId: typeof Sequence.nextId;
declare const getAll: () => Tween<UnknownProps>[];
declare const removeAll: () => void;
declare const add: (tween: Tween<UnknownProps>) => void;
declare const remove: (tween: Tween<UnknownProps>) => void;
declare const update: (time?: number, preserve?: boolean) => boolean;
declare const exports: {
Easing: Readonly<{
Linear: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup & {
None: EasingFunction;
Quadratic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Cubic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Quartic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Quintic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Sinusoidal: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Exponential: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Circular: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Elastic: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Back: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
Bounce: Readonly<EasingFunctionGroup>;
generatePow(power?: number): EasingFunctionGroup;
Group: typeof Group;
Interpolation: {
Linear: (v: number[], k: number) => number;
Bezier: (v: number[], k: number) => number;
CatmullRom: (v: number[], k: number) => number;
Utils: {
Linear: (p0: number, p1: number, t: number) => number;
Bernstein: (n: number, i: number) => number;
Factorial: (n: number) => number;
CatmullRom: (p0: number, p1: number, p2: number, p3: number, t: number) => number;
now: () => number;
Sequence: typeof Sequence;
nextId: typeof Sequence.nextId;
Tween: typeof Tween;
VERSION: string;
getAll: () => Tween<UnknownProps>[];
removeAll: () => void;
add: (tween: Tween<UnknownProps>) => void;
remove: (tween: Tween<UnknownProps>) => void;
update: (time?: number, preserve?: boolean) => boolean;
export { Easing, Group, Interpolation, Sequence, Tween, VERSION, add, exports as default, getAll, nextId, now, remove, removeAll, update };