MCP 3D Printer Server
by DMontgomery40
- dist
- stl
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
export type ProgressCallback = (progress: number, message?: string) => void;
export type OperationResult = {
success: boolean;
filePath?: string;
error?: string;
operationId: string;
export type TransformationType = 'scale' | 'rotate' | 'translate' | 'extendBase' | 'customModify';
export type TransformationAxis = 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | 'all';
export type BoundingBox = {
min: THREE.Vector3;
max: THREE.Vector3;
center: THREE.Vector3;
dimensions: THREE.Vector3;
export type TransformationParams = {
type: TransformationType;
axis?: TransformationAxis;
value: number | number[];
relative?: boolean;
selectionBounds?: THREE.Box3;
export declare class STLManipulator extends EventEmitter {
private tempDir;
private activeOperations;
constructor(tempDir?: string);
* Generate a unique operation ID
private generateOperationId;
* Load STL file and return geometry and bounding box
private loadSTL;
* Save a geometry to STL file
private saveSTL;
* Get comprehensive information about an STL file
getSTLInfo(stlFilePath: string): Promise<{
filePath: string;
fileName: string;
fileSize: number;
boundingBox: BoundingBox;
vertexCount: number;
faceCount: number;
* Scale an STL model uniformly or along specific axes
scaleSTL(stlFilePath: string, scaleFactors: number | [number, number, number], progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
* Rotate an STL model around specific axes
rotateSTL(stlFilePath: string, rotationAngles: [number, number, number], // [x, y, z] in degrees
progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
* Translate (move) an STL model along specific axes
translateSTL(stlFilePath: string, translationValues: [number, number, number], // [x, y, z] in mm
progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
* Cancel an ongoing operation
cancelOperation(operationId: string): boolean;
* Generate an SVG visualization of an STL file from multiple angles
* @param stlFilePath Path to the STL file
* @param width Width of each view in pixels
* @param height Height of each view in pixels
* @param progressCallback Optional callback for progress updates
* @returns Path to the generated SVG file
generateVisualization(stlFilePath: string, width?: number, height?: number, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
* Apply a specific transformation to a selected section of an STL file
* This allows for targeted modifications of specific parts of a model
modifySection(stlFilePath: string, selection: THREE.Box3 | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center', transformation: TransformationParams, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
* Enhanced version of extendBase with progress reporting
* @param stlFilePath Path to the input STL file
* @param extensionInches Amount to extend base in inches
* @param progressCallback Optional callback for progress updates
* @returns Path to the modified STL file
extendBase(stlFilePath: string, extensionInches: number, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
* Enhanced version of sliceSTL with progress reporting and error handling
* @param stlFilePath Path to the STL file
* @param slicerType Type of slicer to use ('prusaslicer', 'cura', 'slic3r')
* @param slicerPath Path to the slicer executable
* @param slicerProfile Profile to use for slicing
* @param progressCallback Optional callback for progress updates
* @returns Path to the generated G-code file
sliceSTL(stlFilePath: string, slicerType: 'prusaslicer' | 'cura' | 'slic3r', slicerPath: string, slicerProfile?: string, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
* Enhanced version of confirmTemperatures with better error handling
* @param gcodePath Path to the G-code file
* @param expected Expected temperature settings
* @param progressCallback Optional callback for progress updates
* @returns Object with comparison results
confirmTemperatures(gcodePath: string, expected: {
extruder?: number;
bed?: number;
}, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<{
match: boolean;
actual: {
extruder?: number;
bed?: number;
expected: {
extruder?: number;
bed?: number;
allTemperatures: {
extruder: number[];
bed: number[];